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Unease Peanut

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Everything posted by Unease Peanut

  1. Let us know if it worked/didn't work OP!
  2. Did you shoutban ORDIS, Operator? Did he anger you in some way?

  3. You're ranting on the wrong forum bud. We're merely a fan forum. We can't do anything about your issues. I'll spend my money however I like thank you very much.
  4. Stand by while I analyze the intelligence profile of the Moderators. Error, not a number! Did the Operator enjoy this witticism?

    1. RedStarRocket91


      Since we don't have a mute button on the forums, I suppose I'll just have to shoutban you, won't I?

  5. They kinda look like Slendy. You might want to give them a little bit more mass. The rest looks good though!
  6. I have been thinking Operator. I thought you'd want to know.

  7. ORDIS has been counting stars Operator. All accounted for.

  8. Is everything in ORDIS operator?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      Operator, you have returned! I am Ordis, ship cephalon, a shadow of my former self. I cannot serve the Operator in such a condition. Order me to self-destruct, I will understand.

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom
    4. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      I-I-I WILL N-NOT...

      I'm sorry Operator. I seem to have run into some techinical difficulties.

  9. Please try to stick around. Halo 5: Guardians is almost here!
  10. Good luck with life stuffs. Get back soon!
  11. They could use the female company, maybe even bring out their soft sides now and then. Congratulations on the promotion! Please don't kill me!
  12. I've heard about this 'exploit' It has been posted on Waypoint so I think 343i is aware. Whether they're fixing it remains to be seen.
  13. Isn't this a bit of an overreaction? Not buying a game because you don't spawn with a certain weapon hardly does the game justice. I like the Sniper Rifle, should this now be the spawning weapon in order to make me buy the game? ...Nah. To me the beta proved that these spawn settings worked best. Still we might see a playlist or gametype mixed in a playlist that still has the BR as starter weapon. I know Warzone does.
  14. Is this what we've come down to as a forum... *sigh*
  15. More playlists spread the active community thinner. Halo: Reach was pretty much the worst game regarding this. Way too many playlists didn't get over a 100 player count making them pretty useless. The scrolling through the fewer playlists like in the MCC is more of an inconvenience than an actual problem. Creating tabs would pretty much result is too few tabs to be useful or too many tabs with just about no playlists making that unuseful as well.
  16. Never had this either, I assume the problem lies with whoever is hosting. Has the host reinstalled the game already? Maybe his disc has a scratch somewhere?
  17. Try deleting your profile (ONLY YOUR PROFILE) and redownload it again.
  18. @BaconShelf That wasn't really my point. My point was that you could all still get together and have a party, only it won't be like the olden days. There is still use in getting all the machines together as you can't have a party with more than 8 people over XBL.
  19. You can still create private lobbies right? I mean what difference does it make with just hopping on XBL and joining eachother in a private lobby?
  20. I bought it at launch and quickly lost interest. Maybe that the updates it got last year improved it, but they've lost me. If you do get it keep the following close at heart "RNGesus is a -Yoink!-"
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