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Everything posted by CandiBunni

  1. Due to seeing an increasing number of disrespectful and downright mean-spirited posts, I have decided to create this topic. Please read over it, and maybe you'll get something out of it. Lately I have been seeing quite a few members responding to topics (mostly ones created to express concerns/complaints on any number of subjects) with, in my eyes, absolutely uncalled for responses. These posts range from name calling to personal insults and telling others to not "waste their time" with the OP. Let me say that I am disappointed to see such hate coming from our community, especially from members I would have never thought I'd see it from. It hasn't yet become common place, but I thought that I would create this as a sort of warning. People have different opinions. This is a fact that we all are aware of. However, some of us apparently feel the need to go out of our way to throw hate and disrespect towards those we may not agree with. I myself am perhaps guilty of this on one or two occasions, even though the person whom I was responding to pretty much deserved what I said. I do not know what has brought about the increase in this lack of respect, but I do know that it needs to stop. Now. You are free to voice your thoughts, but I believe that you should do so only in a polite and respectable manner. If you see someone doing nothing but being rude and hateful, report the post. Do not follow in their footsteps and keep "the flame" alive. Help to extinguish it by catching it before it spreads. Do your best to offer your opinions and advice in a friendly way. We do not need to let ourselves devolve into another B.Net or Halo Waypoint. Don't go so far with this that new members are unwilling to post, for fear of being attacked. Stop it here and now. We should be proud that we're such a friendly community (despite what I've seen lately from a few members) and that people actually want to sign up here. This means that we should also do all that we can to keep it like that. This website is like a family. As such, we should treat each other as brothers and sisters. Treat your fellow brothers and sisters with care and respect. If someone is making what you believe to be a foolish mistake, let them know what you would do in their shoes. Feel free to let them know that there are other options besides the one that they're choosing. Try to steer others towards the right path, and hope that they'll continue without your assistance. I know that sometimes people post completely crazy and downright stupid things, but please don't offer your opinion unless you can do so in the correct manner (i.e. without insulting and being hateful). Everyone is free to voice their opinions on this website, despite how poorly thought out or silly they may be. Keep things civilized. If we blow our top, we need to acknowledge it and make sure that it doesn't happen again. If you don't believe you can add anything meaningful to the discussion, or don't think you're capable of responding without vitriol, simply do not post.
  2. I do not need to re-evaluate myself, Twinreaper. I have not said a single unkind word towards the OP. I have not insulted him, called him an unkind name, or anything like that. I have not bashed him in any way. I have only suggested that he stop panicking and give the game a fair chance. He's being too quick to judge the game when he has nowhere near enough information to give a proper, informed opinion on it.
  3. HiHi~ Welcome to the forums. Please don't be frightened or shy, we're a friendly community. If you need any type of help, please feel free to message me or anyone else. If you need to, please read over the forum rules below. http://www.343industries.org/forum/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules
  4. We don't know. They haven't given very many details on the campaign. There's no information on what characters we'll see or what types of events will take place.
  5. You cannot do whatever you want to. We have rules on the community website, and you're to follow them or face punishment. While you're free to voice your opinion, you do not have anywhere near enough information to give an informed and proper one on Halo 4. There is a topic that I remember viewing at one point that answered some questions/concerns that the community has. Please look over the original post in its entirety. http://www.343indust...bulletin-30712/ Oh, and by the way... This isn't America. This is the Internet. Welcome to it.
  6. I'm pretty sure that Frank denied the whole perks thing(or at least stated they won't be similar to Call of Duty), and we haven't seen any details on how the classes/loadouts will work. We don't know how they're going to function, or how big or small of a role they'll play. Stop panicking and freaking out like so many other uninformed people and wait until we get some details. Don't dismiss it as "no longer Halo" when you haven't even experienced anything that the game has to offer. You don't know what the final game will be like, and so you shouldn't be so quick to write it off. Give. It. A. Chance.
  7. I'm sorry that you can't help but be rude and foolish. This is not 343industries' website. This is a community site. Regardless, I still doubt that they would take you seriously if you sent them your previous post. It was full of nothing but improper grammar, hate, and stupidity. I'm not a "pissed little *****". However, you're making yourself look like a complete fool. You've come to this website and the only posts that you've made have been full of the things I've listed above. Improper grammar, hate, and stupidity. You've possibly ruined your chance at having a place among our community, and I won't be bothered or surprised if you end up getting yourself banned. We're a friendly bunch. We know how to behave, and those that don't are punished. We don't take kindly to people who come here to do nothing but spew hate. Unless you want to be punished as well, I'd suggest that you get your act together. As for your last line, you sure do love repeating it don't you? Is that the only thing you can come back at me and others with? Is that the only thing that you're able to think up? I've seen that line spewed by so many people that it's not even funny. Please be more original.
  8. We've not seen or heard enough on Halo 4 to make accurate opinions on it. Wait until you've played it to give your final opinion. You don't know how it's going to turn out, so again, wait until you've played the finished product. This isn't America. This is the internet. Your post is nothing but a bunch of hate, ignorance, and stupidity, and I'm not going to bother with it any further. Learn to use proper grammar and how to construct a decent sentence. It'll help you look more intelligent and people just might take you seriously.
  9. Your comments in regards to Call of Duty really take away some of the value in your post. I am personally sick and tired of seeing so much hate thrown towards games like Call of Duty. We get it, you don't like it. You don't need to insult the game and its player base to get your point across. Simply saying that you dislike it is more than enough. Call of Duty, in my opinion, is a good FPS series. Sure it remains nearly identical for each entry, but each entry is just as good, if not better than the last. The formula that they've found just happens to work well enough that it keeps people coming back to it again and again. They're obviously doing something right if you ask me. Call of Duty, whether you like it or not does take skill. Every single video game out there requires some form and amount of skill to be good at. How much and exactly what types of skill depend on the game and it's mechanics, however. Some of the reason why many people may not care for Halo or don't talk about it is because it hasn't really brought much to the FPS genre in a while. A lot of big name shooters have been released, and their gameplay and features have proven more popular than that of previous Halo titles. Many people have moved on. Halo hasn't really brought anything new or exciting enough to draw players in. Now I know what you're thinking "Well COD is just the same game every time!" For the most part, this is true. They do have some small to medium differences in between games though. However, as I said before, it does something right. It rewards players more often. It makes them feel like they're accomplishing more with its simpler ranking system, its progressive unlocks, weapon customization, in game rewards (killstreaks and such), etc. All of these things help the players feel like they're actually getting somewhere. In Halo, we haven't seen this type of thing. It's just "Play this match. Now play this match. Now play this match.", with only the hope of ranking up. That's not saying I would like this kind of stuff in Halo, but it's just something that I believe has drawn more players towards those types of shooters. Despite not having this kind of system, I still prefer Halo over other shooters. Halo has, and probably will always be my go to FPS. I enjoy the story, the music, the setting, the gameplay, all of it more than any other FPS. Like you said, I believe Halo needs to change. It needs to evolve. Does this necessarily mean that it has to adopt the rewarding system that games like Call of Duty feature? No. But it does need to do something to draw players back in. Just having the same exact gameplay as previous entries just isn't going to cut it, I'm afraid. Only the really die hard fans are going to put up with that, but even they might also grow tired of playing the exact same style of game again and again. Hopefully Halo 4 will be the turning point. Hopefully it will breathe some life back into the franchise and bring in both new and old fans alike.
  10. This sounds like a pretty nice idea, especially if it would be recorded for all to watch at a later time.
  11. Congratulations, ZB! I hope you like your new name colour~
  12. Congratulations! For this achievement, you have earned a total of... 0 Gamerscore
  13. I find that to be quite a silly thing to say. Playing a video game series and/or enjoying it does not decide one's intelligence. Your opinion that anyone who plays Call of Duty is an idiot is a terrible one in my eyes. You can dislike it all you want and there's nothing wrong with that. Regardless of whoever you've played against, you still have no right to accuse anyone who enjoys it of being an idiot. Perhaps those that you played with are idiots. Perhaps they are immature. However you don't know everyone who plays it. You cannot speak about the entire playerbase when you don't personally know them. You don't know their level of intelligence, and you don't know what kind of education they've obtained.
  14. The Master Chief's armour looks nothing like the Nanosuit from Crysis. It really doesn't. I've compared them both, and it is pretty obvious which is the MC and which is the Nanosuit. I doubt anyone with any decent Halo knowledge or knowledge of the MC will look at his Halo 4 suit and say "Is that from Crysis?" or "Is that the Nanosuit from Crysis?" The two are hardly similar in appearance. As for the gloves, the only things that those gloves might have in common is the use of a dot pattern. That is it.
  15. They honestly look nothing alike in my opinion. If you'll remember, the Spartans in Halo Wars had those "dots" on their undersuit as well.
  16. Well that's rather silly in my eyes. Microsoft and 343i are continuing the series. Deal with it. You don't know the story, and whatever story it is, it's going to be canon. If you don't like that fact, fine, but you have no control over the matter. If it's canon, there's nothing you can do to change that. You'll have to accept it. Why don't you actually give the game a chance instead of writing it off before you've experience anything it has to offer? We've not been given enough information to accurately judge the game's story, it's gameplay, or anything else. So far we have no idea just how good or bad of an experience it will be. For all we know, it could be the best Halo game to date. It could also end up being average, or the worst. We. Don't. Know. Because we don't know, you should save your opinion for when you've actually given the game a fair chance. Most, if not all I've seen you do is complain and bash the game before it's even been released. We've seen maybe a minute, at most of gameplay, and even that wasn't anything to give a proper opinion on. Like I said above, wait until you've experienced all that it has to offer before you try to give a final and honest opinion on it.
  17. "ZB-085" Friendly Has shown me respect An entertaining chat partner
  18. CandiBunni

    I'm done

    I've already given you a quote in relation to the point based system that you saw in the clips. Please read over it again if need be. What was wrong with the atmosphere in CEA? I found it to perfectly recreate every bit of the atmosphere from the original, if not improve upon it. (Apart from The Library and Two Betrayals). Continuity issues? Reach stuff where it shouldn't have been? Can you give me some examples of this? I played through the entire game, and everything seemed exactly how it was in the original. Now the models of some enemies and weapons were changed, but this wasn't a negative at all in my eyes. They look even better than they did in the original Combat Evolved, and I would rather see variations in the armour of the Elites (for example) than to see the same exact model with nothing but a simple colour swap. There were no added enemies, no added features, no added references to anything related to Reach in the game. The only other things that they added were skulls and terminals, and these are completely optional. You can ignore them if you so choose, and they won't have any severe impact on your gaming experience if you do so. Halo PC was developed by Gearbox. It wasn't just a simple porting of the Xbox game to the PC with little to no changes in the transition from Xbox to PC. For the multiplayer they added in new weapons, created new menu interfaces, and built a system for it. They gave players the ability to create servers, set custom rules and maps, etc. They did not simply go "Hey, Halo: Combat Evolved is on the Xbox! Let's put it on the PC and not do anything to it!" If they had given us the mutiplayer of Combat Evolved over Xbox Live like they did with co-op, it would be extremely laggy. There is no doubt about this. I've played Halo: CE over Xbox Connect, I know just how bad the lag can be.
  19. CandiBunni

    I'm done

    What I meant is that you cannot complain about features of which you have absolutely no real knowledge of. "... there will also be elements of your ability and performance as a Spartan IV that you will have some control over, that will actually impact your gameplay experience" Is that stating you're going to be able to change your stats? No, not really. We don't know exactly what they mean by that, and you're doing nothing but spreading rumour when you assume what it means. What did they do wrong with Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary exactly? What was wrong with it? The graphics were great. The sounds were great. The remastered soundtrack was great. Everything about it, in my opinion, was great. (apart from the co-op, which lags like crazy for a lot of people) I happened to think it was a very well made remake of a classic gaming experience. They did not include the original multiplayer, but they've stated why they did not do this. It would push back the release of the game, and would require far too much effort to properly get working. They could not simply place the Halo: Combat Evolved multiplayer online. Have you ever played it over Xbox Connect? It's as laggy as sin, and that's about the same experience you would be getting if they simply made the multiplayer online enabled. As I've said before, I've found only small similarities between the models from the Halo 4 clips and those of Crysis. A few shapes in the armour, perhaps the underlying suit that all Spartans wear, but that is it. It's purely opinion.
  20. CandiBunni

    I'm done

    Here is a quote from the newly released bulletin. "The footage of MP you saw is taken from our internal Network test build and actually features a mashup of various game styles and UI elements, so don’t spend too much time trying to figure out what’s happening in it, because outside of surface elements, it’s not going to teach you a lot about any particular game mode. However, our new implementation of Slayer will score differently than the traditional 0-50 method of yore, and is one of 100 things we’ll share with you more deeply in the coming months." When did they hint at you being able to change your stats? Can you pull up a specific quote or video in which they ever hinted at something like this? If you cannot, don't go around spreading rumours like this. This points back to what I said earlier. They have given very very little information about what they've stated. You have absolutely no idea how these things will function in game. You have no idea how they're tweaking it, how they're balancing the game, and how they're making sure that everything fits well within the game. The community knows nothing about how these features are going to be implemented, so please stop assuming that just because they may be unbalanced in one game, that they're automatically going to be unbalanced in Halo 4. Have you no faith in 343industries? Have you no faith in their ability to make sure everyone has a balanced and enjoyable experience? In my personal opinion, from what I have seen, it still looks like Halo. Everything that I saw in the multiplayer clips reminds me of Halo. There are perhaps a few, small similarities between the multiplayer models in the VidDoc and the suits from Crysis, but that is it. It's nothing to get yourself hot and bothered over.
  21. CandiBunni

    I'm done

    They've announced very little. The things that they have announced have not yet even been explained in enough detail for anyone to understand how they work, or how they will fit into the game. We know so very little about Halo 4 and how it's going to turn out, even after the ViDoc, that it's ridiculous. Until they've gone into detail and explained how the features they're adding will affect the game and how it plays, until you've experienced how these features alter the gameplay first hand, until you've seen plenty of footage from, or played the final game for a considerable length, you can not give a properly educated opinion on it. How have they ruined "BTB Heavies"? They just added it, and they designed it specifically to how they wanted it to play. If you dislike how it plays, you can simply play regular "BTB". Either that, or you can head over to the official Halo Waypoint forums and voice your complaints there. Change doesn't come about if you don't speak up!
  22. Please be aware that this post is not directed towards a single individual. It is meant only to express my thoughts on the hate that I see directed towards "Call of Duty", as well as those who play it and similar titles. Please do not take any of this personally. See, this is the kind of attitude that I absolutely hate. Just because someone perhaps gets bored of a game after playing it for a certain length of time (like Halo 3) or decides that they want to play something else, or they just have more fun playing something else (like Call of Duty) does not make them stupid. Not in the slightest. Everyone has a different opinion. Everyone enjoys different types of games, including FPSs. Just because someone happens to enjoy something like Call of Duty more so than they do Halo, Battlefield, or Crysis does not mean they're any less intelligent than someone who prefers those to Call of Duty. Call of Duty is not "poison". It's an FPS, a game, like any other game. You may not like it, and that's perfectly fine, but you can not just sit here and tell me or anyone else that that those who prefer it or play it more are stupid. It's not destroying the multiplayer of any games whatsoever. People will move to games that they enjoy more. They will play what they enjoy more. They will focus their attention on what they enjoy more so than what they enjoy less. If it happens to be Call of Duty, there's nothing wrong with that. Just like there's nothing wrong with anyone liking Halo, Battlefield, or Crysis over Call of Duty. It's not killing ANY opportunities for people. The people themselves decide what they want to play. The people themselves decide whether or not they want to stick to just one video game series. The people themselves are responsible for the increase or decrease in popularity of one game series over another. The game is not necessarily at fault. Call of Duty gets a lot of hate. Most of this hate comes from a few things. Here are some of the reasons I can think up. The lack of meaningful change between each entry The increase in popularity of the series since Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare The potential unbalance that the game presents because of a possible lack of thought or polish put into certain aspects of the game I happen to enjoy Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Does this make me less intelligent than anyone else? No. Does this mean I'm less of a gamer, or don't know the difference between a good game and a bad game? No, because that is purely opinion, and you cannot say that "Game A" is a fantastic game, while "Game B" is an utter pile of garbage, and anyone who plays it is a fool. People have different tastes and different opinions on nearly everything in the world. Games are no exception. The smart thing to do is accept this, and not judge someone based upon what video games they enjoy playing.
  23. At least they're using their weapon properly to do so. I find it even more annoying when someone simply sprints up to me and hits me twice without using a single shot of their gun. With melee-bleedthrough, I don't see this happening nearly as often. Even if someone does attempt to AR rush me, I can simply use my DMR, Needle Rifle, Magnum, or what have you to finish them off before they get within lunging distance. That, or I can lower their shields faster with a plasma based weapon and beat them down instead. It's a first person shooter, not a first person beat-em-up.
  24. You do deserve the points. You deserve the points because they purposefully added bonuses for doing certain things. If they had not done so, and you were getting extra points, then you would be getting undeserved points. The extra points are rewards for completing certain "tasks". If you get a bonus point for a headshot or assassination, that should be incentive to go out and try to get more of those. They give you bonus points for doing certain things because they want to reward you. They want to reward you more if you land a headshot, sneak up on someone and assassinate them, or manage to stick someone with a plasma grenade. Points help your team win, and doing things that give bonus points is being a good teammate. If you dislike it because of the bonus points, you can simply play regular "Big Team Battle". If you want to play "Big Team Heavies", you need to learn to accept and play by what rules they've set up. If you really dislike it so much, please head over to the official Halo Waypoint forums and create a topic about it.
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