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Maximum Clutch

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Everything posted by Maximum Clutch

  1. In my opinion, Halo 4 is not better than Halo 3. Halo 3 in my eyes is the best game on the 360.
  2. I'm pretty sure they showed it off on one map. Oh and btw, the gauss hog is getting nerfed.
  3. It will say that if you don't have all map packs installed. It did the same thing in Reach.
  4. Destiny is going to blow Halo out of the water.
  5. Without visual in game rankings, csr means nothing.
  6. http://blogs.halowaypoint.com/Headlines/post/2013/03/13/The-Halo-Bulletin-31313.aspx We have a special announcement planned for the panel (which may or may not involve Great Anvils) Bs angel talks about great anvils in this weeks bulletin. The anvil has been the sign for forge since Halo 3. Looks like we're getting forge world 2.0!
  7. You don't know how dead wrong you are. The reason Halo 4 is failing is because 343 is only catering to the casuals. Leaving nothing for the competitive players. Team throwdown was 343's one attempt at a competitive playlist. It's population has never broken 1,000.
  8. I misunderstood. I thought you meant during the game. I do agree with you on the before and after part though.
  9. Halo 3 was by far the better game. I got on Halo 3 last night and had more fun than I've had on Halo 4 in months.
  10. All things you listed were campaign related. Though Halo 4 had a great campaign, lets face it, people come for the campaign and stay for the multiplayer. And Halo 4 had the worst multiplayer out of all of the games. That's why the population is declining so rapidly.
  11. I would love to see heavies make it's return. They could easily add it into big team slayer.
  12. Honestly, I don't think you should be able to hear the enemy team. If you want to talk to them that bad you can party up. You shouldn't be able to hear their strategies.
  13. It should have felt like a Halo game on November 6th 2012.
  14. You can only play splitscreen. The PC version is the only version with online MP.
  15. http://blogs.halowaypoint.com/Headlines/post/2013/03/13/The-Halo-Bulletin-31313.aspx In this weeks bulliten
  16. The red X that appears over your dead body in all previous Halo games will come to Halo 4 in the next TU. It never should have been left out, but at lease 343 is bringing it back.
  17. I wish it were like old school fiesta. Where your primary and secondary were completely random, and included the entire weapon sandbox, instead of just the power weapons.
  18. Wow, that's more than Halo 4 has online some times. I got on this morning and it only had about 7k people online.
  19. As long as you have the required number of assassinations, it doesn't matter what rank you are.
  20. I still play Custom Edition online occasionally. CE didn't have matchmaking, but more of a custom game browser. It is a fun game and it still has a pretty big population. Also, if you are getting it for the online, instead of campaign, just download custom edition. It's free, has a bigger population, and you can mod the crap out of it. One of my best memories of that game was playing snipers on blood gulch. And all the snipers shot Scorpion shells.
  21. I never have this problem. It has to be your connection.
  22. NOOOOOOOOOOOO We already have too many big maps. Cqc is what Halo is all about.
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