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Ardent Prayer

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Everything posted by Ardent Prayer

  1. I have grown a Skittles Addiction....

  2. A second CE would be unnecessary anyway. Not many Halo fans would crave it. People still enjoy normal Custom Edition anyway. As we speak there is still content being created for it anyway. If it were to release, not many would play it, as we needs ACTUAL Halo games to release. Not an indie-sandbox/multiplayer only game. We need actual Halo games, not small ones that no one would play, knowing that the normal CE is still immensely populated and played since its release.
  3. Yeah. There was. Hunters, Zealot/Shipmasters... Zealots/Shipmasters were the scariest 'bosses' to me lmao.
  4. Forum is 3 years old? Happy Birthday! My account is almost as old! :D

  5. Forum is 3 years old? Happy Birthday!My account is almost as old! :D

  6. They shouldn't make it a boss. They should just either keep the glitch or change it to an Ultra Elite, Councilor or Honor Guard.
  7. The Hunters before the entering the Cruiser are also somewhat bosses.
  8. Bam, you just took the words right out of my mouth. Nah. We can live without her.
  9. Watched Frozen for the first time today since it's on DVD now. Loved it.

  10. Bagels! What's up man? Good to see you again!
  11. "Your Titan is ready." Sweet! *marks drop-point* *dies*

  12. Great thread Fox! And a Monster DLC for Titanfall? YES!
  13. Great. The last thing we need are players already ruining a great game that hasn't been out for a week. Respawn knows what's up.
  14. Standby for Titanfall: NYYYOOOM *BOOSH*

  15. The part when you are crossing between the Mausoleum and the Far Tower with the Spec Ops Elites Flanking you. He appears from the result from a usage of a missing tag apparently.
  16. I don't know if this counts as ban, but I was shout-box banned because I was used as a guinea pig to test if the Shout-Box Ban worked...I was an experiment. ._.
  17. The Honor Guard Ultra/Councilor. It was modeling/rendering glitch in the level that gives random appearances to the player. The Honor Guard Model includes: -Rtas 'Vadum's Face. ("Half-Jaw") -Councilor -Normal Ultra with Honor Guard Shoulders -No-Helmet Honor Guard Ultra. I have found some Pictures of different variants. Just so you know that they are all random. The Normal Ultra Honor Guard The one with Rtas 'Vadam's "Half-Jaw" Un-rendered Helmet Honor Ultra Councilor An a Normal Ultra with Honor Guard Shoulders Variant modded on Coagulation. I just posted these pictures to show you the random variants you will get at this part. Not just the Councilor.
  18. Senpai! Notice me! T-T

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Azaxx
    3. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      so whats the difference between senpai and sensei az? cause what you descrides sounds like what i though sensei was

    4. Azaxx


      Sensei and senpai can be interchangable depending on the context.

      But sensei can't be used for anything but teacher

  19. I loved Halo 3's multiplayer. It was so perfect. If it ends, I hope Halo 5's multiplayer lives up to how good Halo 3's was.
  20. Japanese Godzilla: Awesome American 1998 Godzilla: Pure crap Godzilla 2014: I have a feeling it'll be amazing.
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