Real energy sword.. although.. if the grav hammer was able to be lifted then I would want that lol.
WYR have Twam like a post of yours or like a post of Twam's (if possible) O_o?
What do you mean by "The site looks great at a reach stand point"? I see nothing in the site that makes me think of Reach other then the section for it... The site looks fine to me, in fact, it looks great to me.. as it always has..
The Hawk is an actual vehicle... It's in Halo Wars..
There is a ship bigger then Forward Unto Dawn.. In fact there's lots of them..
The boat idea is weird because Halo hasn't ever had water based combat... Other then the dinghys in Halo 3's one map that you can't even drive around in...
Pretty sure the Elephant isn't gonna be in it, and the large vehicles in the trailers weren't Elephants Biggles , they had big wheels, not treads and looked like a 3 story tall building on wheels xD