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Everything posted by About265Jews

  1. They get blocked and sinked down to oblivion fast, i found most of them via links by posters in other threads.
  2. It's not on the Official explanation of Bans Thread. Does that mean that It's gone?
  3. After The launch of Halo Reach, there had been numerous excellent constructive criticisms threads on the community forums. Most of them turned out to be flame magnets, but a few of them actually made is through the thick skulls of the fan boys. Wait for it, Wait for it, Wait for it, as soon as any thread gained any sort of momontum what's so ever they just get blocked and their authors perma banned. You probably didn't notice this unless you had been an avid forum goer like I was, but I hope that this won't happen here again at a new rising corporation. Have a good day people.
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