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Everything posted by Archon

  1. You, my person that I just recently met. Complain too much... HALO 3: ODST was 60 DOLLARS; and you sit here like a small child, complaining about something that you expected, instead of keeping your mouth shut and tolerating it.
  2. This one uses Plasma Rifles, and he likes it. I have noticed the Plasma rifles, but I don't really care because I am not the type of person that uses one weapon. This one is a jack of all trades... to a certain extent... but he also enjoys using the shotgun... in living dead and getting Onyx maxed out for close quarters with it... but that is irrelevant.
  3. Excellent news... though I have been around for that time.
  4. Excellent Video... couldn't understand what 'that-guy' was saying though...
  5. The 'planet' In Halowars did exactly as you described at the beginning of your post. It was a shield world... and every shield world has an entrance... giant bum hole or not... -lultrollfaceness-
  6. :FaceslamintodeskandthenthrowintoablenderandfinallygoonanepicjourneyofwordstoslammyfaceallthewaydowntohelllikethetrollIamjustbecauseIamCapableofdoingso:
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