The Halo Alpha Squad is a new Halo Reach clan starting out and looking for new members to strengthen our numbers.
We are serious, but we play to have fun. If you would like to join you can message me on this site or in Xbox. My gamertag is Maximum Clutch and we would love to have you on the Alpha Squad.
you can find out more about us at
Don't get SBHA! It is without a doubt the worst game i have ever played! The controls are so broken and it it just terrible! and Xplay also gave it the lowest rating EVER out of all the thousands of games they have reviewed. you could buy a refurbished xbox, and a decent laptop for a fairly good price.
I use Recon and i have no clue how i am going to use x to sprint and look around at the same time.Guess i'll have to start practicing the claw. (google it)
Try and get it legit. Boosting takes the fun out of the challenge. I thought I had to boost and when i actually got it legit, i felt so happy and accomplished. Boosting just shows you don't have the skills to do it.
There has a;ways been bloom, Reach just visualized it. All the visualization is just for stupid n00bs to blame their sucking on something other than lag.
Well seeing how to maps are just holograms projected by the unsc infinity, and the weapon drops are dropped by the ship itself, im sure the drops will have no problem just falling through the hologram.
I hope its just like you can join a friends game if someone quit. I hate when i get in a game of cod and were loosing badly and or i get in the game just two take two steps and have it be over. I hope you cannot join an already started match via matchmaking searching.
Are you stupid? This game had and still had one of the best multiplayers out there. I loved this game on September 14th 2010 and I still love it on June 18th 2012.
haloI swear to ******* god if i see one more "halo is turning into cod" post im going to their house and breaking all their fingers so they cant type. I am so sick of there posts. Halo will not be like cod.
Halo Waypoint shows my Spartans armor as all default. I am not wearing default and haven't sense i got the game the day it came out. Does anybody know why this is happening and how I can fix it?
My gamertag is Maximum Clutch.