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Posts posted by Echo

  1. Unfortunately that is only a stereo connection. Unless your HDMI is plugged into a Receiver, you're not going to get the full surround audio anyway, and you're just getting stereo through your TV speakers. With that being said, no headset that I'm currently aware of uses HDMI for audio (somebody please correct me, if I'm wrong). You'd need to use a digital optical cable (TOSlink) to get the true surround from it anyway.


    That being said, the X12's are the same exact way as your X11's, the red/white audio jacks, so if you're looking for a surround experience, then they are not the way to go. $100 or less, let's see what I can find.... the Turtle Beach DXL1's are right at your $100 mark, but I don't have any personal experiences with them. I'd check out some reviews. The DX12's are a bit more than your target price, at $130. I currently can't find a Tritton headset within your price range with the features you want, sorry.


    At least you were nice enough to look lol


    I suppose I'd have to spend big to get something high quality. I might look into optic cables and see if I can find a cheap-ish headset that supports it.

  2. I watched all the weapon trailers and noticed it didn't have one promethean weapon that I saw in a different gameplay video...


    Look at the video, 2:30 minutes in he starts shooting it on a bridge that looks like the old halo 3 map.


    Are there more weapons from humans and covie too? like the plasma cannon (rocket launcher for covie)?



    Does anyone know of a confirmed list of all the weapons?

  3. Here's a question lol i just sawed off part of the plastic for my audio cable so I could fit the hdmi in with the audio cable at the same time, allowing me to at least SEE the game in HD


    Does this mean the audio is through HDMI though?

    I have the hdmi plugged in from the xbox to the tv. The audio cable is plugged into the xbox which is only connected by the two red and white cables the headset comes with. Like I said, it works! but i cant tell if this is still stereo sound or if the xbox is actually sending the hdmi quality sound through the av cables.

  4. True, I should have given more insight.


    Definitely less than $100, although I know it's best to save up for quality sometimes.


    I mainly just want something to save up for between now and November 6th for Halo 4.



    Let's say I prefer under $100 (assuming theres a good enough headset)

    Here's what I'm mainly looking for


    -Surround sound headphones

    -Higher quality audio (you mentioned the x11 has stereo, im assuming recent head phones let you use hdmi for better audio now).

    -Allows me to use it with my HDMI (my x11 turtle beach only lets you use hdmi if you have an adapter... $20? no thanks.)

    -Reliable. Won't break within a month

    • Like 1
  5. B is crouch?... Really?


    That's going to be weird...


    So how do you hijack people? I hope it's not a color button that makes you move your right thumb from the aiming analog stick. I hated looking straight ahead when trying to hijack someone who just zoomed past me. It'd be nice to be able to comfortably maintain eye sight with the vehicle while trying to hijack it.

  6. I was curious about headsets a day or so ago but now that I'm using my turtle beach to play audio and voice chat through my head phones i can tell the sound quality is off a bit.


    It's an older model, the x11 turtle beach.


    I know there's like, trident and other stuff now, but for those of you who use gaming head phones for things like Halo 4, which has the best sound quality?


    and is reasonably priced.


    Or a better question, what headsets are significantly better than the x11? I'm hoping to get nice surround sound head phones that let me hear all the new sounds in Halo 4. I fear my turtle beach x11 will dampen the sound quality of the game.

  7. So, I'm torn between using the Wetwork mod for stealth and the Nemesis mod for finding the guy/girl who just killed me. I didn't really realize it until today when playing Reach, but I seem to chase after people who kill me lol so the Nemesis mod seems like it'd be fun to have.


    But here's my question. If I have two load outs set up, one with Wetwork and one with Nemesis, And I die while using Wetwork, could I change my load out to Nemesis and instantly be able to track the person down who just killed me? Or is Nemesis a mod that only tracks their location if it was active while being killed.


    Because I would love to make a Nemesis class specifically designed to get revenge on people who I feel deserves it lol


    Just have it in my load outs... then I finally get killed by some ass hat and I switch over to Nemesis mode and go after him predator style >:C

    • Like 1
  8. Oh wait, do we not get the mods from the specializations until we actually reach 50?


    So players between the levels of 1-49 won't be able to use the mods we've seen?


    (I posted this before I saw yours lol)


    I kind of like that though... I've always wanted something to fight for in Halo multiplayer other than ranks.


    You get cool rewards but they don't necessarily overpower people compared to lower levels.

  9. I saw the different kinds in an article a while back but what are they exactly...


    1) Are they preset spartan load outs that you use? So almost like classes that you play through to earn more xp for your level?


    2) How do you select them? I only see the options for mods in the customization previews. I just assumed you had mods that you could use whenever, i didnt know they came from specializations.


    3) Does this mean we can customize different spartans for different classes? Cause I'd love to try different spartan customizations for different load outs instead of being the same looking guy for all my different load outs and specializations

  10. Yeah, that's why I pre-order my stuff earlier. I can reserve it, AND I can go to a midnight launch if I want. If not, I can pick it up later.


    But your best bet for finding this stuff out is to check with the retailers. I went ahead and checked Amazon for you. They are out as well. Sorry, man. You gotta be careful.


    Maaaaaaan, thanks though lol I know Walmart still offers it but im not sure if i can get the money in time before they take theirs down too D:


    I hope the gamestop lets me reserve it there... x__X im not use to halo editions running out lol


    i originally didnt care for the limited edition, but when i heard it comes with all the future DLC, I wanted to save the money. But I might be stuck with just getting the original game.


    Which I mean... isnt even all that bad. I kinda prefer the original box art for the game, plus i dont really want a lot of the other stuff that comes with the LE. mainly wanted to save some money

  11. I keep hearing that you can't reserve at Gamestop anymore cause they're out! I was really hoping I could go to the midnight launch :C


    It's too late to call them and ask, but I don't wanna reserve it from Walmart and end up having to pay the full fee now instead of when it comes out.



    Is best buy and amazon out of Halo 4 LE too?

  12. I have the PX headphones as well but mine are corded, love them although the cords can be annoying sometimes. I almost never use tv volume anymore everything goes through the headset and I don't have a problem. I would say just adjust your volume and distance from tv and you will be fine.


    OH! I know why I hated using the volume through my headset, it won't let me use HDMI with it. Or I at least never figured out how to plug it in properly..


    It's got a red and white aux cables (like the red white and yellow) Is it suppose to let me use HDMI with them? If so, maybe I'm doing it wrong or it's defective


    Actually, im not even sure if i have the original cables... cause some of these aren't hooking up properly lol

  13. Here's my deal with the Turtle Beach headset... I think it's a great headset, and I love using it for my PC gaming, but when I try to play with it on Xbox I get 2 options..


    I can either..


    A) Make ALL the sound come through my headset, which is fun but not always what I want (especially since turning it up too loud will make the sound pick up on my headset, forcing people to hear what I'm listening to).




    B) Play with the sound coming from the TV and the voices going through my headset, but MUTING the TV... cause the Turtle Beach headset picks up sound so well EVERYONE can hear my TV lol and they normally complain about it...



    I've had this headset for a while and was wondering what you guys have been using for Halo/etc lately. I haven't kept up with headsets so I figured I should ask people with experience before I go into a store and get told to buy the most expensive thing.


    I have a $20 generic Xbox headset, but...... yea...



    Thanks ahead of time for any advice

  14. Chief, Smash!

    In Mission 8, kill 3 Crawlers in one hit with the Gravity Hammer.


    20 points (this is an acheivment form the

    bulletin this week)


    While the return of the Brutes is somewhat likely, keep in mind that the Gravity Hammer is still a covenant weapon, not a brute specific weapon.


    Sure, the brutes were the ones who used the Hammer, but they were more than likely assigned to them BY the covenant.

  15. You get XP for a lot of things, that XP is used to rank up. There are 50 ranks. When you reach 50, you get to enlist into a Specialization. Each Specialization has 10 additional ranks. You can't exit a Specialization until you reached rank 10 (Completed it). Once you completed the Specialization, you start at 0 again.


    ......Are you serious? Starting over? I don't want prestige in Halo...


    Not because it's COD-esque, but because it's dumb and pointless when you don't unlock weapons through ranks. Since Halo is literally ONLY ranking up a number to show your skill level, instead of actually unlocking weapons that were previously unavailable to you, what's the point?...


    Seriously... What's the point?


    Does going through levels 1-50 +10 for a second time make your ranks a different color or something?


    Also, maybe this would clear up my confusion, but what do you mean by selecting a specialization? What's a "specialization" in regards to Halo 4?


    Is it like, I choose sniper, and I specialize in that or something?... Or maybe specialization refers to the playlist I prefer



    Speaking of playlists, is the 1-50 + 10 ranks for each individual playlist, or is this an overall score that has no possible way of going back down for losing games?

  16. I heard from the players at PAX or w/e convention that when you are winning, and the game is almost over, you get a winning music clip that plays in the background, and if you're losing you get a losing music clip that plays.


    So... more often then not, I'm in a game where the score is pretty much going back and forth by one kill.














    How would this work toward the end of a match? Lol


    Do the music clips transition back and forth really quickly?

  17. Kill cams are more of a luxury to the Halo series if you ask me. I can't even count how many times I've wondered how the hell someone killed me in that game.


    Plus it would eliminate obnoxious campers who stay hidden in a spot for the whole match, never being found.


    Plus, I doubt kill cam is for every playlist. This is literally the first time I've seen it (other than the Flood gameplay)

  18. You guys act like Sprint is unfair... When you're in a firefight with someone and you are about to kill them, 9 times out of 10 they are facing YOU. By the time they can turn around and start to run you can easily kill them before they escape. The only time Sprint seems annoying is when you try to pick someone off from afar. But this is a GOOD thing...


    Besides, Sprint doesn't last as long as you guys think. I personally think they should either take away Sprint OR give Sprint to EVERYONE. This way everyone will have it and those who want to pick different Armor Abilities can do so. That is... if they bring back Armor Abilities. Which I'm almost certain they will. Game developers try to do one main thing with each new game in a series. Add Variety. I can't see them taking away the Armor Abilities. I see them expanding upon them. ESPECIALLY after working with Halo Anniversary.

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