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Maximum Clutch

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Everything posted by Maximum Clutch

  1. I'm sure I am not the only one who liked how reach displayed your online friends list and their lobby/game status. I hope we see this again in halo 4.
  2. I would love to see a real life halo movie made, it would be amazing.
  3. Where could one possibly get said user created map pack?
  4. I'm sure im not the only one, but the maps in reach are getting a little stale and i have some Microsoft points to waste. Do you think there will be another map pack before Halo 4?
  5. i like bloom because it makes you pace your shots more.
  6. that is what i tried to say, i just couldnt find the right words at the time.
  7. I think the Halo 4 for Kinect would be good if they did it in a way like halo anniversary did, no motion controls, just voice.
  8. Do you think the armor customization will be like reach and kinda halo 3 or halo 1 and 2 with no customization? In all the videos we've seen, every Spartan has the same armor on. That could be because 343 doesnt want to show off any new armor. What do you think?
  9. Do you think that Chief himself who is a II not a IV will be mk VII?
  10. Well all of his upgrade so far were mjolnir mk "x" upgrades, I think this could be a little easter egg-ish type thing.
  11. It's probably nothing, but Master Chief's armor upgrade in Halo 4 could be a tribute to Bungie. Chief has gone through a few upgrades now, from MK. 5 to MK. 6, and in Halo 4 he will have his very own shiny MK. 7 suit of armor. With this being the first real Halo game without Bungie, do you think the "7" is a coincidence or maybe a nod to the old creators? Comment with your thoughts.
  12. hopefully a combo, i want a halo 3 ranking system but still with credits.
  13. in a 10k pound armor suit, a fall wouldnt hurt you, so i say no.
  14. I think one of the best parts of Halo is not seeing your face, especially Chief's, who we will be playing as. I would not like to see this, it would take away that "bad ass" we all picture differently. Revealing any face of a major character, even if it isn't Chief's is a bad idea.
  15. i think they should reveal it at the end of halo 6
  16. i am so glad they removed bleedthrough, it made me so mad.
  17. it all depends on what comes with each edition
  18. I am personally glad its not TU, I didn't like the update when it came out and i still don't.
  19. Just play a lot of infection, and eventually condemned will come up, when it does hide up top by sniper spawn and just pick em off with your magnum. thats what i did anyway. i still need the other 2 defiant achievements.
  20. I am almost a noble and waypoint shows me as general grade 3, and the armor i was wearing at that time.
  21. Well i have played alot of infection and havent found it, guess ill just keep looking.
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