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Maximum Clutch

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Everything posted by Maximum Clutch

  1. I hate how people would rush, melee you then jetpack up so you cant hit their head. Also leaving you with ine in the head and dead, i hate jetpackl way more than i ever hated armor lock.
  2. You guys are more than welcome to join my clan, The Halo Alphas, you can check us out at http://haloalphas.webstarts.com/. /if either of you are interested you can send me a message on Xbox, or through here. Gamertag is same as username, sparty 48910.
  3. Lone Wolf, even though there is really no objective, i like the realism, like how your visor cracks.
  4. I want a new gamertag, something fresh and original. I want something that is a reference to Halo. No numbers, and something that Halo players will understand. Can somebody help me i am not very good with thinking of things like this.
  5. You have to go 24 hours without quitting for it to go away, if you quit that 24 hour timer resets.
  6. They did also say that they are not bringing back old maps, that all maps are going to be original.
  7. I've never had any sort of problem like this, and if you have a problem with looking at the ground while walking i'm pretty sure there is a controller setting to make the reticule snap to the center while walking.
  8. Team snipers should do the trick. That's how i got pretty good with it. And just a tip don't rush your shots. Slow and steady.
  9. Elites aren't in multiplayer because the multiplayer is a simulation and training for the spartans. It wouldn't make very much sense to be doing a spartan training exercise and see a random elite messing everything up.
  10. I personally hate the join in progress. Mainly i hate getting in a game that ends ten seconds layer and you almost always join in on the loosing team. I hope its just like a friend can join because COD is just bad.
  11. An easier say is to play through the mission, dying all you want, and when you reset the junction at the and save and quit when the screen turns black, then just resume campaign and voila challenge complete. This is also very usefull for the Demon commendation.
  12. I love Reach, it's still my favorite game to this day, but i did not necessarily care for the beta a whole lot. I found myself playing Halo 3 the majority of the time the beta was out. So just in my opinion i am going to say no.
  13. I am definitely going, i don't have school the day it comes out because its election day. Otherwise, i would be going after school.
  14. 1. Nice grammar dude. 2. You obviously did some boosting, cheating, AFCing or something else the banhammer/343 doesnt agree with. I think your screwed.
  15. You're a little late on this man, this is old news.
  16. Halsey modeled Cortana after herself, she cannot change her appearance.
  17. they should make it kinda like odst was
  18. Glad to see everybody agrees.
  19. Do you think we will have daily, weekly, and custom challenges in Halo 4?
  20. It would be like in halo 1 pc, or at least that's what i get from what your trying to say.
  21. This was announced over a month ago They said they don't have time to make a beta in order to get the game out in time, and making the game the best it can be is taking up all of that time. words From Frank O'connor himself.
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