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Everything posted by CandiBunni

  1. There already is a gametype with Zero Bloom. It's called "TU ZB Slayer" or something like that. You can find it in the "Competitive" section of matchmaking. If you're asking for a second, we're not sure if they'll ever add one. I haven't seen/heard any people asking for one, so I don't think 343 knows if people want more ZB gametypes.
  2. I know this and have not stated that they did not tweak the playlists or such. I've said in at least two or three other posts that I KNOW they did so. Please stop repeating this over and over.
  3. "Pot calling the kettle black?" Would you care to explain just what you mean by this? I never said I wanted them to get rid of bloom, did I? I enjoy having bloom in the game, though I prefer 85% to 100% because it rewards pacers more often than it does spammers now. I also enjoy every other change they made because it fixed an issue that was in vanilla Reach. I realise that it is their game, and they're free to do what they want with it. However if your playerbase would rather have something about the game behave a different way, I believe that you should alter the game based upon their complaints. Ever since the TU has been implemented into more playlists, I've honestly seen Reach's population go up. I swear it was over 100k the other day, something I haven't seen in a long, LONG time from playing it. That, to me, tells me that people prefer the TU, and that those who left because of vanilla Reach are coming back. (At least a few are.) "TU = Noob", "TU = Noob". You really love throwing that around, don't you buddy? Just because I prefer the title update doesn't mean I'm a noob, nor does it mean that anyone else who prefers it or enjoys it is one. I could and did adapt to the changes that Reach made just fine, thank you very much. However after playing the TU, I can no longer stand vanilla Reach. It just feels like an unfinished game when I play vanilla. The TU changes, to me, feel like what Reach should have been. The TU fixes some issues that arose from vanilla Reach like spammers winning more often than pacers, armour lock having not very many decent weaknesses, and the infamous double melee system/beatdown situation. The TU solved these things, and I feel the game plays much better with the TU in effect. You really need to learn to show some respect towards your fellow players. Calling someone a noob because they enjoy something you don't or calling something someone enjoys "noobish" is very immature and silly. Show respect towards your fellow players and they'll do the same. I won't show you any respect until you do the same by showing some to me, which you haven't done so far. Calling someone a noob because they like the TU is immature and foolish. Grow up.
  4. Any levels with Brutes. Seriously, they're not fun to fight. They've never been fun to fight, and I doubt they ever will be. They're too easy to predict and kill.
  5. Could be neat if done properly, but we won't see it in CEA or Reach. I don't know about Halo 4, seeing as how there aren't supposed to be any Covenant from what I've heard.
  6. You could have just edited the post instead of posting again, you know. There is an edit feature when you hover over your posts. On topic: I wouldn't mind a third person type of playlist, but I personally wouldn't care if they didn't include one. It could just be something given to people for custom games if they were to decide to not add it to matchmaking.
  7. Personally I prefer the storylines of Halo: CE, Halo 3: ODST, and Halo Wars over Halo 2. The story was....interesting, but I had to play through some boring fights and levels to get to it. I didn't really enjoy fighting any of the enemies in Halo 2, and often find myself trying to just skip past them.
  8. 343 industries has been very secretive with any information they release. That being said, I don't believe anyone has heard about what characters, story events, vehicles, etc. will be mentioned or included in Halo 4. (Besides the Warthog, Cortana, Master Chief). At least, not anyone who can really say anything. So far we've mostly only got speculation to run with. I myself would love to have some characters or events mentioned from the past games, including Halo Wars. I never got the chance to play the full game, but I have watched a walkthrough or two and it seems like a pretty good game with a great story. I'm sorry, but there's not much that we actually know at the moment.
  9. Implying the TU sucks, which I do not believe it does. There are some serious issues with Vanilla Reach, and the title update fixed them in my eyes. The bloom is more reliable and has been proven to reward pacers more so than spammers now, the double melee issue has been fixed, armour lock finally has some decent weaknesses, etc. I personally enjoy the TU more than Vanilla Reach, and this is coming from someone who enjoyed Vanilla Reach quite a bit.
  10. While I find Halo 2 to be the worst in the entire franchise, welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay, and find that this is indeed one of (if not the) best community sites for anything Halo.
  11. Um...did you read the first post? Spectral Jester specifically stated what the changes were in the February update.
  12. You can't detect sarcasm over the internet. You should really make it more clear next time.
  13. My bad, but please make sure not to call any other members names as well. We should all try to get along here, even when we may not agree with another member over something.
  14. Well I enjoyed the modern Medal of Honour they released. The campaign was pretty nice in my opinion, and the multiplayer wasn't half bad either. Snipers were/are annoying, but that's about it.
  15. No, I wouldn't. I'd want to shoot a man while we're both on the ground fighting and have an equal opportunity in killing each other. I would want the fight to be in a controlled environment and to be fair.
  16. You mind not insulting me please? I'm not a *****, or whatever you decided to call me. I never said he doesn't have the right to quit. What I did say is that his reasons for quitting are poor and he's mostly just doing so when things don't go his way. He then goes on to blame Bungie for making him want to quit, when it's only his lack of ability to play properly and him being unable to accept when things don't go his way.
  17. Yea, no. There should always be ranked and social modes. Those who don't want to play competitively shouldn't have to do so. "Screw those other people they can go play COD." Who do you think you are telling people what they should go play? Those that don't want to play ranked and play competitively shouldn't be punished for that. They should have their own set of playlists to play, and the ones who like to play competitively can have their own as well. Not everyone can or wants to play competitively, and you should know this.
  18. In your opinion they would make Halo more fun. In mine, they would make it worse.
  19. I don't have any sympathy towards you. Do you know why? Because by quitting, you're ruining the experience for other players. 1 & 2. Learn to adapt and overcome the situation. I can guarantee it's not that hard. If you can't beat someone who is using Armour Lock or Active Camo, then it's no ones fault but your own. Blame your lack of skill if you can't do so. Just because you don't enjoy that someone uses a certain ability doesn't give you the right to ruin the experience for everyone else by quitting. 3. You shouldn't die from someone blocking the sword, seeing as how they've removed sword block in the title update. If you're talking about those playlists without the title update, then it's still rather sad. You'll quit because you were outplayed? Really? Grow up and learn to move on without getting yourself in a hissy fit because someone bested you in a fight. 4. I don't know about you, but I usually stay and fight, even if the game is unbalanced/people on my team have quit. I would rather tough it out and go negative than be labeled as a quitter. 5. Boo hoo. You have to play a certain gametype you might not enjoy. It happens to a lot of people and they don't quit. They tough it out if they don't enjoy the gametype. Myself included. 6. You'll quit if the game is taking too long? I can understand maybe becoming a bit bored with a match if it drags out for a while, but quitting isn't the answer. Perhaps you don't realise this, but you're not doing anything but hurting your fellow players by quitting. You're making your own team play at a disadvantage and ruining the gameplay experience for others. None of the things you listed are Bungie's fault. They're your own fault for being so poor at being able to adapt and deal with things not going in your favour. You need to learn that it's not always about just you and how YOU want to play. It's about everyone. If you want to quit, then it's your choice. Just don't come crying to anyone when you get banned from matchmaking for quitting. But apparently you don't care about being punished for ruining the experience for others. You're the very definition of a bad player. Someone who ruins the experience for others simply because things don't go their way, or they don't like that they're on the losing end. I personally wish you'd just stop playing the game if you're just going to quit every time you don't get your way. It'd save those of us who actually enjoy the game and want to play it the displeasure of having someone like you quitting out just because you might not like how something goes or how the game is turning out.
  20. The Master Chief is NOT using a jetpack in the trailer(which is why I believe you're stating this). That is a thruster pack, and it has always been in his armour.
  21. CandiBunni

    Halo 4 Maps

    Confirmed? Where is your source?
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