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Everything posted by IceMan

  1. Sounds good, but also sounds more like something that should be put in Halo Wars 2, if they did that, then halo wouldn't just simply be an FPS anymore, othrwie its not a bad idea.
  2. They should also do one with combined covenant and flood forces and make it as customisable as the firefight in reach, not sure about the 50-100 rounds though, sounds like it would just get too repetetive, unless they let you play as the covenant, like you and 3 friends are hunters taking on a flood epidemic or somethin lol
  3. If that is indeed true, then it sounds like thay've gone and changed too much to keep it within the first 3 games boundries, although i did like the sound of more customisation. And from what i saw on the reveal trailer, that wasn't a planetoid at the end, it was the deathstar lol
  4. Your right, they're not the same thing, its the Bloom that causes the bullets to spread, The Bloom is merely the reticule in which you shoot through and the bigger that Bloom epands, the more the bullets will spread within that specific radius.
  5. an equally shady character walked
  6. No doubt, bloom adds additional skill to the game, but by opening the radius in which a bullets trajectory is altered, it shows that they actually took away the accuracy found in the previous games, it didn't add any, it altered the game mechanics along with the AA's, they both took away halo's greatness and at least by taking away Bloom, they're bringing the game at least half way back to its former glory.
  7. Strangely, i saw that video a few days ago, and i can honestly say i didn't even smile, i've seen everything in that vid too many times to laugh at it more. So didn't work, sorry lol
  8. It would be silly to add AA's or Bloom in Halo 4 since they weren't in the first 3 games, considering its a follow on from those and Reach is a prequal to the whole thing, putting in Reach's game dynamics would ruin the whole timeline, if anything, it would be ok to have sprint and i'd like to see the grenade launcher pop up again, other than that, it shouldn't be tampered with in that fashion, it could ruin the franchise.
  9. I remember seeing a video on youtube of some guy who compared the DMR in the Beta and The Final Game and the one in the Beta seemed much more accurate, it had actual recoil instead of randomly spread bullets, if taking away Bloom causes it to act more like it didin the Beta, then im definetly all for it.
  10. I saw your signature and thought you might like this

  11. This is what MW3 should come with! lol
  12. Derek the dermatologist, he's a
  13. I definetly wouldn't mind seeing construct brought back, id also like the pit and possibly sandtrap too
  14. I used to love playing hockey in action sack, but then it started turning into a beatdown fest, the opposite team never really cared to play it properly, they preffered to charge people down and hit them a million times until we were dead, haen't really been in action sack since, it got spoiled for me really, shame though, it was fun while it lasted
  15. Any ideas what playlist? or do u think they'll add a new one specifically for it?
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