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Unease Peanut

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Everything posted by Unease Peanut

  1. This easter egg got found pretty soon after launch and I can't help but wonder how in the world people find stuff like this. It's a fun little thing to trigger during matches
  2. inb4 ban for too many suicides trying to get there. It's a neat little trick, though if it gets exploited too much it could be rather frustrating.
  3. -Back at 343i headquarters Employee: "Hey this one individual is having issues!" Frankie: "No worries!" *flips switch* "Fixed!" "You can't always get what you want" ~The Rolling Stones
  4. I wouldn't know for sure since I'm from Europe. Try contacting some of our resident aussies Azaxx and Halo6Follower
  5. You shouldn't buy gold packs at level 51. Things is if there are more items available from all categories (common to legendary) you'll most certainly get commons and uncommons from silver packs and uncommons and rares from gold packs since they are available and have a higher chance of dropping. You can increase the chance of good loot by fishing out the common and uncommon stuff out first by starting with bronze packs. If you feel like you don't get any permanent unlocks with bronze packs anymore move on to silver packs. If you have just about all uncommons and rares THEN you move up to gold. This way you save a couple of million REQ points in the end. I did it this way and have had multiple types of DMR's drop and I'm level 70 right now.
  6. This way you'll never get higher up...
  7. @@EliteSpartan March on Stormbreak is the worst map for vehicles. They don't have much room to move around making it even easier to board them. If you being stuck with an AR is a problem just head over to the REQ station to basiclt pick up any other gun.
  8. Then either you or your team is doing something wrong. As far as I'm concerned most vehicles are extremely easy to take down. Mongooses/Gungooses leave the driver awefully exposed and allows for an easy headshot, Warthogs have a very exposed gunner allowing them to be taken out fairly easily, Ghosts can be brought down with ease when your team focusses fire and tanks move so slow you can Sprint even faster allowing you to board them. Then there's also the Plasma Pistol which EMPs them and you can spawn in some other powerweapons that are meant to be used against vehicles. The REQ levels for all vehicles are fair enough imo.
  9. What you like might not be what some others like. For instance I don't like CTF in BTB because my team is always terrible. Should I ask of 343i to decrease the chance of BTB CTF popping up now?
  10. 5 and 1 are some of my favourites... We're going to have some problems Welcome to the forum! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
  11. MAy I suggest that you take this issue over to Halowaypoint.com for more help. Sadly we can't really do anything from here other than give advise. Speaking of advice are any of you connected with Time Warner or something, because I remember people connected to that ISP having some trouble like this too at launch.
  12. If you had been banned it would come up in an alert screen when returning to the menu with the type of ban and time. If you haven't had this pop-up I'm assuming your game just bugged out and I'd suggest the same as Fishy.
  13. We can't fix the game, if you took some time to pay attention to the forum you're addressing instead of ranting you would've seen that we're not 343i but a community fan forum. Also your 2 hours of time are worth close to 0.
  14. Well look at it from this perspective, if you were allowed to keep your boosts from disconnects... what's keeping me from just pulling out my internet when I'm losing the game with a victory gambit active? My point being that it's hard to differentiate accidental disconnects from "accidental" disconnects.
  15. It's not our game as we're just a community fan forum. But I wonder what server issues you're talking about. At most I get connected to an american server and have 200ms ping istead of 50ms.
  16. Overreacting is also a thing you know? Have you checked all possible combinations? Just run by all of them, I'm sure there's something that suits your dire needs.
  17. I had that problem a few times as well, but not for 2 days. What I figured was that it is either a MS XBL connection problem or a local internet problem (as my friends weren't having any issues). For me it went away after a day or so so I don't know exactly how to solve the problem. Usually a good way to start is by powercycling your Xbox (holding the powerbutton for 10 seconds) and if that doesn't work reinstalling the game.
  18. The Warzone REQ bundle stopped a few weeks back since it was going to last 7 weeks after release. On top of that you can only buy 1 bundle and not multiple, so I wonder how you managed to buy 3 of them...
  19. You should check up with Microsoft for this since they have your purchase history. We can't help you with this and I don't think 343i themselves can help it either, though you could try to make a thread on Waypoint.
  20. Sadly I do think you guys need to check up with your ISP to see what's going on in order to prevent any more bans. I know that people connected with Time Warner were having some trouble in the early days, I don't know whether this has been resolved. @@Ni Nihon This issue is rather specific, some people have these troubles and others have never experienced anything like this. The only thing I can say is that the only way to know for sure is to try it out yourself.
  21. Well you do have quite some DNF's on your game history. The problem is that it's rather hard to differentiate actual connection losses with people who purposely leave or pull out their internet connection themselves. Then there's also people who'd use this kind of error to claim that none of their DNF's were intentional while they actually were (not saying you're this kind of person, but they're out there). As far as I'm concerned the second video is just a ban coming in late. Nothing to do with you leaving a campaign mission, just a coincidence.
  22. "digital copies probably only add another 20%-30% to Halo 5‘s sales." assumptions assumptions assumptions... With MS promoting didgital sales more and more we could also assume that these digital sale could "probably" add 50% for all we know. Also doing some research on VGChartz where Halofollower got his numbers from made clear that really no one other than some news sites trust their numbers. They're infamous for relegating their site out to third-parties and pulling numbers out of thin air only to edit them to the 'correct' amount when other numbers pop-up somewhere else.
  23. Well the ranking is designed to put you up against higher ranks to improve yourself. Think of one tier above and below you. I'm willing to bet that these Champions are boosting their lower ranked buddy or buddies. I hope you find some rest in knowing that Champions and Onyx's don't get any positive rating (they do get negative rating if they lose) when playing these kind of matches.
  24. We're not the actual 343i but we can try to help you. Is reïnstalling the game an option? Maybe powercycle the xbox (Hold the power button for 10 seconds) or just simply waiting some time, it might be a temporary issue.
  25. Do I need to specify that Junior (AKA Doc) nees to come back? If so, take this as my specification. Might come up with another character, maybe a brother or something... Carmine style.
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