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Unease Peanut

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Everything posted by Unease Peanut

  1. I know that feeling. This is why the times of gamechat are over and why people tend to stick to party chat. I know I do.
  2. I did too in the beta. You should check out all medals on Halowaypoint, there are some you'd not think that'd be there. For instance there is also a medal similair to this one, only this time a teammate catches it. The medal awarded fot his is called 'Alley-oop".
  3. I am the best, but I don't feel like proving it.
  4. If you want to play Slayer just select Team Slayer... How you didn't manage to figure this out is beyond me...
  5. How do you mean "doesn't work"? Is this in-game or on the stat tracker on Waypoint? Also, the achievements are a bit wonky, it might just be that.
  6. I agree with you on spawns, they are terrible. All the other points you brought up are more preferences than actual issues, most of these points pop-up on Waypoint daily and have been discussed to death. Also343i has given explaination on how and why they did point 3 to 5 and they do no plan on changing these.
  7. Well the most obvious answer is to just get gooder. Try going in with a team and help eachother out. Give call-outs, discuss tactics and know your maps. The game is also meant to put you up against (somewhat) stronger opponents to keep you on your toes and to improve yourself in the process. Only being matched against people way below you doesn't improve you and doesn't help the other in any way at all. I was ranked Platinum in SWAT for some reason initially and absolutely dominated all the way up to Onyx which wasn't as fun for both me and my opponents. Conclusion, You're supposed to be matched against somewhat better people and if you keep losing you need to find ways to improve yourself.
  8. Maybe another HAlo 3ODST/Halo Reach like spin-off with the focus on life in the Covenant before and maybe during the war would be cool. But aren't there already books about Thel's life before the events of the games? If so we wouldn't want a Fall of Reach (book) vs Halo: Reach (game) fiasco again.
  9. Don't forget to sign in to Halo one of these days, there's a little surprise REQ pack waiting for you!

    1. Drizzy_Dan
    2. Maestro


      That REQ pack better include forge

  10. Reading this I was quite shocked at some of your points. I'll list my response per paragraph: -By far the most discussed point is Sprint, and I expected to see someone yet again opt to remove to feature and I was getting ready to make a disappointes sigh. But when I saw that you actually thought that Sprint was better with schield recharge my brows went all the way up my forehead. While I could understand the point people went on and on about in Halo 4, Sprint being a cheap getaway, I see no real reason why Halo 5 is doing it wrong. Yes you can still get away but you'll sacrifice your shield recharging in the meantime. This seemed like a fair inbeteween for Sprint to compensate for both sides of the discussion. -I feel like you're overexaggerating a bit when it comes to the "power slam". In no possible way is it a feature that gets you killed evey single game. Hell, I've rarely seen it being used against me let alone every single game. Thing is, like Sprint, it fairly balanced and thought out when you go in depth. When you want to use the Spartan Charge you first have to build op momentum, then if you do manage to hit someone they still have the oppertunity to hit you back with lunge in the time it takes for you to recover from the blast. Recovery time that's fairly long might I add. On the other end of things you should've not let them get so close. You can basicly do the same thing in Halo 4 when you melee out of Sprint, only in Halo 4 there's no recovery time for the one hit and this results into double melee's which were also a point of discussion back in the day. Point is, you let them get too close which costs you your head. Solution? Don't let them get close. Not remove a feature all together. The Ground pound is in no way OP. It takes long to charge up, you basicly become a bright noisy target and the blast radius when you do make it downtown is minimal. The only way to land a kill is if you land right ontop of someone which should be hard for the one using ground pound should you see him and just thrust out of the way. If he does manage to one hit you than it's your own fault for not paying attention, should he bring your shields down then you have still got plenty of time to either run for cover or strike back. -Here I fail to see how the Halo 2 and Halo 5 BR are different. Just because you move faster doesn't make the Halo 5 BR any better, if anything it should be easier to get out of dodge with the faster movement no? Double teaming someone in Halo 2 would also result in a '.5' killtime but with the added heavy bullet magnetism Halo 2 had. All other loadout weapons have been balanced accordingly to prevent the BR from becoming the go to weapon again (like it was in Halo 2 and 4). In Halo 5 it serves a purpose as sort of an all porpose weapon easpecially powerful in medium range combat but with short and long range capabilities. The DMR (which is a 5 shot) fills the purpose of medium to long range and the AR is the go to weapon for short range combat. The Pistol will always lose to any of these weapons if you use the other weapons like you should. If not then you either have a skilled opponent with better aim than you, you just let him live too long and allowed him to kill you or he outplayed you and got the drop on you. -I'm Onyx and still use the AR when people get too close, since you know... it takes people out faster than the Pistol up close. You should give it a try sometime. Have you played the beta? 2 out of 3 weeks I believe had BR starts in Arena and it was horrible. No one dared to even move from their position since you'd get taken out by BR's. Eveyone just layed back and didn't engage. This is why we now have AR starts and i fully agree with this decision. If you still want your BR or other precision weapon, there are plenty spread across the map and the respawn times aren't that long. -I fully agree with you on spawns. It's a pain. Though, fixing it isn't as easy as it appaers. -The radar range has indeed been shortened in Arena (Not in BTB and Warzone) to make up for the relatively small maps. Else you'd see people pop up halfway across the map. I for one don't really mind this since it's easier to get the drop on people and takes away the kinda wall-hack like crutch, but I get that people want range increased. I wouldn't really mind either way. -Radar still indicates people being on different height levels, I'm not sure how you didn't notice this. -Zooming out when hit is for the better. This makes you able to at least keep an opponent from annihilating you with a (power)weapon without being able to have benn given the oppertunity to fight back. If you're getiing shot all the time, try to stick with cover. -This was another eye-brow poker since the community was in absolute uproar about loadouts. There is nother that irritates competetive players more than randomness, and loadouts provided just that. You never knew what you were going up against when you knew someone was in a room or somewhere you were going which made it hard to play tactically and so forth. In BTB you don't need a DMR to kill at range, the BR is perfectly fine for the type of batlles BTB provides. If you fail to kill at range, try to move in closer. (On a side note I wonder why you call the AR a death machine here but enver use it in Arena) -I agree that split-screen removal sucks, but if it were 30 fps with split-screen or 60 fps without I'd go for the latter everytime. Mainly because I rarely made use of split-screen but still, Its time has passed. -There's also Warzone and Warzone assault for a grand total of 7 playists! Yes, it's kind of a small amount. More scoial playlists would do the trick and that's coming. -Again with the exaggeration. There's no way a friend of you aimed at a guys feet and scored a headshot. I find it harder to hit heads than Halo 2, but somehwat easier in comparison to Halo 3. Just depends on the person I guess. -The maps are rather small with the idea of action packed combat. It's called Arena for a reason. But I do agree that somehwat larger maps wouldn't have hurt. -The campaign was one of the better ones imo. Much more story and action packed gameplay. Was kinda disappointed by the way they depicted Locke before launch and how he turned out in the actual game. But overall it was a solid campaign, not the best, but definitly not the worst. If you were the CEO of 343i I hope you'd learn that 343i doesn't just make calls on a whim. They've thought out everything they did and had to make some tough calls. I'd recommend watching the 'The Sprint' series on the Halo Channel or Youtube to see what I'm talking about.
  11. You get 2 packs each week for 7 weeks adding up to a total of 14.
  12. Nooooooo! I'm sure I would have had it this month! Stoopid Breakout league
  13. I don't remember there being any Warzone in any Halo before this. Moving on sure splitscreen can be done, but make sure you have some asprin with you for the headache that comes from moving between 30 and 60 fps all the time. 343i made their decision to sacrifice Splitscreen for constant 60 fps and are sticking with it, no matte rhow bad you want it.
  14. Just about everyone on Waypoint. Seriously, they won't shut up about it...
  15. This is a bit of an issue but you shouldn't worry about your XP or REQ points, you'll get them usually a few seconds after you've recieved the error. Another issue is that people nowaday tend to almost throw a game away because of one bug/error...
  16. You should've started with some Bronze packs to fish out the common permanent REQs so they don't end up in your Silver or even Gold packs. This way of opening REQs allows for greater rewards out of Gold packs in the long run.
  17. Got a knife in CSGO worth €110 on the Steam market from a case :D

  18. You've mistaken this forum from the real deal, we're merely a fan forum and can't really help you with this. I come from the EU myself and don't have any troubles connecting to either region at all.
  19. You should spend some of those, or give them to me. Either way is fine
  20. Unranked players will be placed with players of somewhat equal skill. If this weren't the case it wouldn't be fun for anyone. If you have played 6 placement matches and get pitched with and against Gold players it's pretty safe to assume that your final rank will be Gold. The ranking system is actually pretty advanced if you look into it. If you want to avoid this stuff I suggest you find a party of friends to play with.
  21. Wasn't it so that you needed to have done that before Halo 5 released? I'm not sure if this is the case but it would explain you not getting it.
  22. Did this issue appear when you bought/downloaded it initially or just recently? I've seen more reports like yours and have yet to see a solution, I'll keep an eye out for you!
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