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Everything posted by CandiBunni

  1. I'm not sure if I'll be picking this up or not. It all depends on whether or not my BFF decides to get the maps or not. If She does, then I'll probably end up purchasing them myself. Either way, it's good to see some DLC coming out for this game already.
  2. Will we be playing with the title update settings? If so, I have the gametype as well as the zero bloom gametype. Whichever we decide to use.
  3. I had one person on my team ramming me with the warthog, apparently trying to betray me. I was standing there as he did it, wondering if he was actually going to try to kill me. He kept moving back and forth, back and forth. Each time he did so, I lost a bit of health. When he eventually killed me, I chose to boot him. >.>
  4. I downloaded it and played a game on it, plus I'm exploring it right now. It seems like a pretty darn good remake. I can't wait to play some TU Slayer and ZB Slayer customs on this.
  5. "I'm sure we all know that and there is no way to fix it." We don't all "know that." Some people don't like Reach, some people think it's great, and some people think it's just okay. I personally think it's one of, if not the best in the series for gameplay, so I personally don't agree with you. In terms of story, I'd say that CE, ODST, or Wars is my favourite, but I'd pick post-TU Reach over the other Halo games when it comes to actual gameplay. Don't get me wrong. I enjoy the more arcadie style of gameplay of Halo 3 and the like, but I'd rather play Reach because it doesn't feel nearly as arcadie as previous entries, I enjoy the feel of the game and its weapons more, and because I think it's one of the best Halo games to be released. Sometimes I'm in the mood for old school (Halo CE, 2, or 3), sometimes I'm in the mood for something that is a mixture of both modern and old school (Reach). It's all dependent on the person, so please don't try to speak for everyone.
  6. Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay and if you ever need assistance with anything, feel free to ask myself or anyone else here. We're always willing to help out a fellow member in need.
  7. I guess because maybe they can be funny/entertaining. I've had people get under my skin or upset me because of their trash talking, but I either ignore them or send them a message telling them to show some respect. It usually results in them continuing to be disrespectful by sending me a hateful message. I either respond and ignore them for good after that or block them.
  8. This isn't a deal breaker for me, but I will be really disappointed if there is more aim assist than in previous games, or as much as. I would personally like to see a reduction in the amount of aim assist, or at least an option to turn it off if the player so chooses.
  9. I don't know when you're testing, but Sunday would be a good day for me. I'll try to be on before then if the testing will take place sooner, though. I'm always ready to help test a map if you need someone to do so.
  10. My favourite vehicle might be the Revenant. It's fast, maneuverable, and its blast is pretty strong. It also reminds me of the Spectre.
  11. Has this been passed yet, or is it still under vote?
  12. The title update doesn't completely remove bloom. It reduces it by 15%. All playlists with the TU changes in effect use 85% bloom, so you must be talking about the ZB playlist. The DMR is harder to use than the BR, but to me that means that it takes more skill to use. There's a larger area of error, so I have to time my shots properly as well as aim properly. The sniper rifle isn't affected by bloom at all. By the time your bloom/spread has reset, that is when you're able to finally take the next shot anyway. It doesn't really affect the sniper rifle. They have tweaked armour lock now. You can reduce the time a player may spend in it by shooting them, tossing grenades at them, etc. Stickies will no longer be shed if the person is stuck before going into armour lock, resulting in the AL player dying. I don't believe the time for armour lock needs to be reduced with those changes. It only lasts five seconds, and it lasts even shorter when you do what I've stated above.
  13. Thunderstorms are pretty scary. I like playing Halo 3 and Halo: Reach custom games with friends.
  14. You should be a bit more mature and refrain from insulting someone, even if they did so to you. The old saying "two wrongs don't make a right" applies to that, I believe. He stated, from what I've read, that the Halo: Reach system pairs people up together better. Not necessarily that the ranking/leveling system was better. That's what I remember reading, but if he stated otherwise then please quote something from him for me to read up on.
  15. Um, excuse me? Twinreaper knows exactly what he's talking about. Since you apparently know more than he does, please explain how his statements are of no true value and why they're ridiculous. Don't assume that just because you don't understand what he says or don't agree with him that he must be some COD fanboy and just loves how he can "rank up constantly and consistently." You know nothing about him, what he plays, what he enjoys, or how long he's been playing Halo, so please don't try to judge him like you do. He's a well respected member of this community and has an extensive knowledge of how the Halo engine(s) work. I think it's safe to assume he knows far more than you do about Halo.
  16. I know this is off topic, but you can always just edit your post instead of making a new one. On topic: I don't know any websites that would provide us with any new information. We'll just have to wait until they release more.
  17. Armour abilties are nothing like perks, and sprinting has been in FPSs well before COD came into the picture. They are not a COD aspect.
  18. Well they never said there would be a new trailer. Don't get your hopes up because of a simple rumour, you risk being sorely let down. I for one am still excited to see what some characters and vehicles may be.
  19. I love clothes, sleeping, and playing Halo.
  20. I don't care if they were allowed in MLG or not, that doesn't mean they weren't cheap. Players should rely on their own personal skill with what was meant to be used within the game, not exploiting some cheap little glitch like I've said to gain the upper hand. That is why I prefer Halo 3 over Halo 2. There were fewer glitches and the weapons were more balanced, so I knew if I was killed it was because someone knew how to properly use their weapon, grenades, and had good map movement. Not because they could press a few buttons together and exploit a bug/glitch within the game.
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