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Posts posted by Echo

  1. Won't it be a little overpowered if the turning speed is unaffected when sprinting? It was annoying in Reach, and I'll probably like it a lot more without the turning speed limit, but still... It could make it too easy for us. :P


    I don't think it's overpowered if it's a trait everyone has. I love the idea of it. Normally in Halo games I'd turn around while jumping and running to have a fire fight with someone behind me, but in Reach sprinting made you feel vulnerable to people behind you cause by the time you stopped to turn around it was already too late.


    This should make for some intense fights... and some intense parkour :D

  2. My ABSOLUTE favorite Halo moment, was unfortunately never experienced by anyone outside of Bungie :/ (to my knowledge).


    I'm sure everyone remembers the Halo 2 E3 demo for new mombasa? I've never been so excited for ANY game sequel than I was for Halo 2 after seeing that demo gameplay.


    The introduction to dual wielding, hijacking vehicles, it all just blew my mind... I HATE that they never got that demo into the real game.



    THIS video includes the audience reaction, which makes it more amazing.

  3. It can be turned off, though. The old build I played had...well, hard to remember, but it seemed to be noticeable, but not completely magnetized like it used to be. Tallgeese could confirm more...recent builds. He'll probably get you better info.


    You can turn it on and off now?... Pfft, I'm keeping mine on. I'm not letting someone have the upper hand over me online lol

  4. What's the word going around here, is everyone saying the BR is the best out of the 4 or did they manage to balance them all out somehow?


    I fear that everyone will end up using ONE type of gun all the time, or in MLG or something. I hated when the BR was the go to/only useful gun for 90% of all situations.

  5. Sprinting with AC sounds dumb the soundwaves are watered out and the enemy would hear you sprinting at them and turn around on you.


    Not with the Wetwork armor mod.


    AC scrambling your own radar is really dumb. Why would that happen? The camo is underpowered enough anyway and I really do not think that the extra downgrade is necessary and it is not very accurate.


    Meh, I always thought of it as radar interference that affected everyone around you from the "camo technology," but then assumed it didn't hurt your team mates just for the sake of balancing lol (like how they limit sprint to a few seconds, even though the spartan could truck it for a long time and not get tired till after the match is over)

  6. Is it as heavy as it was in Halo 2, is it as faint as Halo 3, or is it more inbetween like Reach?


    Aim assist was always pretty controversial... most people enjoyed having it while others wish they'd tone it down.


    I personally enjoyed it, but that's probably because I played (and enjoyed) Halo 2 much more than Halo 3.

  7. Correction, none of the weapons were hitscan.


    Idk, you're word over theirs, so I mean... lol




    I believe in Halo 2 the BR normally had non-hitscan properties, such as arching or lagging behind the reticule when moving and shooting, but when you actually aimed at someone and the reticule turned red, the auto aim pretty much dragged all the shots over and turned into hitscan lol

  8. Incorrect, there is still radar jammer, but it only affects you now. The advantage for AC is not being seen by Promethean Vission, but the downside is that your radar is scrambled so you can not tell as easily where the enemy is.


    In regards to the OT, you can use ACwhile sprinting, but it will be null, it will not flicker like crazy and the again the scrambler will only affect yourself.


    I heard you had a bunch of blue blips on your radar showing what the enemies radar looks like when they're around you, basically you can see things normally but they're radar is jammed.


    Now I'm confused.

  9. Normally in Halo your vehicles health depended on the person driving. But I noticed in Reach you're much more likely to explode after being previously damaged.


    I often find myself seeing a person drop off a busted ghost and run off, leaving me the option to ride. But why bother if I'll die in 2 seconds?


    I think it'd make the Operator a much more useful mod since you can't always assure yourself a driver seat in a vehicle. It'd be nice to just have more use.

  10. don't shoot me down here, but: I think all you guys sound like spoiled children, I don't care about any extras in the LE or over a map pack or what ever, I have played halo for as long as I can remember (I was like 6 when I first got halo 1) halo is a big part of my life and I see buy the LE as a way of thanking Bungie AND 343I for the hard-work they put into making a great game. halo is the reason im becoming a 3D modeller/animator. who cares about bonuses.


    rant over. :drool:


    Playing their game should be enough appreciation. They shouldn't have to gather up free stuff to make the LE sound more worth the $100 price tag.


    I bought the Halo 2 LE, the Halo 3 Legendary, AND the Halo Reach Legendary, and in all honesty I don't see any justification to pay more for the LE other than giving them more money out of respect for the company, which no one should feel obligated doing.



    I'll give them more money AFTER Halo 4, when I know they made a solid game and I know Halo is in good hands again. (Not implying that Halo 4 looks bad, because it doesnt, it looks great, but you should always reserve judgement when you're unsure.)


    Also, keep in mind the specializations are for after Level 50... I doubt I'll reach 50 before they release the specializations to everyone lol


    Besides, I wanted wetwork for my first loadout anyway

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  11. Bullet spread always operates the same way regardless of title. The question you are more so asking is how much is there, and on what weapons. To answer that one, I would have to look at the data from the weapon tags to tell you that.


    Also, the weapons in Halo 2 were not "Hitscan". Hitscan means a weapon shoots a projectile with infinite velocity and range, and simultaniously hits it's target as it leaves the barrel. Halo 2 weapons had projectile speed defined and it varied from weapon to weapon.


    Recoil on the other hand is going to be an issue. They stated before that the BR in particular would have a "z axis" recoil similar to the SMG, but from the gameplay I have seen, it is either very small recoil, or they decided not to include it. Overall we really have to wait to play the game, and wait till we modders get a hold of the files and try to crack them open before you will know for sure.


    Pretty sure Halo 2 had hit scan weapons.

  12. Is the BR a consistent shot this time around or does it get less accurate as you shoot? (despite there being no VISIBLE bloom).


    Is it hit scan like Halo 2 or lead your shot like Halo 3?


    Basically, if i spammed the trigger with the BR, would it be the same results each shot (with the exception of recoil) or would the shots become more and more random as i spam the trigger?

  13. More specifically, as most of you know, the more you shot the DMR in Reach the more crazy the reticule was.


    Now, the BR in Halo 4, does it have exponential bullet spread like the DMR in Reach, or are the shots consistent?



    I mean, the shots may have some spread naturally, but will the shots be CONSISTENT. As in, I don't HAVE to time my shots, I can just keep shooting and know where they might be going.

  14. At first I was really excited for the Limited Edition, but when I looked through all the features it didn't seem worth the money...


    The armor skins are w/e

    The DVD for Forward Unto Dawn is cool I suppose, but it's still a free web series (I have no desire to watch it more than once.)


    The 9 maps was the only thing making me really want the LE, but after looking at the skins i dont want and the movie I'll only watch once, saving 5-8 bucks on 9 maps (total) wasn't worth shelling out $100 on day one.


    I'll take my standard edition with the cool cover art, thank you :B

  15. I've already started my Reach run through. I've decided that instead of rushing through them all on normal the day before Halo 4 I want to go ahead and play through them at a steady pace through Heroic.


    I use to think that running in there and destroying the covie was fun, but when I actually gave heroic a chance it made the game so much more fun. It required thinking, not a lot of thinking, but enough to stop you from going brain dead from the game being so easy.


    I'll play off and on every day so it lasts until November 6th

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