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  • Interests
    XBOX 360:
    Halo: Reach, Halo: CEA
    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1, 2 and 3

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Yeah, it's real. GameStop says it's supposed to come out November 2nd 2012. They also have it available for pre-order at GameStop.com
  2. Your just so slow, its just so annoying. That would be my sixth or seventh.
  3. Spongebob I was 5. Then I play Pooh Bear!! Exciting. It was Playstation 2 in case anyone cares
  4. 1. Ghostbuster on Hide/Seek Town- I love jumping from roof-top to roof-top and assasinating the Ghostbuster. 2. Ultimate Ramp on Ultimate Ramp- I love getting on a mongoose and rushing down the ramp and awaiting the best thing, someone trying to get you with a missile pod. 3. Ducks 001 on MY Duck Hunt- Being the human and going through the tunnels to assasinate the zombie is awesome, but I love being pressured as the zombie while trying to snipe those little, yellow ducks. 4. Dont Fall v2 on Dont Fall- Being the human and trying not to fall is so pressuring but awesome. You gotta be NINJA for this game and I'm AWESOME at it. 5. Jenga v2 on Jenga Wall- I would say being the zombie and the human is equal. As the zombie you get to use a gravity hammer and DESTROY the Jenga tower with barriers, wire spools and forklifts. But, being the human, you must move around the jenga wall so you dont fall.
  5. No. Reach and H3 are on the same servers, so until Reach or Xbox Live is dead, its staying alive.
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