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Everything posted by CandiBunni

  1. Assassinations have actually been confirmed to be in Halo 4. They have been altered (in what ways we don't know), but they are in Halo 4. I'm glad to see them returning, because they were/are one of my favourite features in Halo: Reach. There is even a multiplayer image which might actually be showing an in-progress assassination animation.
  2. Please refer to my post above. It explains how they're more than likely going to be using this feature.
  3. They mean that you will have to unlock it for use in a custom loadout. Weapons will still spawn on the map as usual, but if you want to spawn with a certain weapon like the Battle Rifle, DMR, etc. you'll have to unlock the ability to do so by ranking up and/or spending "Spartan Points". You'll still be perfectly capable of picking one up off of the map. Here's an example to help explain it. Let's say the map we're playing on has Battle Rifles and Assault Rifles. I want to spawn with a Battle Rifle for my custom loadout, but I can't because I haven't ranked up enough and/or spent the "Spartan Points" to be able to do that. I could still move around the map and switch out my Assault Rifle for a Battle Rifle just like in previous Halo games, but being able to use it off of spawn is something I'll have to earn.
  4. No one but myself. Why, you might ask? I have the very best Friends and Family in all of the world, and I wouldn't give them up for anything for any length of time. My BFF Samantha, my sister Kasandra, my fiancee Megan, and all of my other close friends that I've made make me the happiest girl in the world. Sure I'm not happy with how I look or how my voice sounds, but with time I'll be able to improve both of those and that'll just make me all the more happier. I do have to deal with my parents and brother not knowing who I truly am, and have to hide myself from pretty much everyone but a few select people in RL, but those who know and accept the real me are the closest people in my life. Every single one of Them has a place in my heart, and that won't ever change. I know you probably might have expected me saying how I'd like to be "Person X" for reasons "Y" and "Z" and that was what you meant with your thread, but I can say without a doubt that I am entirely comfortable just being me and having the life I do. Sure it could be better due to a few reasons above, but soon I'll be able to do something about the things holding me back from being even more happy than I already am. Sorry for kinda not following the "rule" of the thread, but I want to be me. Jennifer. Now and always.
  5. I have never once attacked anyone in this thread or other threads when I've posted. I'm not hating on his opinion, I'm explaining why I believe button combos are cheating and am giving direct quotes from Bungie and staff as to why they are cheating. Neither one of us has attacked the other, this has been a completely civil debate between he and I. (At least I personally think so.)
  6. Here are some quotes taken from Bungie.net that I managed to find. Keep in mind that these are old quotes, but they still apply none the less. I have taken them directly, word for word from the Bungie.net website. "Posted by: Shiska Cheating or not, it is the exploitation of a bug in the game (yes, kids, bug and glitch are synonymous), and nothing more. It's no better than superbouncing, and users have every right to give you negative feedback for cheating if you use it in matchmaking as they do if you superbounce." "Posted by: Achronos Here are the facts - these aren't "opinions", or whatever word you are using to avoid what you don't want to hear. 1. Any use of a glitch/bug in a game to acquire an advantage is cheating on Xbox Live. This includes but is not limited to superbouncing, flag through the wall tricks, leaving the map boundaries, triggering an animation bug using a sequence of button presses (BXR, etc.) 2. Anytime you see someone cheating, you should leave feedback on them, but it is up to you whether to do so. You define whether an action is cheating - you can define the above actions as normal, or be hardcore and define all of them as cheating. Since you're the one reporting the cheater, you get to be the ultimate arbiter of if cheating is occuring. This is a very obvious thing to say, but most people don't understand this. 3. Different organizations have different rules. When you're on Xbox Live, you have to deal with our rules (which are in point 1 and 2). This means that anybody who is bringing up "what MLG does" needs to pull their head out of their ass and look around. Are we talking about an MLG tournament? Is this the MLG web site? No! That means that we're talking about Bungie rules for playing on Xbox Live. MLG is free to define whatever rules they want, and in their rules, button combos are part of the game. Super jumping (I believe) is not. But as what they do is off topic to this discussion, you need to stop talking about it like it matters to what happens on Xbox Live, because it doesn't." "Posted by: Ninja On Fire Exploiting any bug in the game while using matchmaking is cheating." "Posted by:Achronos It doesn't really matter what is in the cheating FAQ - the FAQ is meant mostly to inform people about the banhammer (which is used for modding and standby type cheating only). All other kinds fall under the standard usage of every other Xbox Live game - as in, use the feedback system if you see someone cheating. Exploiting a bug (superjumping, animation glitches like BXR) are against the terms of use, and therefore should be reported using the feedback system. Enough feedback actually will get someone banned for various lengths of time from ALL of Xbox Live, not just Halo 2. Again - our rule is simple: glitch exploiting is cheating. Modding is glitch exploiting. Superjumping is glitch explotiing. Animation interrupting is glitch exploiting. Etc. You seem be trying to place some kind of relative ranking to how "serious" an exploit is, and that determines if it is cheating. If that is the case, then the only people who get to decide such a "ranking" are the people who run the sandbox you're playing in (us if your on Live, MLG if you're at a tournment of theirs, or you if you're on your own LAN). In that case, I'm right, and animation glitches like BXR are an exploit and are cheating. Here's the fun part - if we're not going by "ranking the exploit" and instead apply a standard policy, I'm STILL right and BXRs and such are cheating, because we TOLD you this policy when you got an Xbox Live account (read the terms of use). Now, I'm really sorry this seems sudden to you, but as you've already indicated... you don't play in our sandbox (Matchmaking), so it really doesn't matter that you don't like what we think about those glitches. In the hypothetical, though, you're going to need a better argument than the ones you've been presenting so far. Anyway, exploiting a bug equals cheating on Xbox Live. If you're playing in an MLG tournament, they define what is cheating there, and obviously the Xbox Live rules don't apply. But when you're in our sandbox, you play by our rules, and if you don't like them, well, it sucks to be you. And we don't ban anybody for BXRs or superjumping by the way - they are community served bans. The feedback system is the means by which players are voicing their opinion on this. And guess what, they agree with us. At least our reasoning is simple and well defined (it can be summed up in one sentence and has been in the Xbox Live Terms of use from day one). You, on the other, have presented no valid defense of exploiting glitches in the game other than by calling "illegitimate." I think you should look up the definition of that word, you can't call a rule "illegitimate" if it comes from the people who own the sandbox (Xbox Live). Ever wonder why backpack reloading was taken out of Halo 2, even though it was a widely used aspect of Halo 1 play? All those who said "because it was a bug" get a cookie. Now, let's take some bets... what happens to people who depend only on glitches to win games when Halo 3 comes out? Anybody have some guesses there? You have too look at it beyond that though. Take it case by case instead of comparing it. Button combos have been declared cheating for technical and illegitimate reasons. Plain and simple. 1. Yes, exploiting a glitch is cheating in matchmaking, and no, I don't care that MLG players use the button combos. They're still glitches." "Posted by: Ninja 0n Fire The intentional exploitation of any bug while in the matchmaking environment is cheating, especially if it provides the user with an advantage or alters gameplay in an unintended way. You can forget all of your qualifiers, such as whether or not all players can do it or the skill level required to perform the exploit. Those factors do not come into consideration when making these determinations. Just because it's a behavioral problem which we don't automatically detect and ban you for, doesn't mean it isn't cheating. That's what the Xbox Live feedback system is there for, if you feel that someone exploiting a bug is unfair, leave feedback. All that said, you really should play the game without exploiting bugs, because if you ever do get matched against a Bungie employee and we witness you cheating or even being excessively vulgar or offensive, we most certainly can speed up the process of you being removed from the general population of Halo 2." This is where it was stated that they were cheating. Also, Halo has hardly become more simple with each iteration. In Halo 3 you had whatever gameplay elements were present in Halo 2 with the addition of Equipment. Halo: Reach advanced further by requiring users to focus on the timing of their shots to maintain accuracy and kill quickly and efficiently. You also had thing like armour abilities which changed how people reacted and fought in different encounters.
  7. I would take their opinion over that of MLG's in this instance, not necessarily in every single other. The developer decides what is and isn't a legitimate feature in the game, not the player base. They were the ones who designed and created the game we play and as such I believe they are in control over what is considered cheating and what isn't. If they say an exploitation is cheap/cheating, then to me it is so. I said that your comparison poor because you were attempting to compare a legitimate feature/move that was designed to be a part of the game, one that the developers had control over and could tweak until they felt it functioned how they wished, to a bug that people exploited by using a series of button presses. One was actually designed and was meant to be in the game for players to use, something developers could easily tweak the settings of (in today's current updating system) The other was a bug found and then exploited to perform an action you should not be able to and which could give the user an undeserved advantage in a game and was something that developers could not fix.
  8. Just because they were used in MLG does not mean they were not cheap or cheating. They were bugs in the game that people exploited to win and gain the upper hand in encounters when they shouldn't have done so. I have no doubt that someone has used something like the BXR or other button combos to win in a fight they should have died in. Whether or not anyone can do them or how precise you have to time them doesn't matter. They were never meant to be in the game and were not balanced because of this. They are not legitimate tactics or features because they are exploiting bugs within the game and were never meant to be a part of the experience. They are not properly using any systems in the game. I personally would take the word of the company responsible for the game over that of the MLG Community when it comes to whether or not button combos are cheap and cheating. That does not mean that I'm incapable of thinking for myself, because regardless of what Bungie would have thought I would still consider these button combos to be such. Your comparison to a move in Street Fighter is poor if I may say so. The hadouken was a move intentionally placed in the game. It was something that the developers intended to have and something they worked to create. It wasn't an exploitation of any kind, unlike button combos. I'd recommend not insulting people and calling them things like "fktard". If someone goes and starts calling you names or personally attacking you, do the right thing and don't stoop to doing something like that.
  9. Even if it was possible to emulate these things, they still wouldn't add them into the game. They were, as others have said, cheap exploits that people used to gain an advantage. Whether or not anyone could use them is a moot point. The game was not designed with these things in mind, and so there is no balancing in place for them. Like Twinreaper said, even Bungie considered them to be cheating. That's not because they couldn't pull them off themselves. That's not because they didn't want a wide skill gap. It's because people were exploiting bugs within the game to win situations they wouldn't have had they played legitimately and just for the simple fact that they were exploiting bugs period. It's perfectly fine to widen the skill gap, but button combos are far from the correct way to do so.
  10. I was never impolite in my posts. I never "lost my cool" and started attacking you or insulting you or use a lot of sarcasm. I don't have to work for 343 Industries to be able see why they didn't apply one group of settings to the game and discard the others. It's blatantly obvious why they didn't do so and if you would read what I said then you would understand why they will not do this. Whether or not I am employed with them would not make any difference. If you have not already then please carefully read over why I have said they would not apply the Vanilla or TU settings to everything instead of doing what they currently are. I am sure that everyone else can agree with the reason(s) I gave. I don't have anything against you either, I am merely trying to explain to you my opinion and also explain to you why they won't just use one version of Reach across the board. Like I said before, it's quite obvious why they're not going to either use only Vanilla Reach settings or all Title Update settings. I've already explained in detail why they won't do this in the two posts I've made before this. There isn't any need to be employed with them to be capable of seeing their reasoning behind their decision because anyone who actually thinks about it for any decent length of time should come to the same conclusion I have.
  11. Please point to some posts of mine that were not polite. Point to some where I, for no reason, was rude or hateful towards someone. You can't because that's never been the case with any of my posts. I did in fact give you an answer as to why 343 Industries hasn't switched to all Vanilla or all TU settings for Halo: Reach. Please read over my post again if you missed it. I said that they haven't done so and aren't going to do so because there are large groups of people who prefer Vanilla settings and a large group who prefer the TU settings. Switching to only one would anger and disappoint the group that prefers the opposite settings, and that would mean 343 Industries would have alienated a large amount of players. They chose to keep some playlists pre-TU for those who enjoy the Vanilla Reach settings and they created and updated some playlists for those who prefer the Title Update. They want to please as many players as they can, and allowing them to play whichever version of Halo: Reach they want is the best move. Removing one version (Vanilla or Title Update) and updating every playlist with the settings of the other would cause an uproar. You would have everyone who liked the removed settings crying foul because they're being forced to play with settings they dislike. Where is the sense in that? Why would you ask 343i to do something like that? It makes no sense when you think about it. What they did was the best move in my eyes, because now no matter which settings you prefer you can play plenty of playlists with those. That is why they haven't decided to use just one group of settings across all of Halo: Reach. I wasn't addressing the lag issue because as far as I'm concerned there's not really much to discuss about it. I provided you with the answer to your question about why 343 industries haven't chose to use just one group of settings instead of having different playlists using one or the other. I did this in my previous post and I did so above. That is the question I was answering, please look to my previous post or to the two large paragraphs above and you will see.
  12. 2. You haven't worded things properly because your sentence structure and grammar are, no offense, kind of bad. I can make out most of what you're saying, but some of it is hard to understand because of the way you're speaking. 3. When have I been antagonistic? Whenever I post I do so in a calm, polite manner. I never go on personal attacks, nor do I try to pick fights. I only offer my opinion as best I can and express why I have the opinion I do. There is nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone, and when I do I make sure to keep things civil and calm in my posts. Rarely do I ever actually call someone something, and even then it is because I believe that their behaviour reflects that. I am never disagreeing with someone for the sake of disagreeing, and I do not ever call someone out and attempt to put them down. 4. I know that you've said this, and I wasn't saying anything related to it. I was correcting you when you tried to say that the voting was to determine the overall opinion on the Title Update. You can see from the quotes I gave that that was never the case, and this is what I was telling you from the start. I also explained to you why 343 Industries havs both Vanilla and TU settings in matchmaking instead of just one. You seemed to be wishing to know why, and I gave you the answer. 5. There was no sarcasm in my post. The last time I played Halo: Reach there were almost an equal amount of playlists for both Vanilla and Title Update.
  13. They have both Vanilla Reach and TU Reach playlists because there are a lot of people who enjoy both versions of Halo: Reach. Picking one over the other wouldn't be a good move, because either way they would have a lot of disappointed and upset fans to deal with. Having both ensures that those who enjoy Vanilla Reach and those that enjoy TU Reach are satisfied. The voting that took place was not to decide whether or not the game would use all Vanilla or all TU settings. The voting that took place was only, and I mean only to determine if Team Slayer was going to be updated with the Title Update or kept the same with Vanilla settings. That is it. Never did 343 Industries state it would be to decide whether or not to keep the TU in Halo: Reach. It was solely for that playlist. If you want proof of this, here are two quotes directly from the February Matchmaking Playlist Update taken from the official website... "We are in the process of deciding if the Team Slayer playlist will be updated to TU settings. This continues to be one of the most popular playlists, so we are not taking this decision lightly. In an effort to get player feedback that's as accurate as possible, we are going to pull voting data over a two-week period." "To do that, we’re removing one of the voting choices. That will leave you with one vanilla choice and one TU choice. We realize that ties default to the highest voting option, so in order to balance the results, vanilla will be the top selection for the first week, and TU will be the top selection for the second week. Once the results are in, we’ll analyze the data and make an informed decision." Here is something else quoted word for word from the March Matchmaking Playlist Update... "After analyzing the Team Slayer voting data that took place the first two weeks of February, we were able to draw several instructive conclusions. Most importantly we learned that: A significant portion of Halo: Reach players enjoy the Title Update settings. A significant portion of Halo: Reach players enjoy the original Halo: Reach settings. A significant portion of Halo: Reach players simply enjoy playing Halo: Reach. To make sure all three groups have a Team Slayer option that fits their preferred way of playing the game, we are adding a new playlist called Super Slayer. Super Slayer is a replica of Team Slayer with the Title Update changes included. Team Slayer will still be available with its original settings intact, and Super Slayer will peacefully coexist with it, happily fulfilling your Slayer-related Title Update needs. Thank you for all the feedback that allowed us to make this decision. We heart you. More than you know." The reason myself and others believe you've been saying that the TU was still an option in Team Slayer is because you haven't worded what you've been saying properly. You also need to stop showing those who like the TU a complete lack of respect by calling it and them "****", "noobs", and assuming they couldn't handle the game pre-TU. I happened to love Halo: Reach before the TU, but I enjoy the TU far more than Vanilla settings now that I've played them. The Title Update feels a lot smoother and more natural than the settings of Vanilla Reach (which I can not stand playing now). That doesn't mean that I raged when someone used armour lock, or that I couldn't handle it or other armour abilities. Armour lock has never been an issue for me besides the lock 'n' pop melee that someone occasionally uses. It has never been an issue countering someone using it, and I have used it quite a few times myself to counter someone using the Energy Sword, Gravity Hammer, or grenade spam. You like the Vanilla settings and that is perfectly fine, no one has a problem with that. Everyone respects the fact that you do. You need to respect the fact that a lot of other players prefer the Title Update. Whether or not some players participate in forum communities such as this one is a moot point. We are all a part of the Halo: Reach community because we all play it. By the way, there are plenty of playlists for those who enjoy Vanilla Reach and TU Reach. Please actually check next time you go into matchmaking. If something uses the Title Update, it will say so below the playlist description.
  14. Well from what this person is saying, they still have the TU option in Vanilla Team Slayer. I'm not sure if that's the case and you've said you only ever get Vanilla Reach as a choice. If it is in fact still an option in Vanilla Team Slayer it should be removed. They do label the playlists with the TU if it uses those settings, though some exceptions to this are MLG and the TU ZB Slayer playlist. I know these don't use the TU's version of bloom, but they share some common attributes I believe.
  15. 343 Industries never said that the TU lost the vote. They said that they found that lots of people enjoyed the Vanilla settings, and lots of people enjoyed the TU settings. If you can actually link me to where they said that the TU lost, please feel free to do so. They chose to keep Vanilla Team Slayer because the votes were more than likely very close to one another, which is why they might not have given specific numbers on which was chosen more and simply said that a lot of people enjoyed both. Instead of just keeping it Vanilla Team Slayer and that being the end of it, they switched out Squad Slayer for a TU Team Slayer playlist for those who enjoyed Team Slayer with the TU. I do agree that since there is now a TU Team Slayer playlist that they should remove the TU choice from regular Team Slayer.
  16. You keep referencing this vote, but all it applied to was Team Slayer. It wasn't a vote held to determine the overall opinion on the Title Update. People voted by picking whichever they wanted to play. Some people may not have liked the TU, others may have not known what the TU was and so they didn't choose it, and others could have simply not cared either way. 343 Industries decided to keep Team Slayer Pre-TU, and they removed Squad Slayer to add a Team Slayer playlist with the Title Update. You've still got your Pre-TU Team Slayer playlist, what is the issue here? If more people prefer Vanilla Reach like you said, it shouldn't matter if they still have TU as a voting option in Team Slayer because (since you said that most prefer Vanilla Reach) it won't get voted for or at least not enough to really become a nuisance.
  17. What you are referring to is the vote to see whether or not Team Slayer would keep vanilla Reach settings or if it would have the TU settings applied. They found that a lot of people liked Vanilla Reach and a lot of people like the Title Update, so they decided to keep Team Slayer pre-TU and created a Team Slayer playlist for those who preferred the Title Update (Super Slayer). What's the issue here? You have plenty of playlists to play Vanilla settings in, and so do those who like the Title Update.
  18. They kind of do look like dinosaurs (they remind me of a t-rex), but they also look like the Predators from the Predator franchise. They did take inspiration from the Predators, so it's not really a surprise. Elites are perhaps my favourite enemy in the entire Halo series with Grunts and Jackals coming right behind. I liked their appearances in Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, and Halo: Reach, but I didn't care for their appearance in Halo 3 or Halo 3: ODST. Something just didn't sit right with me when I saw how they looked in those games. The Elite's we've seen for Halo 4 look pretty awesome though, and I can't wait to go up against them.
  19. I doubt they're going to allow us to customise the attributes of any weapons. With the loadouts it might be something as simple as choosing from a few primary and secondary classed weapons, perhaps which grenade type we would like to start out with, an armour ability, and a modification. Weapon customisation just isn't something I see being a part of Halo. Everyone uses the same exact weapons, no matter what they start off with. No one chooses a certain barrel or scope or grip or anything like that for any guns, so when you're in a firefight it's all about who uses their weapon most effectively. If you have two people using a Battle Rifle for instance, one person isn't going to have an advantage because they've equipped a recoil reducing item onto their Battle Rifle while the other is using the standard version. This kind of thing is something I hope never to see in Halo, and I doubt it will be a part of Halo 4.
  20. I am hoping that I will be able to pre-order Halo 4 before its release. I did the same thing with Halo: Reach, and there's nothing quite like getting a game the day of its release and experiencing what it has to offer with everyone else I know.
  21. I really think that you need to read up on all of the Halo 4 interviews, videos, and other information that they have released. There is plenty (in my opinion) that will be different about Halo 4 that will make it feel fresh and exciting. Search around in the "Halo 4" section or "Gaming News" section of this site and you'll find some, if not all, of that information. You could also use Google to find screenshots and any information not covered in the threads below. EDIT: I've linked several threads below that you might be interested in checking out. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/7508-halo-4-info-new-cortana-pic-and-lots-of-info-from-game-informer-magazine-and-all-latest-halo-4-info/ http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/7720-halo-4-info-part-2-thread-update-new-screen-shots-composer-revealed-and-more-info-coming-soon-hopefully/ http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/7964-things-explained-in-the-latest-spark-cast-for-halo-4warning-very-long-list/ http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/8077-updated-dutch-magazine-power-unlimited-has-some-new-halo-4-info/
  22. No one is being selfish because they don't really mind if the Elites are playable in Halo 4. I personally don't mind one way or the other because since Halo: Combat Evolved I have always preferred playing as a Spartan. Role playing and having fun as an Elite, getting into the fiction and such is fine, but I think you're honestly taking it a bit too far. If you really enjoy playing as them, I can understand being let down that they may not be playable in matchmaking. However attacking others whether it be via forums, in game, or via any other form of communication is downright stupid. Now I'm not saying that you in particular are doing that, but I've heard that some people and Elite clans are doing this. It is a video game, it isn't something that should honestly affect your life in any serious way. Going to these kinds of lengths to express your disappointment is silly. I am sure that, despite Elites not being a choice for matchmaking, 343 Industries will give those who enjoy playing as Elites something that they will enjoy. Maybe this could be an "Elite Ops" type of mode, maybe we'll be allowed to use Elites in Custom Games and Forge. Also, please don't try to tell someone that no one cares about their opinion. That is completely uncalled for. There are plenty of people who care about the opinions of others. You may not be one of them, but don't try to speak for everyone else. You should not discard someone's opinion just because they may not be as fanatical as you are when it comes to the choice of playing as a certain type of alien in a video game series.
  23. I wouldn't say that awkward silences are good or bad. I find that they usually happen when neither person can think up something to say to the other, and so they spend a bit of time either waiting for the other to speak up, or until they finally manage to think of something to break the silence. Usually whenever it happens to me, it's one of those two things: I don't know what to say and am waiting for the other person to speak up, or I'm really shy, nervous, or something like that.
  24. I always play the campaign of a Halo game before anything else. Once I've played through the entire campaign (by myself), then I start to focus on the multiplayer side of the game. I only do a co-op campaign once I've finished it by myself, or if I know the person I'm playing with won't decide to just rush through it and not take the time to look at the detailing of levels, explore, etc.
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