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Unease Peanut

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Everything posted by Unease Peanut

  1. I already saw it on the Halo channel. It was really Interesting to see how they produced certain aspects of the game and how they decided to change certain features. Id recommend everyone watching this to see 343i does in fact put alot of effort into making Halo.
  2. Battlefield: Hardline Beta played by 6 million people! http://343i.org/2ps

  3. With the Battlefield: Hardline Beta coming to its end, EA released a report stating that it has been played by more than 6 million people! Needles to say the producer of Hardline and head of Visceral Steve Papoutsis is thrilled that so many people have given the beta a go and reported their feedback on their forums. He assures us even though the final release date is merely 5 weeks away that our feedback for the beta is being processed and implemented in the game. "Now, I know what you’re asking yourself. We’re just five weeks away from the launch ofBattlefield Hardline, how could we possibly be acting on that feedback? Well,I can assure you we are. In fact, we’ve already been prioritizing changes for things fans are talking about. So you’ve still got a chance to be heard." ~Steve Papoutsis With this staggering amount of people playing this beta it beats the former record holder Destiny, which had around 4,6 million people playing at its time and was the biggest beta on the new generation consoles, by a longshot. Though it should be noted that the Destiny Beta did not release on PC. The beta ends tonight, which is the 9th of February, 9PM PST. So if you haven't tried this out yet or want a few more hours in, this is your chance. And don't forget to provide your feedback, even now! The full game becomes available the 19th of March this year for the PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Playstation 4 and Playstation 3. What was your opinion on the beta, and has it gotten you convinced to buy the game? Let us know down below! Thank you for reading! Sources: Eurogamer EA View full article
  4. With the Battlefield: Hardline Beta coming to its end, EA released a report stating that it has been played by more than 6 million people! Needles to say the producer of Hardline and head of Visceral Steve Papoutsis is thrilled that so many people have given the beta a go and reported their feedback on their forums. He assures us even though the final release date is merely 5 weeks away that our feedback for the beta is being processed and implemented in the game. "Now, I know what you’re asking yourself. We’re just five weeks away from the launch ofBattlefield Hardline, how could we possibly be acting on that feedback? Well,I can assure you we are. In fact, we’ve already been prioritizing changes for things fans are talking about. So you’ve still got a chance to be heard." ~Steve Papoutsis With this staggering amount of people playing this beta it beats the former record holder Destiny, which had around 4,6 million people playing at its time and was the biggest beta on the new generation consoles, by a longshot. Though it should be noted that the Destiny Beta did not release on PC. The beta ends tonight, which is the 9th of February, 9PM PST. So if you haven't tried this out yet or want a few more hours in, this is your chance. And don't forget to provide your feedback, even now! The full game becomes available the 19th of March this year for the PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, Playstation 4 and Playstation 3. What was your opinion on the beta, and has it gotten you convinced to buy the game? Let us know down below! Thank you for reading! Sources: Eurogamer EA
  5. The Sentinel Beam! Just make it the way it is in H2A. There's also the option to make the red one a common weapon and the blue one a legendary (since it has a little more damage to it).
  6. Looks good to me. Too bad about those little cinematics at the end and beginning, I liked those. Depicts the Spartan IV mentality really well. Nice to see some option getting a toggle for people who like and and people who don't. 343i has done an outstanding job with this imo. Shall I promote this a 3rd time...? Great job SD!
  7. You might want to change your member title from "former" to "current"
  8. So MASSIVE that it actually needed to be beta tested It better be good!
  9. Some people don't get the message telling them the time has been added, check if it might have been added without notification. If not, contact MS support. I do believe they've recieved numerous questions about this and will help you.
  10. Damn, I'll be sure to visit the RT site to give them my concolences.
  11. I'm happy to announce that the next installment of "How to become a better Halo player" is in the works!

    1. Akali
    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Will it be two words long and say 'Be GSD?' :P Can't wait.

  12. Were you connected to XBL while playing the MCC before the 19th of December? If so you might not have gotten the message, but it could still have been added to your account.
  13. Picked Nightfall. Although both are really good. Forward unto Dawn didn't have much effect on me whereas Nightfall really had its moments along the way. Especially where Aiken shows his ball and carries the bomb into the sunset. Both tied in with their respective game and although Halo 5 isn't out yet I feel as Locke ties in a little more than Lasky.
  14. Eermm... The BR in Halo 5 takes 4 shots minimum to drop someone hence the term "4-shotted".
  15. I don't get why people would throw such a fit over elections that are supposed to be just for funzies. Shame it had to come down to this...
  16. Have you tried this more than one or two times? It seems highly unlikely to me that this resolves the problem and more like it that you got lucky. Still thanks for sharing Anyone willing to try out this theory?
  17. Some guy took a hostage at our national news station. Claimed he wanted time on air to reveal something to the country, but the idiot ordered the doorkeeper to handle the camera's. Long story short, he got overrun by the police without even lifting his gun once...

  18. It doesn't matter how many people will want sprint to be removed, it's not going to happen. It's a core feature in Halo 5! It's not your getaway ticket like it was in Halo 4 since your shields take way longer to recharge if you keep sprinting and you'll slow down when you're getting hit. I've played the beta and I tend to not sprint anytime other than the beginning of the round or to traverse the map a bit faster to get to the enemy. Trust me, sprinting while in combat is more of a downside. Just because it has sprint doesn't mean it's CoD and that's just the stupidest argument ever. CoD wasn't, and certainly isn't, the first and only game that features sprint. So stop using this as an argument! Same thing goes for claiming to be "pro". You have just as much right to voice your opinion as every other player. If you want Halo without sprint I suggest to go back to Halo 3, since I think you want an exact copy of it anyway.
  19. Let's just hope they pick people who genuinly want the best for Halo as a whole and not Halo for themselves. And I sicerely hope that these people are not picked randomly, but by activity on the Waypoint forums or in-game hours. I'm glad 343i is willing to involve the community even more in the production of Halo and even willing to do play sessions with these members. Thanks for reporting Slik, I'll promote this for ya!
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