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Unease Peanut

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Everything posted by Unease Peanut

  1. Because we can't have idiotic maps made by people with half a brain in matchmaking now can we?
  2. As you may have noticed, Halo 5 has had an update. Not only is the weekly playlist, shotty snipers, available for the weekend but we also get some updates to the playlists and game itself. One of the updates is the removal of the 'Orion' map from all playlists. Don't fret, it will be back! It has been pulled from matchmaking temporarily to fix some of the bugs and glitches. Including, but not limited to, spawning and the issue where people would get banned for suicides for trying and failing to get to the DMG boost. In place of this we get a total 15 more map gametype combinations which I'll list down here: Additional matchmaking fixes include the removal of the "One or more members in your Fireteam has a high latency to the dedicated server" error and expanded parameters for the Warzone matchmaking system which allows international players to find matches quicker and easier. 343i is still working on the last fix and has let us know that they did see improvement in Warzone search times but need some more time to check if it doesn't interfere with anything else, so they've pulled the changes for a bit untill they're sure no other problems are caused. We also got a little sneak peak at some additional REQs that will roll November 16th. In the upcoming weeks 343i will fill in the blacked out REQ cards below: So keep your eyes on their blog Additionally 343i's Lead Sandbox Designer for Halo 5 Chris King and Scott Sims acknowledge the issues with the aiming mechanics within Halo 5. They've written a nice little piece which I'll paste below: What are your thoughts on the changes and plans, and do you have any suggestions for changes yourself? Let us know down below! Thank you for reading Source: Halowaypoint
  3. This has been discussed more than enough here and on the official waypoint forums. I suggest you do some research on the matter.
  4. I've seen reports of people getting matchmaking bans for commiting suicides twice and getting punished for disconnecting against their will (lagging out). If anything this should be somewhat lenient.
  5. This is certainly a weird issue. I can't find anyone else with this problem other than you. I think it might be your console since that's the only thing that remains unchanged. Maybe reset it to factory defaults? This will make it so that you'll need to reïnstall all your games and apps but this seems the only option left. Hope it helps or that you get your problem sorted someway else!
  6. The Railgun isn't OP, the fact that it's a one shot kill is compensated by the fact that it has a charge time, only one shot per magazine, and that it's a powerweapon that spawns on the map every 3 minutes or so.
  7. You might have more luck with posting this on Halowaypoint.com as that is the official forum. I'm also sure that multiple users there will point out half of the point you listed have a good reason or are already discussed to death.
  8. Where you online while performing the feat? The GT you listed on your profile doesn't appear to have played Halo 5.
  9. There is a way to skip the Warden through a glitch in the campaign, but that's for sissies. Usually the Warden boss battles come with some power weapons around the battlefield. Explosives are always handy as you don't need to hit him in the back with them, just make sure you hit him. With the single Wardens use your AI teammates (or real ones) and get his back turned to either one of you so you or your teammates can shoot him. I found that letting the AI do their jobs is alot easier than to try to shoot him yourself as the Warden always seems to go for you instead of the AI. Besides that the AI are a pretty good shot, just don't forget to order them to attack him. Also, don't forget to clear out the minions first, especially on legendary, since these guys can get quite annoying. When facing multiple Wardens, focus on one at the time. The first time you encounter multiple they're quite far apart so you won't be bothered by the others as much, make sure you're out of sight though as they will still laser/bomb you. At the final battle where 3 Wardens will come at you in a relatively open arena use the Incineration Cannons that spawn on all walls except for the one you come in at. Use these at one at a time and let your teammates shoot him while he chases after you. The pillars are also a pretty good hideout as he can't seem to get a good shot at you up there. The last Warden in that arena will spawn in laser turrets which you'll have to deal with first to avoid getting killed. Make your teammates fire at him and distract him while you take down the laser turrets. Wait for the turrest to charge up as their weakpoint will be pointed directly at you during the charge time. Even an legendary you shout be able to bring them down with a Lightrifle before they fire. This is how I dealt with him and I hope it helps you too! Good luck, you'll need it
  10. ...but it finally happened. Good on ya Caboose! And remember, quality over quantity
  11. You could always watch your fire, just sayin'
  12. Same problem here, there is a Waypoint thread that lists this problem and it has well over 10 pages of people claiming not to have it. I'm sure 343i has noticed and that they'll be rolled out whenever they can manage to fix and/or do it.
  13. Firefight was confirmed not to be in Halo 5 long before launch Every once in a while =/= everytime...
  14. What I don't get is that you were banned for an inappropriate name. I don't see how Atom Alchemist is such a bad thing...
  15. Your placement matches are to see where you fit in. If you get paired up with Onyx's (I doubt you got paired up with Champions, especially the plural) and platinums then that's where you'll most likely be placed. Yes you might lose from time to time but that's to keep it challenging, they aren't going to give you easy wins you know. This system is more thought out than you might think. And don't start with the "Bungie did it better crap" because they didn't. In Halo 3 I was waiting 10 minutes to find a match only to get paired up with people with a skill gap of 10.
  16. Hold on, I thought you weren't able to see peoples ranks before? Now when it suits you you suddenly can? I call bs on that statement... Situational awareness my friend.
  17. Your first ban shouldn't be that long, only a minute or two. But I agree that if they make it hard to get to a power-up (DMG boost on Orion) they shouldn't ban you for not reaching it everytime. The bans are a little harsh.
  18. Hey Simms, glad you decided to join the forums! If you have any questions shoot one of the mods (or me) a PM. Enjoy your stay!
  19. Some of the things in this post tell me that you didn't really pay much attention. "I can't see enemy ranks" if you were in fact paying attention then you would've noticed that you can see enemy ranks in the carnage report. The reason it doesn't show before the game starts is to prevent people from quitting out of lobbies where the other team might have some higher levels. You got ranked platinum because you somehow did good. Winning claims a large percentage of your eventual rank, but individual skill also weighs in a little. You also get ranked higher if you win from higher ranked people. If you did some research you would've known about this and all the other stuff you're complaining about before the game launched and you could've avoided all of this.
  20. Are you connected to Xbox Live and do you have an Xbox Live Gold subscription?
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