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Everything posted by Zaguroth

  1. You didn't change a letter o_o you only rearanged.. Bad Bulletstorm xD DATE
  2. I need to roll some DICE to uhm.. I dunno why...
  3. Sleep on a concrete floor (done it before :/ wasn't that bad) WYR sleep on a bed of nails or on a bunch of broken glass?
  4. You forgot to make a wish.. edit your post and I'll edit this one to ruin to yours lol I wish my bed was a comfier spot to pull an all nighter
  5. Granted, but I'm better I wish I had a katana (sword not motorbike)
  6. The correct term is AFC (away from controller) And he said to me that he had been spawn killing an inactive team on grifball (at least I think it was grifball)
  7. I'm gonna... sit in my chair drooling over the main menu for an hour... then drool over the campaign menu, then play campaign and drool over the graphics... then maybe actually play before starting to drool again...
  8. Granted, but nobody pays attention to your art I wish I could fall asleep earlier :/
  9. Your idea sounds a lot like the space battles in Star Wars: Battlefront o.o
  10. Very nice job keeping us up to date on the Halo 4 news Azaxx
  11. Depends on if there is a book, and what series. Do you like pizza?
  12. Hey, vl Campbell lv, PLEASE edit your posts instead of triple-quadruple posting...
  13. Soda. WYR have a pokemon or a digimon?
  14. I technically own both Combat Evolved and CEA (CE is my brothers) Do you like Johnny Depp?
  15. Don't forget to wear your LACE clothing... (I dunno >.>)
  16. Please edit your first post next time, and space out your points, makes it look nicer
  17. Go pick up that SACK that's over there, it contains some other vowels
  18. Gears of War 3 WYR have CoD MW3 or Black Ops 2 (when it comes out) Evil question is Evil >:]
  19. Warthriller, a lot of people love the armor abilities, it's not X-Ray vision, it's thermal vision, and it's going to have a useage time just like every other AA, They aren't leaving the name as Spartan Ops, and it's going to be more like campaign additions then what Spec Ops in CoD are, Spartan points are most likely going to be like Credits in Reach, Reach already has some stopping power weapons, such as the pistol or DMR prevents you from evading as far if you are shot with one then if you aren't, the armor granting stat benefits is most likely only going to be for specialized game modes, otherwise people would be overpowered in most game modes. Now saying a game is going to get ruined because you don't like the ideas isn't very nice, it's even worse saying that people who look forward to a game, just because you don't, "bend over and take it". Now, true halo fans won't care what they do to the game, they will play for campaign, and MM because they are fans of the series. Now then how about you wait 6 months and 16 days to decide if the game is ruined or not?
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