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Unease Peanut

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Everything posted by Unease Peanut

  1. What bothers me is that people usually refer to Bungie being the perfect dev and that they never did things wrong, which they did. Bungie was really lucky that Halo CE took off like it did. When they released Halo 2 they again were lucky that it was recieved well even with the unbalanced mess and glitches that all became 'features'. The same again happened with Halo 3 that (like Halo 2) still has unresolved issues 'till this day that no one seems to care about. My point is, Bungie was really really lucky that their games still were this much fun to play. Their trilogy is good, don't get me wrong. But it far less perfect than people lead you to believe.
  2. Got the 'Shove it' assassination :D

  3. You're welcome mate, I know stuff like this remaining unanswered can be quite frustrating. If all else fails just go back to MS support and keep nagging them untill you get someone on the line that is actually helpful, sadly this is usually the way you need to approach helpdesks.
  4. You can contact 343i through either the Halowaypoint.com forums or you could try to shoot a tweet at Josh Holmes or Frankie for a more direct answer if they decide to answer. I've tried Googling your issue and came up with this snippet: HALO 5 PRE-ORDER BONUSES NOT DISPLAYED IN THE GAME In case you have some pre-order bonuses not displayed in the game, whichever they are based on the version of the game you bought, follow these steps to see if something changes: 1. Go to Games and Apps. 2. With the cursor over Halo 5, press Start. 3. Choose Manage Game. 4. Install the Promotional REQ Pack. 5. Restart the console. 6. Start the game. 7. Go to Spartan Hub (press Start). 8. Click Requisition, then Open Packs. 9. Go to Customization and get your pre-order items You might've already tried this, but you never know.
  5. Are they on your account? I've seen some reports of people leaving stuff to download while someone on another account was playing and somehow got listed to their account thus locking out the actual owner of that content.
  6. If you can't at all launch it I do think uninstalling and reïnstalling is the only possibility.
  7. @@Fishy I don't think they count for KDA, I've seen multiple people on Waypoint asking for this. Thing is that this can be kinda boost-y. See the Driver is doing all the hard work and is way more exposed and easier to be killed, for you to just be able to sit there while still getting that increase to your KDA would be kinda unfair. Not saying that YOU would you it to boost but it IS possible with your request.
  8. @@Fishy I think he means that the tags above the heads are the same color for all teammates. I think he wants those colors to be different to indicate that they are part of his Fireteam so he can indentify them easier.
  9. I finally found my Taco! After all these years!!! Welcome to the communtiy mate
  10. It's being handed out the upcoming days, I just got mine. Have a little patience and contact Halowaypoint if you don't have a code by the end of the week.
  11. I have a hard time believing that you got banned 5 hours for teamkilling just once. Usually any first ban is surely less than 30 minutes, 5 hour bans happen after repeated misconduct.
  12. Halowaypoint.com is the official halo site, they have a support forum and many other forums in which you can post your issue. Alternatively you can try to contact Xbox support or shoot a Tweet at either Josh Holmes or Frank 'o Connor who are devs of 343i.
  13. Well you should get 2 every week since launch. Right now you should've had 4 over the span of 2 weeks. Try contacting support on Waypoint, they might be able to help you further.
  14. HAve you installed it? As in try selecting one in the REQ store, what does it say?
  15. 343i is already holding true to their word of post launch commitment with an update barely a month after release. The new update called 'Battle of Shadow and Light' will deliver us more REQs including, but not limited to, the new 'Shinobi' armor, the 'Dying Star' Lightrifle and Tundra and Woodland themed Mongoos... vehicles. In total 48 new REQs will drop with this update which you can view down here: But the biggest bombshell is that with this update we finally get BTB. The 8v8 vehicular onslaught will feature four new Big Team Battle canvases available in multiplayer and custom games. They are inspired by some of the classic Halo maps so you might recognize some apects in Deadlock, Basin, Guillotine, and Recurve. Some previews of the maps can be found down here: Please note that these are preview images and might not be final. What are your thoughts on these news maps and REQs? Let us know down below! Thank you for reading! Source: Halowaypoint
  16. I'm going to have to say no on the sole reason that that was a terrible pun.
  17. No need, it was just an Xbox server issue. Should be resolved now.
  18. We're not 343i and it's not going to happen. That's something we can conclude from this dead horse of a topic...
  19. Restricting my party acces with gamemodes would make me never play those gamemodes. Bad idea...
  20. We can't help you because we're not the official 343i, would you please tell MS that they've sent you the wrong way? This happens more than we like... I doubt even 343i can help you since the moment you purchased it the code became you're responsibility. You lost it and that's your own fault, I doubt they'll replace it.
  21. This was done to prevent a team from doing the most damage and then leaving the Boss since they've secured the points by doing the most damage. This way people are required to actively engage the Boss untill he drops.
  22. You seem to not have noticed that we're not the official 343i and that I'm not part of their company....
  23. Wait, you do realise that the Forge maps that are going to be added are made by some community Forgers right?
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