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Unease Peanut

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Everything posted by Unease Peanut

  1. Did you see the huge areas you were in? It is nearly impossible for even a high end PC to handle THAT much area on the highest fidelity, let alone for the Xbox One. If this were released on the Xbox 360 5 years ago your Xbox 360 would still pretty much go kaboom.
  2. So you got a game at the midnight launch but did not know about the lack of split-screen... This is why you should do research before you buy something. The update sucks I agree, there have been multiple reports of this but you can't blame 343i for this since it's more on the side of Microsoft. Also do you honestly belive that Halo 4 looked better? Sure Halo 5's 1080p and 60 fps look way worse than Halo 4's xbox 360 graphics...
  3. Co-op matchmaking was only a thing in Halo: Reach and never broke 2000 players playing at a given time. I don't know why people make such a fuss about the lack of a feature that was never really popular.
  4. You guys might be better off at Halowaypoint since, you know, that's the official forum.
  5. You can thank MS for that, not 343i. Also we're not 343i. Have a good day.
  6. I've had 0 errors. I guess you already tried hard resetting your Xbox (holding the power button a few seconds)? If all else fails you could try to reinstall, but that'll take a while...
  7. I've seen reports of this before and I'm sorry to say that you're out of luck, no one who has reported this has gotten a refund or anything. Should've been more careful.
  8. I think the patch notes were at the bottom of this Waypoint article
  9. Well we can't help you since we're not 343i, just a community fan forum. As for your Xbox overheating see if any of this helps http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-one/system/ventilation . If not you might need to get a new Xbox One anyway as 343i and or Microsoft will keep seeing this behaviour as quitting and will temp ban you accordingly.
  10. I think being de-scoped is punishment enough for allowing yourself to get hit. Flinch even when de-scoped however is a bit too much. This makes it so that the guy who lands the first shot gets a huge upperhand as the opponent has more difficulty landing shots let alone finishing headshots. The advantage you have for having the drop on someone is great enough, flinch just makes it that much harder to make a reversal.
  11. I get that you guys got rid of some crappier awards like the Facebook and Twitter awards, but I lost my Biggles award... That was my MoM wish...
  12. A well spoken argument without swearing?! What is this madness!? jk I get your point, but I disagree on power weapons being guaranteed kills. Sure they make it more easy to get a kill (for which they are intended) but they take skill to get and use, even the Rocket Launcher. I've had plenty of times that I wasted rockets or that I made players waste their rockets on me by dodging and using tactics and team coordination. The fact is that a Rocket Launcher is a very noticable weapon and rather slow. You can easily spot a player holding one and take precautions, unless the player holding the weapon is tactful enough to conceal it from you. The moment he does take a shot and you're well prepared you can easily jump (or thrust in Halo 5) out of the way making his shot a waste and make him at least use another of his limited amount of shots at you. It all depends on who is holding the weapon and who is going up against him. Conclusion, any weapon can be "OP" in the right hands just as much as it can be outclassed by the right opponent.
  13. My my SD... These awards look absolutely incredible! Also, not all awards on the awards tab have recieved their upgrade.
  14. This looks great!
  15. The new awards are so sexy

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom
    2. Fishy


      Halo Wars isn't good looking enough. Needs more Michael Bay

  16. The shoutbox is unlocked after 5 posts on the forum or if your account is linked with a social media site. This is to prevent spambots from using it.
  17. You should check that with Gamestop. We don't know what each individual retailer will do.
  18. Halo 5's CSR explained http://343i.org/376 and commendations and medals revealed http://343i.org/375

  19. Commendations are returing as a reward system for achieving certain feats. Each commendation has 5 tiers and every achieved tier earns you an EXP bonus. Completing each 3rd tier of a commendation will reward you with a bonus REQ pack containing boosts and other single use REQs. Completeing the 5th tier of a commendation will get you a REQ pack containing a specific emblem to show off your achievement. Here's the commendation list of day 1: Medals are also returning as expected and have suffered a few losses, but gained alot. Bravo interviewed multiplayer designer Max Grossman on the new medal design. Here's a little snippet of the interview: "When we look at creating a new Medal, we have to make sure it satisfies a few rules. A Medal needs to be an explicit action that a player can perform; rather than something that can “just happen.” Players should have a clear idea of what it is that they did to earn the Medal. For example, we removed the Reload This Medal because it didn’t satisfy this criterion. Second, a Medal needs to promote good behavior and should never reinforce a negative action. You won’t see the Comeback Kill Medal in Halo 5 because it reminded players that they had died 3 times in a row without getting a kill. When a player is playing poorly, they already know; they don’t need the reminder. Lastly, a Medal has to have akiller name. “Bulltrue.” “Overkill.” “Reversal.” I always like to imagine Jeff Steitzer’s (the infamous multiplayer Announcer) voice in my head whenever trying to come up with Medal names. For as many new Medals that appear in Halo 5, there are just as many that we tinkered with during development that didn’t make the cut." ~Max Grossman Read the full interview here. And here's the list of medals: (Sorry for the ugly lay-out, the site wouldn't let me upload it any neater for some reason...) We also got a little sneak peak at some of the medal designs. I've listed them here: What are your thoughts on the commendations and medals? Let us know down below! Thank you for reading!
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