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Ardent Prayer

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Everything posted by Ardent Prayer

  1. The other Troopers in the Drop Pods that were deployed also were killed in the Slipspace Rupture that Regret's Carrier caused. The only reason why Buck's Squad managed to survive the blast was because they were put off their original course for Dare's mission, which threw them the opposite direction from the blast.
  2. Stopping a live stream? Wow. That sucks. Anyway, that trailer gave me MASS nostalgia to my childhood. I played the original DOOM games so much. I can't wait. xD
  3. Using the CBJ-MS on Chainlink in BF4 is the best move I've made to my loadouts.

    1. Fishy


      Wait, is the new DLC out? I haven't heard of ChainLink before.

    2. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Dragon's Teeth. Nout out for Premium members.

  4. The Halo 5 Beta Codes will be shipped for player with the Master Chief Collection on 12/27. I'm trying my best to get an Xbox One now for these!
  5. Just signed up for the Freerice group.

    1. Ranger Intel

      Ranger Intel

      Now lets destroy world hunger.

    2. Unease Peanut

      Unease Peanut

      Now let's free that rice!

  6. Vocabulary word of the week: Todaqy

  7. So much Red and White. Reminds me of an Ambulance. 7.5/10
  8. A Scale Replica of an SMG? lol I don't know.
  9. Don't go around making yourself an a** on here. It makes yourself look bad. At least provide a little respect for other members around you.
  10. Woah, woah, woah. Recon armor unlocks automatically? Are you sure about that?
  11. The Incredibles tho

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      Sparky that pun was just incredible

    3. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Mhm, you can feel every... Dash of excitement.

    4. Ardent Prayer
  12. Faction: OS Rank: Hardcore Weapon Specialist Name: Ardent Prayer Function: Works with explosive weapons to the most precise weapons our troops can handle. Reason for Joining: Best friend was killed in an explosion from an attack from the GDR. I vowed to avenge him and win this war. I'm just about to mix things up a bit.
  13. Nice to meet you! Hope you have a great time on the forums here! And watch out for Sparky's puns....they'll catch you WAAYYY off guard.
  14. Ardent Prayer > New Construct. I WORK. I AM A MACHIIIINE

  15. Hm, I've been wondering what Marty's future would be. 343I's Neil Davidge made a good soundtrack for Halo and Marty made amazing music for the previous titles. I would like to see Neil and Marty's music put together, but I somewhat doubt that 343 will bring him in. But hey! Who knows what'll happen?
  16. She had to be killed off eventually, she can't be around all the time. Now it's Johnson's death that made me sad. :/ *Guilty Spark Voice* Very unfortunate...

  18. Waterworks tho. Headlong already got a reimagining in the first Anniversary title. But who knows?
  19. I would like the same also. Exploration of maps in Halo 2 was awesome. There was no 10 second countdown to haul bananas back to the actual maps and there were barely death barriers. I'd like to have the time to explore maps again in H5G.
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