You seem to have some intelligence in your brain. Tis good.
OP, Alpha zombies was added in as a gametype. Stop being lazy and type alpha zombies in the tag search. There is no purpose to forge out of forge world. Why would you? That is like saying you couldn't forge on high ground or sand trap, every map was on foundry. Of course that will change if a new FW is released. Sort of like sandbox or Standoff.
Also, Reach was made by the makers of the previous games. Therefore, it cannot be fake, they did what they want, and now 343 can. It's exactly like saying ODST was fake.
The complaints of the AA's have no thought into them at all. 'Shield'as you call it works wonderful. As well as sprint and evade. Why would they be buttons? So every weapon close range or rockets, ESPECIALLY the plasma launcher would have no use at all. I'm starting to think you forget halo is different from other games.
EDIT: What a hypocrite! You added a note saying "No trolls"! WOW