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Unease Peanut

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Everything posted by Unease Peanut

  1. You're probably getting hit by multiple enemies. If you're sure you're not, try paying attention to how many hits it takes them for you to be taken down. This should be the least amount of shots it would take for the enemy to kill you. BR: 4 bursts Pistol: 5 shots DMR: 6 5 shots Carbine: 6 7 shots Lightrifle: 3 zoomed 5 unzoomed
  2. There has never been pick up priority in any Halo game as far as I know and I don't think it ever will be. But it would be useful I guess.
  3. 'Twas only yesterday when 343i streamed the newest Hammer Storm expansion with Ball gametypes and Grifball. And it has only been a few hours after the stream that we got the actual expansion for ourselves. (So get downloading!) But that's not what I'm here for today, I'm here for a recent tweet by 343i that shows us some pretty exciting stuff. If you would be so kind to look at the image at the top you'll see eveything we've had thus far on the left. To the right we see (possibly in order) what's to come the coming months. And yes, there's going to be Firefight! And Reach themed stuff! And Hog's! And everything! There's not really much to go on right now other than the image above and the little teaser trailer we got during yesterdays stream. But speculate away! What do you think will be featured in the upcoming expansions? Let us know down below! Thanks for reading!
  4. I do want that AR Spitfire skin though. Looks awesome. What kind of attatchment do you see? I see none.
  5. That's most likely bad luck. Or... you could be dragging down your team
  6. I must've left it somehere around here, I'm sure of it http://343i.org/3bh

  7. I looked at your recent posts on Waypoint and saw absolutely nothing that was even close to a week ban... Have you tried contacting any other mods or the mod that banned you?
  8. You mean the hat that girl has on? I honestly have no idea... I tried googling the logo on the side but couldn't find it
  9. I'm not sure if Halo Waypoint will be able to help out in this case. As Reach is not really supported anymore I doubt that they'll reset stats. And even it it still was supported I'd doubt that they'd have reset it for you.
  10. Well since Halo 3 servers are still up I don't think Halo 4's will shut down anytime soon. A good indication of no more support would be if they decide to cut support for the 360 all together.
  11. Halo 5 has the lowest aim assist of all Halo's The BR does the same amount of damage, but since the game is faster paced and shots usually register properly it might feel like it's stronger. You might also be fired at by more than one person which also takes you down faster than normal. Vehicles are indeed a bit wonky. Mongooses feel like bouncy balls from time to time. You're still able to dodge Ghosts fairly easily. You still jump higher than they hover and you can use your thruster to evade to the side if you need.
  12. These puns are criminal and should be PUN-ishable by death! ... OH GOD THAT WAS TERRIBLE! PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR EVER TRYING TO MAKE A PUN!
  13. The Open Hand is definitely more usefull, but once even one of those homing pellets miss it becomes a 4 shot at least and will have a longer kill time than the Pistol or BR.
  14. I've tried using both of the special Boltshots and although they're cool, they always fall a bit short compared to normal loadout weapon. To me it feels like you HAVE to catch them by surprise or they'll most likely outgun you...
  15. There must be a screen that pops up that says you've been banned and it should explain why. If this didn't happen you've likely not been banned at all.
  16. There are several ways of getting stuff. But to make a long story short you will need to buy those packs with either in game currency or real money.
  17. I've seen multiple issues like this for multiple games. It has something to do with the Xbox One itself. Have you tried shutting it down cold (hold te power button for about 10 seconds)? And have you tried pausing the download and restarting it?
  18. Do you mean "Why did you get into gaming?" or "What did you get into gaming for?" In any case, I started out with the NES my parents had in the day with a black box full of cartridges. Mario, Duck Hunt, Zelda... all that good stuff. Though I understood very little of what I was actually doing with most games, I spend hours on that thing. Then, when I was about 8 my friend got a classic Xbox with *drumroll* Halo: Combat Evolved. And although I was hesitant playing with him, I did enjoy watching him play. And after some time I started playing co-op with him. Then he got Halo 2 and I got my own classic Xbox with Halo 2. But it wasn't untill late Halo 3 where I got my own Xbox 360 with an internet connection (before this I always played online as a guest at my friends house, and with my guest account I always had the top of the scoreboard. Which was pretty funny and raised some eyebrows on the enemy team on occasion). Anyway, late Halo 3 is where I got into online gaming on the Xbox. I did play some cracked versions of COD 4 and a legit version of MW2 for a bit on the PC before Halo 3. I loved the idea of actually competing with actual people online and I still love that idea to this day.
  19. I've had your issue, but never for longer than a few games or a day at most. It could be a temporary server issue or something.
  20. You haven't been banned by any chance? Anyway halotracker is also a pretty good site to view your stats. I think it even shows more than Waypoint. I always use it to see how much games I roughly need to win for my next rank.
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