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Everything posted by CandiBunni

  1. What were you expecting? New weapons? New features? They told us what was coming, so you've got no one else but yourself to blame for your disappointment.
  2. I think the changes they've made are for the better. I played a bit of it, and it all seems pretty fine.
  3. Alright, please feel free to lock this thread. @ any admins/moderators.
  4. Halo: Reach. I personally think it has the best multiplayer in the series, though I still think its campaign is only the second or third best.
  5. If you died from one melee, it's because your shields and health were low enough for the melee bleed-through to kill. They added bleed-through. If your shields were low enough, or you had no shields, you died from one DMR shot because of that. The same goes with how you killed someone with one shot. They said that the three-shot pistol wouldn't be in the TU Beta, and would be introduced in the classic playlists on the day Anniversary arrives. It takes four shots to the head to kill with the pistol.
  6. My Xbox Live Gold membership ran out at the beginning of this month, and I've not yet been able to purchase another membership yet. Would anyone here be willing to let me use any spare 48 hour trials that they may have lying around? Thankee~
  7. There's already a lot that goes on in a single match, I don't think that we really need destructible environments. I don't think this is something they could also just add in if they felt like it, either.
  8. Wrong. It was and is also an unfinished, unpolished, glitchy mess on the original Xbox as well. Bungie did not basically invent skill and teamwork in Halo 2. That's nothing but nostalgia talking. Have you ever played Halo: Combat Evolved? Yea, play that...then get back to me about how incredible Halo 2 is. In what way was the multiplayer of Halo 2 groundbreaking? If you're going to state something like that, at least give me some examples as to why it was so "groundbreaking". PS. A LOT of people care about the single player campaign. Halo 2 happens to have a boring single player campaign as well as glitcy and unpolished multiplayer. There are some nice moments in Halo 2's single player, but they're in between large chunks of boring "meh".
  9. I don't have to play the game to be a fan of the series. I personally think Halo 2 is the worst in the entire franchise. That includes Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2(duh), Halo 3, Halo Wars, Halo 3: ODST, and Halo: Reach. My personal favourites are Reach, CE, and ODST. I don't care if Halo 2 got people into the series or not. Halo: Combat Evolved is better in both campaign and multiplayer (my opinion) than Halo 2.
  10. Those are more than likely the new maps from CE: A. Notice that there are only six, and remember that the seventh CE: A map is a firefight map. That's more than likely why those stars are there.
  11. Hopefully I'll be able to get a 3 month Xbox Live Gold Membership card today so that I can play. How is everything so far? How is the bloom and spread on the DMR, magnum, needle rifle, and other weapons? How is the 85% bloom that they talked about? How is the zero bloom?
  12. The cutscenes in Halo 2 are about the only thing I like about it. That being said, they're still not the best in the series. I haven't bothered playing through Halo 2's entire campaign again (because I find it boring, and a chore), so I can't remember if there is a certain cutscene I find to be the best/my favourite.
  13. Care to explain how this would be a good idea? There's absolutely nothing wrong with armour lock or sprint. (or any of the armour abilities for that matter). Give me some reasons why you think those two in particular are so bad, and why you think they make the game less enjoyable.
  14. Well it wouldn't be Bungie to implement this. It would be 343 Industries. OT: I'd choose to hold the Needler.
  15. It was three in CE, but not in this custom gametype. In the gametype, it's four. It's not the same gametype being used for the classic slayer.
  16. It already required skill to get a kill with. If anything, it's a bit easier to score a kill now because you don't have to worry about spread anymore with the DMR.
  17. You can't three shot with the pistol in this custom gametype. That version of the pistol will be added in the classic playlist on the 4th of October. It takes at least 4 head shots to kill a fully shielded enemy.
  18. Why isn't it as good as you thought it would be?
  19. My Gold membership also runs out sometime in October. Kinda funny. (but not really)
  20. Mind explaining why AAs are stupid?
  21. Mind explaining why AAs are stupid?
  22. Be quick, thorough, and have a sharp eye.
  23. Making it default (as a loadout choice) wouldn't give you an advantage since everyone would have access to them. Just because Halo may have sprint doesn't make it like Call of Duty. There was a run feature in FPSs like Doom and Marathon. It's the same thing as sprinting, only you could use it whenever and for long you wanted to. Making it a loadout wouldn't really make it like Call of Duty, and if it did...so what? It's only allowing you to get a short burst of speed to your destination. There's nothing wrong with that. "Then there should be all AAs" Why is that? Just because you put in two means you HAVE to put in all of them? No, it doesn't. That's silly. I don't have any problem with armour abilities. I like them, and wouldn't mind seeing them in Halo 4. I also wouldn't care if they didn't explain why they're in multiplayer. Doesn't really bother me.
  24. "At least for the Xbox 360" I'm not talking about the 360. I'm talking about on the consoles they were developed for. So, I'm right.
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