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Everything posted by Archon

  1. I agree... They better not release the scene before the game comes out... I also want to see Johnson as a badass once more... but even more badass.
  2. Other companies have that one capability allowing them to create a game.
  3. That would be stealing from GoW, because they have. Locust vs Humans in Beast Mode. Which is where you kill a bunch of humans. The only change would be the difficulty in Firefight, because Human weapons are ironically more powerful than Covenant Weapons during gameplay.
  4. Indeed, although it is focusing on the Forge for Halo 4 so it would probably go in either forum.
  5. It depends on the Gametype and or if it matches my play style. Also, Thanks for your contributions.
  6. I will buy it for full price, just like I will buy GoW 3.
  7. I'm a Troll. To be honest, but I only troll trolls.
  8. I'm a Troll. To be honest, but I only troll trolls.
  9. IF they were 3k each, then I would rank up faster, making me actually want to play the game more... I think it is just the right amount... 2.5k at the very least.
  10. It would be considered heresy to touch a human weapon.
  11. Well, to be honest. Some things seem to be more repetitive than others things to others.
  12. Thank you. RTS' are my style. And I hold nothing against you for your hatred of my favourite Genre.
  13. I have no other option than to agree... even if this isn't Bun-gie.
  14. to the arbiter's bestfriend ever,
  15. dogs, Ricky was considered freaky,
  16. I shall try it... and Thank you for that info Vitamin.
  17. OH MY GOD!!!! OH MY GOD!!!! The Ark is a shield world. Just like my uploaded memory clearly states...
  18. Was probably the smallest breed,
  19. You still see Infected Grunts in Halowars... 30 years before the first halo... They deemed the grunts too small in mass and made them carriers. Or smeared their blood all over walls, and inside an elevator shaft....
  20. Enjoyed eating larger dogs, and...
  21. Yup... must've been an epic solar Flare from the sun or something... @ Vitamin the Teleportation Grid is Online. I wanted to see this 'free Country' every keeps talking about, and I had to get some sort of lifeform on my ring... its pretty barren. Edit: I also have a Thermo-meter on the top-left-corner of my Head-up-Display.
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