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  1. As I said before I and a LOT of people did and after THREE burnt out xbox at US$599.99 EACH (the infamous heat sink problems) we said --FORGET THAT WASTE! yeah they corrected that with the xbox 360 but some of us have NOT forgot nor forgiven. Besdies it was only in Halo 3 did management say "Oh ho we can position Halo and its fan base right at PS3 Resistence and take money away from those who only buy one console" Now that Bungie is out of the picture I hope 343 comes back to INCLUDE PC gamers who do spend a LOT of money on GOOD gamers including Elder Scrolls Assassin's Creed Call of Duty Crysis Medal of Honor Rage Deus Ex Portal Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite Devil May Cry (WAY Better on the PC than the console versions!) Street Fighter 4 (same! PC WAY better than console version) and a WHOLE HOST of PC games both specific and later console ports. PC gaming dead? Only if you believe EA (PC Madden was DELIBERATELY made bad in the last two PC releases) Thankfully GOOD game makers like Lionshead learned that lesson was false hence we got Fable 3 on the PC after beinga console exclusive for Fable 2. I hope 343 does the same for Halo and brings it back to the PAYING consumer base of PC Halo gamers.
  2. At present the idea that Windows 8 will run xbox 360 games is only a RUMOR. And even if that rumor is true, the so called "console less" emulator is said to be based on a client server model where the client has to have a PAID subscription to be able to do and NOT locale to your PC as stated here (dated July 2011) http://www.gamespot.com/news/6323247/windows-8-to-play-xbox-360-games Personally I have no interest in paying an online fee ON TOP of the monthly US$60 to comcast to be able to pay a disk contained game. Again I just hope 343 decides to include us PC OFFLINE gamers back into the Halo franchise and not abandon us the way Bungie did for the LAST part of the trilogy.
  3. Then as a fan AND a potential RETURNING CONSUMER I hope 343 will not leave us PC gamers hanging as Bungie did. The PC Halo gamers bought and enjoyed Halo 1, Halo 2 and Halo Combat Evolved all on the Windows/PC platform. I think it will increase sales if the Halo series were to return to including the PC platform as those three games were ALL solid sellers for MS/Bungie. Even if the PC version is delayed several months versus the console version there would be a large fan base who would return as some of us never came back after the repeated heat sink issue with the original Xbox (which ended up costing MORE than a comparible PC at that time) and have been waiting and getting ignored on the VERY LAST part of the trilogy and then Reach by Bungie. I really hope 343 is here to develop a good game for the masses and NOT to push a console promoter. I honestly don't think the market needs yet another Gears or God of War or Uncharted or any other console exclusive (none of which I have played except for the first Gear for PC back in 2007) The video game market needs GOOD solid games that reaches out to INCLUDE as much consumers and not puts up yet more and more restrictions to such good games by saying "console exclusive" or high speed ethernet at all times.
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