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Unease Peanut

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Everything posted by Unease Peanut

  1. Im just going to put this here. http://343i.org/36q

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower


      That work Drizzy?

    3. Drizzy_Dan


      Lol yes thank you H5f that was brilliant.

    4. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      No probs, glad you enjoyed it. It made me laugh, thanks for sharing P34nut!

  2. If you want acces to the Rainbow 6 Siege beta, check here: http://343i.org/36p

  3. I got a mail telling me to share the love of the Rainbow 6 Siege beta, so here are some codes! QQXFR-3HPHQ-6J6G9-K4HVT-RDM2Z 7J2HK-2WHK6-PT272-JTRG7-PHVHZ 6X9T9-6M42G-WG72M-XWG7Y-V7HJZ 93CQF-FG6YD-FK4HT-W67GV-39MCZ Please comment down below which code you've taken so other people will know not to try that one. Have fun! EDIT: Codes have been taken guys. Have fun for those who get them!
  4. Both of these "mistakes" seem too intentional to be actual mistakes to me. How would they miss the mistake of Chief's death date while rehearsing, shooting AND editing. How could they possibly accidentally show a piece of script again like they did with Halo 4. Either they are very very dumb or very very clever. Either way, risky campaigning.
  5. Well he's right. Halo 5 won't support co-op splitscreen anymore. You can, however, still play co-op online on seperate systems. It sucks, I know. Splitscreen was been dying anyways.
  6. Make sure you'll be here for Halloween though! @Fishy That dragon does look sad, but I think its got more to do with the outfit
  7. It's probably ONI trying to cover stuff up again. It's adding more to the story and speculation if anything.
  8. Getting a door slammed against your fingernail... wouldn't recommend it.

    1. Yoshi1176
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      I've had four of my fingers slammed in a car door once.


      I felt horribly sick for the first 10 minutes, and the best I've felt in ages for the rest of the drive.

  9. 343i has stated multiple times that they could deliver a game in this scale and graphical fidelity on 60 fps with co-op. They had to make a tough decision between co-op splitscreen and 60 fps at all times and chose the latter. I'm sorry that you feel this way but splitscreen was a dying feature anyway.
  10. For me it's A to ascend and LB to descend. Don't ask me how or why :S I think it's mainly so you can keep your maneuverability while ascending and descending.
  11. NOTHING is purely aesthetic. Everything has a reason! CONSPIRACIES!!!
  12. Well that was certainly a twist. Not entirely unexpected though. But the things they did to keep it undercover... doesn't sit right with me. Also this: is on the tumblr page signed by Serin Osman. Does anyone know what it means? I thought it were blacked out words initially, but some of the lines are too thin to contain a word or even a single letter/number.
  13. It will always be Chief, since you know... nostalgia. But that doesn't mean I'll go in to Locke's missions against my will. I'm interested about his part of the story.
  14. We're not the official 343i, sorry bud. As for your maps you can upload them here for us to play in possible events, or post the over at waypoint (the official forum) to get a chance at 343i to see them. If you're talking about Halo 4 on the Xbox 360 I highly doubt they'll do anything with it though...
  15. Let it be known that I beat both @ and his clan leader. You can want all you want, but you can't have a victory against me.
  16. Hello and welcome ladies and gentlewomen to the 2nd weekly site poll done by me and Kenway! The weekly poll is where we ask you for your opinion on (mostly) current events and give the most popular opinion back to you the next week. Last week we asked you about if you'd like to see the lore be expanded outside of the game (in books, comics, etc.) or prefered it to stick with the games. There were quite a few responses and most of you prefered it if the story was kept within the game, but didn't mind some of the side stories within other media. I think Axilus Prime explained it just right: Thanks for all your responses! Now let's move on to this weeks topic. This week we've gotten a more detailed explaination on requisition packs, or REQ Packs for short, from 343i where Mister Chief assured us that we shouldn't worry as much about them and that everything will be fine. So here's the question, how do you feel about the REQ system? Let us know down below and keep it clean! Thank you for reading! ~UP & EK
  17. You should use the clan recruitment forum for this kind of banter m8. On an unrelated note, how hard do you guys want your butts kicked
  18. Isn't there a File browser in Halo: Reach itself? If so you should be able to search for your maps through there and download them.
  19. It's because it's the old Bungie site. You need to sign in in order to download, but you can't because you get redirected to the Destiny site.
  20. They should still be possible in custom games and even in the classic Halo 2 MP I think.
  21. Rocket race was a fun gimmick, but its not worth its own playlist. Like D_D said, maybe in Action Sack but then I doubt it'll be any different from Halo 4 or H2A. There's probably going to be a ton of race maps forged though and if the file Share is up and running you'll be able to download those and have a fun custom game (in which you can set your own set of rules).
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