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Ardent Prayer

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Everything posted by Ardent Prayer

  1. Just going to leave this here...

  2. Happy Birthday Twam!

  3. A King's arrival is never silent.

    1. Vinyl Scratch

      Vinyl Scratch

      Unless you're the king of quietness.

  4. You mean Forerunner Enforcers? xD Anyway, yea. I agree. Instead of actual manned vehicles, they could use Drones...Sentinels for example. They have a crap-ton or different Sentinel Variants. Like: Boom. Strato-Sentinels and that huge...sentinel thing that can level cities... The only manned Forerunner vehicle I know of is the War Sphinx, in which I think will appear in Halo 5.
  5. Well Hello there! Like Mayh3m said, this is a great site to find a bunch of players! Especially in the Community Even threads! I hope you find it fun here!
  6. This which I very highly doubt would happen, would actually be pretty cool. xD
  7. 1: Halo Wars 2: Halo 3 3: Halo Reach 4: Halo 2

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      Have they sprung up again?

    2. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Did you just...?

  9. Ya, I highly doubt a new Halo game being brought to PC.
  10. I always found the architecture in Halo to be interesting. Especially the Space Elevators.

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom


      The Forerunner structures in Halo 4 freaked me out... In a really good way. Sooooo many corners.... Sooo little time...

  11. Guess who has to get their Wisdom Teeth pulled followed by Braces.... ._.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. I_Make_Big_Boom


      Ohhh well prepare for annoying 101: Braces edition. Can't wait to get these freaking things off.

    3. Maestro


      Get your fill of ribs and corn on the cob and pizza and chicken with the bone in now!

    4. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      I got a few months. cx

  12. Elites and Gravity Hammers....hmm

    1. Sadly Just AL

      Sadly Just AL

      I don't think you understand the... Gravity of the situation.

    2. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer


  13. Great Playdate guys!

    1. Connor Kenway

      Connor Kenway

      agreed it was awesome, until Drizzy changed team ;_;

    2. Ardent Prayer
  14. I'd like to a see a bigger, scarier, and much more powerful Scarab to fight, no MULTIPLE. I loved fighting Scarabs. The Cleansing Beam for it should be able to demolish the landscape it impacts, much like Covenant Warships, just on a smaller scale. A new Scarab version overall is a great idea.
  15. I've made the Top 15 before #RubyWillBeSuperior
  16. I never knew how well this site works on the Xbox...

    1. HIWBC


      Is that on the Xbone I take it :)?

    2. Ardent Prayer
  17. I like Halo Spartan Assault. It's fun to play, but I prefer Halo Wars. I just love Real Time Strategy games, especially when they make one off of an awesome, multi-billion dollar franchise.
  18. This is actually a good idea. This would work very well. This is another really good idea. Bringing all the Halo's into one edition for Next-Gen.
  19. We'll miss you Aiden. It was nice knowing you while I got the chance. Hopefully you'll comeback.
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