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Everything posted by Echo

  1. Not true. The only big issue with the DMR is that it trumps the BR in places it shouldn't. If you have two weapons that are equal at middle range, but one trumps the other in long range, there's a problem. But then again I'm only talking about the main choices, the AR, BR, and DMR. I'm actually not too sure where the Carbine stands...
  2. Wait, no MLG at all?... as in, there are no more official MLG players for halo anymore since mlg isnt with halo anymore? or are they JUST talking about the playlist in matchmaking.
  3. I may want to test my Foundation Redux map. It was hard for me to picture how CTF would play out on that map, id love to see what it actually plays like lol ill look into this
  4. FOUNDATION REDUX Inspired by Foundation from Halo 2 Gamer tag: Chief03 Map source: My file share Player count: 4v4, 6v6, 8v8 Gametypes: Slayer, CTF, KOTH, Oddball. Foundation Redux is a reimagination of Halo 2's map, Foundation. As you can tell from the picture above the map stays true to it's original layout. The map is made of 4 major walk ways that wrap around a middle structure. While the layout stays true, the overall map has been altered to better fit Halo 4's play style. With each team spawning in their own base, the key to this map is to control the bases to the left and right of you to gain control of the major choke points. Doing this will pin the enemy down and keep them away from scavenging for power weapons that randomly spawn. Here are some of the new additions. From this angle, you can see the red base. It's darker and has a red tint to it (the lighting did that... I actually got lucky lol) And as for blue base, it's fairly bright. The sword makes a return, as well as two rockets on each side, just like in the old Foundation. Except this time around there are two initial sniper spawns. The new layout to this map actually works well with most power weapons, rockets especially. (It also did in Halo 2, minus the snipers. But you have tons of cover in this one). Next I'll show off the walk ways. They're split into two different types. One with a grav lift to the top, and the other with a ramp up to the top. Turret and grav lift area. Two divots on each side of the turret stand allow Spartans to escape constant fire from other sides of the map. The back side houses the sniper rifle. One of the divots being used by a sniper. Showing the usefulness of being able to go below floor level to break the line of sight from enemy Spartans. The other side has a back room with two entrances, a small door, and a more open-ended door with the added fusion coil in the corner. Provides cover, a place to spawn, and houses the sticky detonator (random drop) Inside of the back room. You can see the fusion coil from the first picture, and the corner that has spawn points and the sticky det (stick det not visible in screen. its a random drop). This side also has one of the side bases that gives you access to the basement. A shield door blocks the line of fire between the Spartans below and above. There is also a door leading to the outside arena, as well as a stack of crates that let you jump back out if you fall in. The basement is a straight narrow path to the other identical base across the map. This allows players to try to flank the enemy and take control of one of the side bases, while at the same time not giving them easy access to the main base, where the enemies actually spawn. The ceiling is see-through, so not all of your ambushes will be a complete surprise. Like I said before, the basement does not allow access to the main bases. But on the other hand, Spartans from the main base can still use a passage way to take them to the basement, being faced with a one-way shield. The warthog makes a return, and this time it's much easier to drive. In the old Foundation, it was possible to drive a warthog on the outside walkways, but it wasn't practical. In Foundation Redux, you can drive with ease around the looping walkway. With eeaaaasssseee The entrance to one of the main bases (blue base. just above the warthog). Unfortunately for the warthog, vehicles aren't allowed into the main base. But the map does allow the warthog to loop around without being stopped by a dead end. I kept the bases fairly traditional to the old Foundation. I added the back rooms to give the Spartans more room to breathe when the fight is locked in their area. The flag spawns in the middle of the glass floor. The entrance to the basement via the main base is all the way in the back. It leads down to some man cannons. These man cannons lead you straight to the one-way door entrance to the basement.
  5. Maybe I'm just really bad with these types of things, but how do I post a picture of my map next to my topic title so I can submit it to forge? No one in that forum seems to be active, other than just to download maps :/ lol
  6. It wasn't pointless in Halo 2. An SMG/Plasma Rifle combo was deadly as crap. The plasma destroyed your shield in a second and the SMG took a couple clicks of the trigger to finish them off. It could beat a BR close range. It wouldn't give them anything to compare to COD, seeing as how this was done WAAAAAAAAAAAY before COD was even popular lol. If anything it would just give us more options. For example, a player only has ammo for their secondary weapon (pistol or SMG), and someone with an assault rifle comes at them. If they manage to stay behind cover and find pretty much any other weapon on the ground to dual wield, they could then defend themselves against the other person that has a two handed rifle. Not saying it would be a definite win, but it would keep you alive longer and give you more opportunity to kill the enemy. Agreed, they'd definitely bring more weapons. In Hao 4, they made a covie and promethian version of every unsc weapon. So, if we get the SMG back, that means we'd also get a covie version (prolly the return of the plasma rifle) and then the promethian version. They'd probably add one more to each just for the sake of having more selections. It would also give people more secondary weapons to pick from since there are only a handful of primary weapons (only 3-4 of which are used lol) And if the Brutes make a return in Halo 5, they could introduce Brute weapons too, and bring back the brute spiker.
  7. I enjoy custom games, as long as everyone involved is cool and not a jerk lol I'm also 22 years old, and "prefer" to play with people around my age, but meh. Gamertag: Chief03
  8. You know, I never thought about that. How easy would it be to make one huge multi purpose forge world that you could simply change the textures to fit the levels theme. So if you wanted a snow level, instead of switching to a smaller forge world, you could just alter the textures and have it be snowy But then again, they'd have to include physics for the snow... unless it'd just be flat snow lol Maybe theres a reason we don't have stuff like this...
  9. Obviously this has been wanted by the community for some time now, but don't expect it anytime soon. They want players to focus on their rank and other playlists so the overall population doesn't get too low in some hoppers. If people were allowed to just search for custom games they'd have less of a reason to EVER go into a matchmaking hopper lol other than to level up and get commendations. Hell, if I went into a custom game and found a large community of friends who always play custom games, I'd probably hang my rank up for retirement and just play what I want, when I want lol.
  10. Since Halo 5 is the "Halo 2" of the new trilogy, I feel like bringing back dual wielding, a long with some cool new ideas and weapons, would be a great idea. It doesn't have to dominate the game, it surely didn't in Halo 3. But they could totally make it more worth our while if they added armor mods to support it. Maybe a mod that lets you hold both dual wielding weapons in your secondary weapon slot, instead of having to drop it for your BR. Or maybe a shock mod that reduces recoil when dual wielding? But either way, what does the community think, should Halo 5 bring back dual wielding? And also, share some ideas for cool armor mods that could benefit dual wielding. (Or maybe dual wielding could be a mod in itself)
  11. I think the main reason they don't have custom game playlists in matchmaking is because it takes away from the playlist hoppers that are already there. They probably don't want the population splitting up too much. What they need to hurry up and do is add forge maps to the existing playlists, from the community
  12. The only reason the population in H4 is low (in my opinion) is the lack of matchmaking playlist options. They took the route of adding playlists as weeks go by, and that's all fine and dandy, but they also took out ROUND based gametypes, which in my opinion were a big gameplay portion of multiplayer. Both 1 flag and 1 bomb were huge in previous games. It forced teams to focus on one objective instead of everyone doing their own thing in 2 flag, either offense or deffense (or camping somewhere going for commendations).
  13. I mean c'mon D: it's been out long enough for some cool community maps, right? lol
  14. Isn't it time they brought some new maps in from the community? I've seen some pretty cool ones, some even better than the vanilla maps.
  15. They can't though, there's no way to prove it. They don't have the technology to go back and check everyones voice history in-game. They're literally putting peoples accounts at stake for the sake of trying to pass an easy fix.. Now anyone and everyone who plays Halo 4, whether knowledgable of this new strict policy or not, has to be super careful to not even accidentally say something over xbox live that comes accross as sexist. And yes, there are tons of guys who say things naturally and don't even mean harm by them. Hell, when I was young, I didn't know the word bi*** was a specific insult to women. I said it on xbox live with friends for fun... lol
  16. Ok, Kiki, but that doesn't justify a lifetime ban, without any warnings. There's no excuse for that lol that's just the dumbest idea... Giving them a warning isn't giving them reason to do it again, it's GIVING them a chance to change their act, and also only allowing them to do it that one time, because after the warning it'd be over and you'd be rid of a legit sexist, and at the same time it would prevent people from getting banned who didnt actually DESERVE to be banned (Ex. A friend/jack*** playing on your xbox, and slips something sexist while you were in the other room just to mess around. and this friend having no idea what xbox live policy is. and YES, there are MORE people out there whos worlds dont revolve around video games and have no godly idea that they could get their friends in trouble for life... most people in my neighborhood dont even know the sound an xbox makes when you press the power button lol.) . Just because you want to put an easy fix on something doesn't make it right. You have to treat it like the problem that it IS, and be more realistic about it... Hell, do I even have to say anything about how they say nothing about racism? I had no idea racism ended and sexism became the only issue on xbox live worthy of such critical bans (/sarcasm) PS: I'm not saying I'm sexist, because I'm not. I'm the opposite of sexist. But this ban is ridiculous... people say the N word all the time on xbox live, in an offensive way, and I'm fairly sure they get warnings... and even then they remain on xbox live lol GJ 343 and M$
  17. Echo

    We miss you!

    Didn't see 1 Flag up there, so I didn't vote.
  18. I went on the Halo 4 main menu to buy the map pack and noticed it let me download it without selecting a payment method or charging anything from my card. When my other friend did it from the market place they charged him, but just now my OTHER friend bought it from the Halo 4 main menu like I did and he also got it for free. So... idk if there's a glitch going around, but if you are in a tight spot and haven't already gotten the map pack, I guess now's your chance to give it a shot lol.
  19. Thruster pack is fine where it is. It's meant for quick dodges and quick steps to avoid situations you normally couldn't avoid. I've been saved COUNTLESS times from it, when they throw grenades at me and the momentum of my spartan would normally prevent me from backing up in time, but i thruster pack out of the way. It's also good against people trying to snipe you from afar. It's harder to hit people when they thrust. It's the reason I have a class specifically for that. With Stability mod, AA efficiency mod, and thruster pack. just for fire fights lol
  20. Do you even play other playlists? Team Snipers, Team Swat, Team Slayer Pro, and Flood all take away custom load outs and put in game specific loadouts. Action sack games could easily be game specific loadouts. I mean, think about it, Grifball is already confirmed to make a come back. They're not gonna let you use your custom loadouts lol You prolly pick between a hammer or sword. Or both actually Hell, only a handful of playlists offer ordnance drops, and that's a huge addition to Halo too.
  21. You do realize they give you an option to turn kill cams off, right... Did you even bother looking through the settings or did you just immediately go onto the forums and start to complain? lol
  22. This is a community forum, 343 isn't even here...
  23. Stopped reading after "No one moves around anymore." People run around like headless chickens in Halo 4. Especially with the Mobility armor mod. Also, the only tactics i found in Reach were with 1 flag type game types, which I would agree with. I feel that taking 1 flag out of halo 4 was the WORST idea ever. That's literally my all time favorite gametype... I loved having to play strictly defense or offense because it made you play different strategies. One round you focus your tactics on getting the flag, the other you focus on protecting it. When you have 2 flag and there's a bunch of chaos everywhere it takes that away. I'll always miss invasion... and I await its return
  24. Says the man with 138 posts on a Halo forum.
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