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Everything posted by Temper
Been playing since Fall of 2005 and know for a fact that I am not wrong. Going back to teambeyond forums because there is too much fail with this post.
A lot of people have told me that unreal tourny was the best game that they have played, but unfortunately I never got the chance to play it.
http://teambeyond.net/forum/topic/8637-halo-5-guardians-multiplayer-beta-poll/The other two I am trying to get from the CEO of Teambeyond because he is the one that posted those statistics. I am also curious about what games you have developed?
I will not insult anyone and I will use better judgement when posting. Scouts honor
Does sprint belong in Halo? Beyond: 83% No Halo WayPoint: 71% No r/halo: 69% No 3 different communities. Clearly biased & rigged. Clearly. Are you talking about people insulting each other or........?
"Hey guys, today we're playing Basketball with a football and traveling is now allowed. I mean, it's still basketball, we're just innovating a little bit" "So guys, in todays soccer match any player is allowed to pick up the ball and carry it in their hands. We felt that every other sport was doing it, so it's time we evolved. Don't worry, it's still the same soccer you know and love, but we need to evolve."
In 2015, why buy the new Call of Duty, Battlefield, Gears of War, or Destiny game when you can just have Halo 5 instead? Its all those games wrapped into one! Plus if you look really, really, REALLY close, you'll see a bit of Halo in there too! Call of Halo: Destinyfields of Gearsfall Coming Winter 2015
Halo 3 is already a horrible game to begin with when talking about shot registration even on LAN. Sprint is not currently balanced and there is not one thing that you can do to it in order to balance it, which is why taking it out is the best thing that can be done about it. People make a bad decision and instead of getting punished for it like back in Halo: CE - 3 they can just sprint away, which is absurd. http://xboxclips.com/ScorchedPhoenix/426e24eb-7b0e-4ad0-8d02-2672ebb25c83 Counterstrike. #Nuffsaid The more **** that you put into a game the less skill it takes and the more random it becomes. This has been proven with Halo: Reach and Halo 4. No proof? ok. Check out the threads that I posted and you will notice that the information in them is linked with r/Halo, Neogaf, Halowaypoint, etc. If you have no proof then there is really no point in me arguing with you. It is america so you are free to think as you please. Have a good day.
P.S. If most reactions to the beta are extremely positive then why are there more people playing a broken game (MCC) over Halo 5?
I already gave you proof now it is time for you to give me proof to back up your words, which you have not done yet. I will say one thing though. It would be nearly impossible to hit your shots without some sort of aim assist in console shooters because of the joysticks. It is easier and more precise to aim with a mouse which is why there is no need to have aim assist on PC shooters. I'm guessing you have never played a console shooter before otherwise you would know that aim assist is needed when you are using joysticks. Proof? I've seen tons of gameplay of Doom and Quake so I know you are right. Doom and Quake are completely different games compared to Halo so you can't really compare them. Quake and Doom are games designed for 1v1s, while Halo has always been a game designed for 4v4s. Also there are no shields in those games, which makes sprint more acceptable. Another thing that makes it more acceptable is that they can shoot while they sprint. At no point in any arena shooter should you not be able to shoot your gun, which is one of the main problems with sprint being in Halo. The professional Halo players know more about Halo then anyone (FACT). Try to argue sprint with one of them and see what happens.
You want proof? Ok here you go I don't think you know what the definitions of casual and competitive are so take a look https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=definition%20of%20casual http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/competitive Here's a poll from a website littered with people that know more about competitive gaming then anyone from any other website http://teambeyond.net/forum/topic/8637-halo-5-guardians-multiplayer-beta-poll/ If you have played enough shooters/video games in your lifetime you'll realize that it is common sense that competitive gamers are more important to the developer then casual gamers. It is also common sense that sprint doesn't belong in Halo no matter how you try to tweak it. Take a look at this and you will see how wrong you are http://teambeyond.net/forum/topic/8474-halo-5-guardians-multiplayer-beta-discussion/page-366 Quick scoping doesn't take skill? I think you are the idiot here my good sir, but thank you for the ignorant insult. Alright now let's see your proof. http://teambeyond.net/forum/topic/8637-halo-5-guardians-multiplayer-beta-poll/ Sprint belongs in CoD, GoW, BF, Titanfall, etc There are two games that would immediately have cancer and slowly die if sprint was implemented in them. Counter Strike and Halo. Halo is already slowly dying from it. Remember reach and Halo 4? There are some things in this world that you cannot argue against and sprint in one of them. All of the other spartan abilities you can argue for, but not/never sprint. https://scontent-a-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/l/t31.0-8/10931469_10202212954285141_2060395700282733413_o.jpg The new generations coming up should experience Halo in the most balanced way possible and sprint takes that away. Running away after you make a bad decision without getting punished for it is the dumbest thing they could ever put into Halo. If you put sprint in Halo you might as well take out the shields as well other wise it will not work right at all. Why do you think the population for Halo: Reach and Halo 4 pale in comparison to Halo 1-3? Why do you think more people are playing the broken MCC game rather then the Halo 5 beta? Can't remember what the website is to check what place each xbox one game is at, but MCC was at 19th and Halo 5 beta was at 23rd. Kind of sad really. You are right they aren't copying it from CoD. They are copying it from Battlefield, Titanfall, Gears of War, and any other shooting game that has it. Why do you think Counter Strike has millions of people still playing it with old and new generations? They stayed true to the core of the game. https://scontent-a-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/l/t31.0-8/10931469_10202212954285141_2060395700282733413_o.jpgSaber and CA only dealt with the H2A campaign and moving over the Halo maps to the Xbox One/MCC. Where are you getting your facts from? I never said they haven't been working on it for 3 years did I? Sorry bad at math obviously 1+1 = 3 right? Came out in 2003 so saying they took it from that came is pretty accurate. Clamber and slide have been around in other games like Gears of war and Battlefield well before Destiny, Halo 5, and AW were in development btw. I back up almost every point with facts and details so you might wanna check the proof in this thread. You've only heard good things? Damn must be really good things for MCC to have more people playing that instead of Halo 5 XD http://teambeyond.net/forum/topic/8637-halo-5-guardians-multiplayer-beta-poll/ Don't think that I'm in the minority. Saying 343 sucks at Halo is completely relevant seeing as how they wouldn't know as much as the people that win tournaments from this franchise. Change that adds randomness to gameplay is not simple. Also adapting isn't the problem and I think that it's funny how so many people use that in every argument lol. Not that many new pro's emerged from Halo: reach and Halo 4 so I'm pretty sure everyone adapted well enough to keep the scrubs in their place. Check out this and tell me that I can't adapt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wHWqwzM98EY&list=TLrDthjM6XRRc I complain about anything that is going to ruin Halo. I agree that games need to change in order to stay relevant. The only thing that should never change in a shooter is the core gameplay, which is the problem with 343 and sledgehammer. Other then the core Halo: CE - Halo 3 are very different, which is part of reason that they succeeded. http://www.vgchartz.com/yearly/2014/Global/I agree that the numbers for CoD aren't what they used to be, but the explanation is simple. Call of Duty: Ghosts was a fantastic game GAMEPLAY wise. Call of Duty: Ghosts was a ****ty game MAP wise, which is why a lot of people left/didn't buy the game. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is a fantastic game MAP wise. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is a ****ty game GAMEPLAY wise, which is why people are starting to leave/not buy the game. The maps in ghosts all looked like something that came out of a blender. The problem with AW is the stupid exo suit. Mainly the double jump and then dash ability that adds randomness/takes skill out of the game. To be honest though AW is still a better game then ghost though, which is why the numbers are still pretty decent IMO. Change the core of Halo and Halo will cease to exist. Stay true to the core of Halo and Halo will keep on strong just like CS and CS: GO. Make another game with the core of Halo 1-3 and I promise that it will sell twice as many copies as Halo 3 did. Add new maps, new weapons, new grenades, etc and it will sell like hotcakes on a Sunday morning after church. If it doesn't then crucify me and add in sprint, clamber, thruster, etc. Don't change the core until the core doesn't sell is what I'm saying. The thing is that the core will always sell just like Counter strike.
I already posted it on Halowaypoint. Also it isn't an opinion that sprint belongs in Halo when the majority of the community says the same thing. Halo was never meant to have sprint in it. Why? Because Halo is an arena shooter. Call of duty is meant to have sprint because it is not an arena shooter. Quick scoping does belong in multiplayer games because it takes a certain amount of skill in order to execute them. Ask any professional Halo player and they will tell you the same thing. Also catering to the casuals is the wrong way to make a game. Why? Because the competitive players are the one's that make them money in the long run. Casuals will play the game for a little bit and move on to a different game. Competitive players advertise the game on Twitter, Facebook, Twitch, Youtube, at events, etc. In the short run it is smart to cater to the casuals, but then you look at the population 3 months after release and you realize that's not the way to make Halo.
What do I talk about in this video? Sprint Clamber Stabilizer Ground Pound Slide Thruster Smart Scope Shoulder Charge Bloom Weapons Gameplay Ranks Truth Empire Eden Orion Pegasus Why 343 should remake Halo 5 and push it back Stick to the core gameplay from Halo 1-3 Listen to the community Fix MCC
I cry every time :'(
I explained everything in the video, which you clearly have not watched. Any remaining ?'s that you think I have not answered in my video I will be happy to answer after you WATCH THE VIDEO.
-Team Balancing -Game Crashing -Ranks -Roster -FPS in Forge -Halo 4 Gameplay (Shields & Grenades) -Join in Session for Custom Games -Dedicated Servers -Custom Game Servers -Turning On/Off Music in Lobby -Melee System -Trueskill -Film Sharing & Saving If you have anything else that you would like to add please do so.
I respect your well thought out post and thank you for your insight
Great is an understatement
I think you're drunk so I won't take this as a serious response. That's what I'm talking about.
I agree
Why wait until next month when on Twitch.tv/Halo today @ 6pm PST we will see the game for ourselves. Oh and sprint and look down sights just like in Call of Duty have already been confirmed by 343
It is considered a rant, but one that people should definitely watch so they know what kind of company they are giving their money too. I go into detail about a lot of stuff that people didn't even know about with 343. Some people like the video and some people don't. A lot of people are salty that I am bashing 343 when I am just speaking the truth and people don't wanna believe it. Kinda how the heretic leader told the Arbiter in Halo 2 how the prophets were leading the covenant into a death trap, but he didn't wanna listen or believe it. I just think that it is funny how people try to protect a company that doesn't care about them at all. I weep for them :'(