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Everything posted by CandiBunni

  1. I have Minecraft (well, I haven't bought it. I'm using a free account since I don't have the money for it). I play it. You should get it. DO IT!!!
  2. You're allowed to preview how it looks, so no you should not be able to get a refund. If you bought it without seeing if you liked it, it's your own fault. I would like to see something that allows us to create preview armour sets composed of different pieces from the armoury, but oh well.
  3. Not completely. They're just removing it from classic slayer, and any playlists related to it. You really should just stop posting in this thread. Your responses are getting worse and worse.
  4. Know what's even bigger bull****? That people act like it's a huge deal when it's really not. It's easy to deal with. If you can't, it's your own fault.
  5. "I am a timeless chorus. Join your voice with mine, and sing victory everlasting." - Gravemind (Halo 3)
  6. The grenades are not too powerful. They're weaker than the grenades that were in Halo 2 (which could kill you even if you weren't directly above them, and even if you had full health). The grenades in Halo: Reach (frag grenades) won't even kill you if you're standing above them with full health. In Halo 2, they will.
  7. It's funny that I stated the truth? Yes, you were talking about spread. Bloom =/= spread. You were talking about when your bullets hit different places. That is bullet spread, not bloom. Your shots hit "random" areas in every title when you fired too quickly. Go to Halo: CE, Halo 2, and Halo 3. You'll see it in all three of them.
  8. Bloom does not cause spread. If you don't know what you're talking about, don't try to act like you do. The reason they might have got a headshot is because of either connection problems or just lag. The bullet spread has NEVER acted like that for me. I wish you people would stop being so foolish and learn that bloom =/= bullet spread. That is a fact. Accept it. How can crosshair expansion promote luck? Would you care to explain that for me? If you "spam" your pistol from afar, you won't get killed or kill with five shots. I guarantee that. If you are close enough, "spamming" is what you should do because your shots are more likely to hit. Show me a clip where someone five shots while spamming their pistol from medium or long range; I doubt you can.
  9. Hm.... Snowbound and either the Needler, SMG, or Plasma Rifle.
  10. Wow. Even sprint? I personally only dislike that sticky grenades are "shed" when someone armour locks.
  11. Gamertag - Serene Mystic Timezone - Eastern Rank - Colonel Grade 3
  12. You do mean pacing your shots, right? Otherwise that sentence made no sense. You're saying bloom, but what you really mean is the bullet spread. Do you know why the spammer probably won? Because you were close enough for most of his shots to connect. If you're close to your opponent, you do not pace. You fire faster, because more of your shots will hit due to being closer to them. If someone zooms in, that also increases accuracy (as does crouching). The same goes for when you were spamming, and someone paced. You were farther away, so spamming wouldn't have worked out. "Bloom is random and that's the bottom line". You're talking about the spread, not bloom. For the last time; bullet spread and bloom are two completely separate things, and bloom has nothing to do with how the guns function. You're saying the spread is random. Well if you spam your shots, of course it's going to be random. It's been like that in every Halo title.
  13. Not even going to continue to bother with you. You're not worth my time.
  14. I couldn't really care either way. He was a bit funny, but I never actually cared for the character (or any of the characters).
  15. I'm excited to see what they do to change up the same old Halo formula like Reach did. Maybe a hybrid of Reach and the classic gameplay? (don't know how that'd work)
  16. You like that it's a glitchy, unpolished mess?
  17. Hate to burst your bubble, but Halo 2 is the most unpolished, unbalanced, glitchy game in the Halo series. I like how you say "while aiming at your opponents toes". No matter how good a connection the host has, you'll never be able to fire your DMR at their feet and get a headshot (stuff like this can happen in Halo 2 though). It's not a fact that it takes away skill, that's your opinion. I hate that people are still saying "bloom" and not "spread". The spread on the DMR is what you're complaining about. Not the bloom feature (which has no effect on how the weapons function). Spread, which is what you're complaining about, has been in every Halo game, and has also acted the way the DMR does. Go into Halo 2 for example, pick up a pistol or something, and fire your shots at a nearby wall. No matter how much you pace your shots, it'll land in a random area. Never the same area twice in a row. That's random. Don't you know that it's better to "spam" your shots when up close to an opponent, rather than pacing them? You should only pace at longer distances (long range). Zoom in, and fire away.
  18. Learn to spell, use proper grammar, and stop complaining. OT: No, I don't agree with you. I happen to like concept art, thank you very much.
  19. I'm a Colonel Grade 3. I don't play a whole lot of matchmaking, but I'm almost to Brigadier.
  20. Every game is part of the overall Halo story, and you shouldn't say "This one is a stand alone game" simply because it doesn't include or have anything to do with the Master Chief. Simplicity does not always make something better, and lack of simplicity does not make something worse. Just because it is simpler than Reach, does not mean it is better. Smooth? Not really. I listed plenty of things that made/make Halo 2's multiplayer nothing but decent.
  21. Wrongo, buddy. Bloom does not cause bullet spread. Bullet spread has been in every past Halo game, including the first. Guess what, there wasn't any bloom in those titles. The crosshair expands and shows you where your shots will land because of bullet spread. All that bloom does is show you how accurate (or inaccurate) your shots are becoming. It is nothing but a visualization of accuracy/inaccuracy, and serves no other purpose than that. Go ahead, go to any past Halo game. Take the assault rifle, pistol, or whatever. Shoot them at a slow rate, then at a faster rate. You'll see that your shots will spread out.
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