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IceMan last won the day on September 4 2011

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  • Location
    Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

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    IVX IceMan XVI

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Prophet of Regret

Prophet of Regret (11/19)



  1. Spider-man, i've been a fan of his for years! lol
  2. I pre-ordered it about 3 weeks ago, and now so have 2 of my mates lol I'm unfortunatley gonna miss the Beta though, i didn't bother gettin Medal of Honor so i didn't get access
  3. A yokel? like Cletus from the Simpsons
  4. Final Fantasy VII, they've never made another one like it lol
  5. Left 4 Dead taught me that its ok to inject myself with needles found lying in the street lol
  6. In light of the recent Tuesday Tweetbate on the xbox dashboard, i found some of the answers quite amusing, so i thought i'd pose the question to the forum and see what answers you lot can come up with, so tell me, what has gaming taught you?
  7. Battlefield 3 and probably Skyrim for the missus lol
  8. Despite being similar, they're both very different games, especially when it comes to tempo, Left 4 Dead is a fast paced game whilst Dead Island is much slower, instead of going in guns blazing, its best to take note of what weapons you ave available and what condition they're in before going head to head with a horde, its more realistic in that sense too, if you are playing alone and you come across 6-8 Zombies, its quite difficult to make it out alive whereas in left 4 dead you can take down 30 Zombies in seconds, so in my opinion Dead Island is better in terms of realism and Strategy, but if you want something quicker and more chaotic, then Left 4 Dead is better. It all depends on what your preference is though. I see Dead Island as being a cross between Dawn of the Dead and The Walking Dead, so if your a fan of those epecially, i would recommend it, but i'd still wait untill its lowered in price slightly and they've released the first patch for the console version, after that, its a must buy! lol
  9. It is, as long as you dont mind alot of running back and forth, most of the missions are things like go here and get this, then bring it back type stuff lol It weighs heavily on co-op, but thats better off with someone you know so the games played fairly otherwise random people can steal the things from a box you opened if your not quick enough. So far though, i've done a bulk of it alone and it does add extra intensity to it, i look down certain street and see packs of 7-8 Zombies and i instantly try to find an alternative less packed route just to survive, and overall the game is very addictive, i would recommend it to anyone who loves rpg's and if they happen to like stomping on zombie's heads at the same time too, well thats just even better lol
  10. Does anyone have it? what do you think of it? I got it out of pure boredom of everything else i have and as it turns out, its not as bad as i thought it would be, i can see it would be better in co-op though
  11. I do, but no one really takes any of me, nobody loves me lol
  12. The person above me is either a Psychic or a Stalker, either one would have that information lol The person below me enjoys skinny dipping, but not without arm bands and a rubber ring handy
  13. I agree, they built Modern Warfare 3 using exactly the same engine the did Modern Warfare 2 with, all it basically is, is new locations and a couple extra bits on weapons and things, theres not really anything new there for me to fork out full price, i'd rather wait until i can get it on sale! Instead, im buying Battlefield 3, they built the new frostbite engine to make it and the visuals are some of the best i've seen in any fps, plus with the added vehicles it looks like it could be utter chaos at times, which makes it more fun and appealing to me. And the best thing about it is, its almost impossible for people to camp, you find a camper in a building, just blow up the building, no camper and no place for him to run back to and do it again lol
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