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Everything posted by CandiBunni

  1. I like it because I can crouch and not have to think about holding the left thumbstick down the entire time.
  2. It's not a hard medal to get. You get it for getting the first kill. Someone always gets it in a match, so it's not very hard to obtain.
  3. The only reason you corrected who? I made one little typo, and you're acting like I don't know how to use proper grammar, or spell properly. So because I made one small little typo like that, I must have not graduated high school or earned even a GED? I graduated high school, thank you very much. The internet is not about using slang and shorthand. The internet is about communicating with people, and sharing information across the world. Look at you, acting like I'm a complete moron just because I didn't notice that I had accidentally mixed up two letters.
  4. I'm sorry you couldn't adapt and learn to deal with someone as simple as armour lock. That's your own fault, not Bungie's.
  5. Because it's hard to take someone seriously when they don't use proper grammar. When someone uses text speak or improper grammar, it makes them look like a moron. I care about proper grammar, and you should too.
  6. Not talking about the beta. I'm talking about now. They're less powerful than the Halo 2 grenades, and about as powerful as the grenades in CE and Halo 3. The timers are nearly the same from what I can tell, so they're not overpowered at all.
  7. These poll options are pathetic. No, friendly fire should not be removed. Doing so would result in people sending their teamates in as walking sticky bombs, a lot more grenade spamming, carelessness when around partners, etc. Friendly fire has been a part of Halo since the beginning. It would mess with how people play the game, and create some really cheap and unfair tactics. No, friendly fire should not be removed. It's annoying to be booted for something that was an accident, yes. That's the booters fault, not friendly fire's. If someone boots a player regardless if it was an accident or not, they're pathetic. End of story.
  8. I have yet to buy a single armour effect. I'd rather buy the armour I want, then save up for an effect. I've also bought the visor colour that I've wanted. Silver is awesome, I just wish more people would use it. You wouldn't believe how many people I've seen with the blue visor. It's crazy.
  9. It's the water. It tastes so good...they'll always want more..
  10. Armour lock didn't and doesn't last 10 seconds. It lasts around maybe five seconds before completely draining. Your shields will NEVER completely replenish in armour lock unless they're already starting to recharge by the time you go into it.
  11. I use Bumper Jumper and a 9/10 sensitivity. I have crouch on toggle.
  12. That's cheap yes, but it does take some skill to find a decent place to be and to hold the area. If you've gone 30 and 5 from doing that, the people you're up against just aren't very good. That means you were the more skilled player.
  13. I have about three different remakes of Chiron in my saved maps list if you ever want to play some.
  14. I never said anything about camping to begin with. I also never compared Halo (or Reach for that matter) to COD. You can shoot and kill people in any part of the body in Halo as well. My point was, and is, that Call of Duty takes skill (even if you don't like the series). It takes skill to get tons of kills without dying or dying very few times in that game.
  15. Three shots you say? Well then, wouldn't it require quite the amount of skill to keep yourself alive and get those shots first? I'd think so....
  16. I don't have them, but I'd rather them not give them out anymore. You had your chance to get them if you didn't, so it's your own fault.
  17. Not getting lucky, just admitting that they aren't overpowered. They're about the same as Halo 3's grenades, and less powerful than Halo 2's (which has the most powerful grenades in the entire series). The timer is also around the same as Halo 3's.
  18. Requires no skill at all? You know that's an absolute lie. I'd say it requires more skill than Halo 1, 2, and maybe even 3.
  19. The person above me may or may not be a father. The person below me is going to comment about the person above them.
  20. I desperately needed to change my GT so I asked my best friend if she had any suggestions. She suggested Serene Mystic, I liked it, and I chose it.
  21. Something a bit more serious, gritty, etc. I really enjoyed Combat Evolved's and Reach's soundtrack, so I'm hoping it'll be something like those two. I didn't care too much for Halo 2 or 3's soundtrack, though I also enjoyed ODSTs.
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