i love how everyone in this thread is dissing reach when a lot of people liked it..
I'm a big time Halo fan and I must admit, certain things in Reach I like a lot more then Halo 1, 2, or 3, but it also goes the other way in saying some things i liked from those games but not Reach.
If you dislike Reach, don't try to complain to 343, they are making a game with improvements they know the majority of fans will like.
Everyone complains about armor abilities, but they are the exact same as equipment in Halo 3, except for jetpack, Armor lock is bubble shield but bubble shield lasted longer, drop shield is regenerator and can only regenerate so fast and can be destroyed quite quickly, invisibility worked worse then active camo in 3 did, jetpack... wasnt in Halo 3 but was a neat addition IMO..
If anything, in threads related to what Halo 4 should have say some ideas for forge, or firefight, not campaign or multiplayer...