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Ardent Prayer

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Everything posted by Ardent Prayer

  1. I am starting on my short story 'The UNSC Winter Night' for the contest!

  2. Dude, this is awesome! Halo 2 was my favorite Halo! I want to know what the Scarab from 'Metropolis' looks like and if they will keep the Scarab gun!
  3. lol, FUEL Rod Gun. Besides that, my favorite weapon of all time in Reach is the Spiker
  4. Ehh, not as exciting. This console and the Nat Geo X is way at the bottom of the list.
  5. They have been doing it for a while starting with Halo 3.
  6. I know alot of people who say its gunna suck, I doubt that, It looks really good!
  7. Probably, because I think the first mission is finding and artifact and taking it from Storm
  8. Dude...that looks soooo good. I will buy millions of them and drink them while playing Halo 4.
  9. Do you know how amazing that would be?! The Mythos, The Scarab, Longswords and everything!!
  10. Well, the Falcon is in the game, but I doubt that the Hornet will as much as I like it.
  11. I don't know whats going on. WYR Get slammed by a Mgalekgolo's (Hunter) Shield at full strength or face the wrath of a Scarab?
  12. Stay safe buddy, I really don't know much about Hurricanes because I live in California, but I hope it isn't bad. Come back as soon as possible!
  13. Blood Gulch, Snowbound, Sandtrap, Death Island, Ice Fields, Extinction (AWWW Yeah), and Hugeass! BEST MAPS EVAR
  14. I saw a wierd light tonight. Its Anti-Collision lights off, no sound and faded away after a while. It was moving...What the hell was it?

  15. "Giving the Covenant back their bomb" ~John-117 in Halo 2
  16. Halo 3 Halo Reach Modern Warfare 3 Halo 2 H3 ODST
  17. The Forge Section HAS GROWN

  18. Lol. It kind of reminds me of Football. You try to throw the ball to your teammate but someone else catches it. INTERCEPTION = SCORE
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