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Zaguroth last won the day on June 25 2014

Zaguroth had the most liked content!

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Frankie (18/19)



  1. I might be able to make it to this ._. Not entirely sure though, could be starting to work if interview today goes well. So, for now put me down as maybe I guess ._. GT: Zaguroth (who woulda guessed o_O)
  2. According to Mr. Pirateface, I have a company o_o and I'm old :(

  3. I barely played the first one, but what I did play through, I didn't enjoy nearly as much as I enjoyed the second. The gameplay, graphics, characters and story were all way more appealing to me than in the first one (mostly cause of the mechromancer and psycho characters). As for the article, I love that they are doing this, have been planning on going back and playing through it again, but didn't have anyone to do it with. Now it's coming out for Xbox One with alllllll the DLC (ermagherd content). Definitely near the top of my "To buy" list XD Edit: Oh yeah, and since it includes the Pre-Sequel, that's an added bonus too o_o
  4. Zag do, Zag do! I'll more than likely be on at that time so, just send invite and tell me vat to do o_o
  5. According to your skype, happy birthday Ledgend o_o

  6. Happy birthday RSR o_o

  7. Happy Birthday for yesterday! :D Sorry for being late.

  8. Happy birthday to me.. My dog has HGE.. Happy birthday to me.. 500 bucks on vet bills >.>

  9. Ah. Well then.. Uh.. I guess I'll report it and have it locked ._.?
  10. Ok, I have no clue if this was posted already or not, but browsing imgur (like I usually do before bed) I found dis.. Now, I have no clue what exactly these things are, but they are (from the length I can only assume) for PS3/PS4 users. Figured might as well post it :/ Edit: Apparently they are infinite/multi use (not sure which) So.. They should all work. 2nd Edit: You redeem em on bungie.net o_o I think all they are is collectibles.
  11. Havent talked to ya in awhile. How've you been?

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