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Everything posted by Echo

  1. If it's suppose to be the skull of a Promethean, then I love it. I like that they took that into consideration before just putting the Elite skull in there. Normally I hate changes to iconic symbols like that, but with a new trilogy/enemy comes new stuff.
  2. Second opinion I found. https://forums.halowaypoint.com//yaf_postst119298_Is-melee-Bleedthough-in-Halo-4.aspx I hope they're right... I loved bleed through.
  3. Oh good. The term "Tactical package" made it sound like it was a package from an ordnance drop lol good...
  4. I miss that :C And is the turning speed while sprinting faster? Cause it felt sluggish trying to turn while sprinting.
  5. I see Mobility is in the tactical package menu, which makes me think you can only get it from an ordnance drop. Laaaaame. Is this true? lol how do tactical packages work?
  6. I'll be honest with you... I'm afraid to look it up on youtube with all the leaks going around. Is there a list somewhere that shows all the mods and armor options we'll have for Halo 4? More specifically, I want to look at the full list so I can kinda see what classes I want to make. I have a few in mind but I don't know if they'd work or not since I don't know which abilities are what, whether they're mods or w/e. I found a video before but the guy didn't scroll all the way down so I didn't see the full list of abilities and their descriptions >:C
  7. Hmm... I suppose. If people actually play the right way then I can see this being fun. But, this being halo, I can see people just running away without an escort or people ignoring the flag guy, or someone running in and getting the flag who actually had the rockets or something important lol
  8. In the new vidoc they showed someone forging some blockades on Haven. I know in recent games they let you forge on all the maps but didnt let you phase things through walls and such. Do they allow you to use the full forge pallet in the War Games maps too? Cause THAT would be nice.
  9. The thing is, I just miss using it as a weapon in itself. Like how in Halo CE you could just shoot repeatedly and kill someone really quickly (even without shields). And I know the covie weapons and UNSC weapons have specific roles to play, but I always missed being able to just pick up a plasma pistol and shooting it like a gun instead of needing to use it for just shields or taking a vehicle down. Like run into a room and just keep shooting and manage to get multiple kills without having to switch the BR lol Obviously I don't mean for it to be OP, just hoped it'd be somewhat of an option. But then again, it might make duel wielding more possible in Halo 5 if they keep the plasma pistol in weaker condition 8D Please... please let there be duel wielding in Halo 5... I mean, it'd go perfect with a Halo 2 anniversary. Having duel wielding work in both the halo 2 anniversary maps and in halo 5 multiplayer. (like how no duels in reach worked with no duels in halo ce)
  10. Whaaaaat, really? That's so odd... Did they say what it did to the multiplayer that made them change it? I don't see the point in being forced to take the flag, especially when 2-3 people come up to you and you could easily drop the flag and shoot a rocket at them.
  11. During the new Halo 4 Infinity Multiplayer Vidoc, they talk about the flag in a certain segment, saying you are "100% dedicated to scoring the flag at this point" (something along those lines). My friend pointed out that the way he spoke of the new flag details, it SOUNDS like they don't let you drop the flag after picking it up, making you think before you just act. Making the flag an important strategic priority. I, on the other hand, think they wouldn't add this to Halo 4. I feel like it's such a change to CTF that it almost seems risky to just expect players to like that. What do you guys think, have you seen any proof or know of anything about this? I hope you can drop the flag... that's kind of an odd step imo.
  12. I've seen a video for the last War Games map. It's a big complex map, but I doubt it'd be have a Mammoth on it. FYI, it's not sandtrap... just so you guys dont get your hopes up lol It's a cool map though.
  13. Actually, I still think Halo 5 will be on next gen consoles. Halo games are at least 2 years apart (usually). The new xbox is expected to come out at the end of next year, meaning they'd have another year after the release of the new xbox to put a new Halo out They might make another spin off like ODST or Halo Wars or something to tie us over next year, but have a little more faith in them making it on next gen.
  14. I hated how in match making all the forge maps had the same basic forge picture when picking them. Will they make it so different forged maps have their own pictures so they look more unique and appealing when voting for a map? half the time i dont even know what a forge map is and dont wanna risk picking it over a good map
  15. That's what you get from a one-hit-anywhere-on-the-body sniper. I'll have to reserve judgement until I can play.
  16. I know they said the Covenant weapons were turned up a little bit, but does that mean SHOOTING the gun normally would be a good way to kill someone? I miss Halo 1 when a Plasma Pistol was used for more than disabling vehicles and taking down shields
  17. As you may know, Halo 4 has pretty much been stolen by a few fans (trolls?) and there are already Halo 4 ending videos on Youtube. As fun as the forums are, it's not worth having a CoD fanboy post endings in topic titles and flooding with spoiler posts, so I think I might stop coming to the forum until launch day. What do you all plan to do, keep going to the forums or leaving the internet for a bit until Halo 4 is out and I played the campaign lol
  18. I see nothing off by the animation. Nothing glitchy about it to me. Also, Alymew.... sigh lol
  19. I enjoyed the Elephant in Halo 3, but I haven't seen the Mammoth in any Halo 4 footage yet. Other than the trailer of course. Is it even in War Games? Does it have any correlation to Dominion? Can a Mammoth be used as a Dominion base like an Elephant could be used as a ctf base in Halo 3?
  20. Not necessarily. We knew all the maps in Reach a few weeks before release as well.
  21. They said there were a total of 10 maps in Halo 4. They gave us 9 so far, which are.. Adrift Abandon Complex Exile Haven Longbow Meltdown Ragnarok Solace ???? But I noticed none of these are Forge World maps. The space level, desert level and grassy level aren't included in this list. So does that mean the map list is 13 levels, or 10?
  22. That's actually really hard to believe, cause the AR in Halo 3 was used like 0% of the time. Maybe the weapons balanced around the AR made a difference in each game.
  23. The Reach AR seemed good, but it didn't always give me enough ammo to make it worth using on someone. How many people could you kill in one clip? cause in reach it only seems like you can kill 1 person before needing to reload. that or you need to hit EVERY single bullet to get 2 kills.
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