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Ardent Prayer

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Everything posted by Ardent Prayer

  1. Mmmmm...smells like Donuts.

  2. Yes. Hve you ever beaten a Scarab in Halo 3 with just a pistol?
  3. My first Freshman Football game is tomorrow!

  4. Yes Dallas Cowboys Tony Romo A lot Sometimes No Yes, I have been to an Oklahoma Sooners @ UCLA game. Speaking of Football, my Freshman Football season starts tomorrow.
  5. Yes, it is what a lot of fans want but if they were to put this ingame, the release date would have to be pushed back 2-3 months. That would piss off a lot of people.
  6. The Elites are part of a Splinter group of Covenant who still abide Truth and don't believe in the defeat of the Covenant Empire in Post-War years.
  7. Actually, according to Halopedia and Halo Nation, the "Tired Elephant" is called the Mammoth. Its called that because of its massive size difference from the average Elephant. Here is the link: http://www.halopedia.org/Mammoth
  8. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay! Your sig is awesome!
  9. This isn't 343i's official site. The reason why the sounds are different is because they used real gun sound recordings they did a few months back and edited them but mainly, I don't get what you are saying. Do you like lke the sounds or no? Fact is: Some people will like it and others won't.
  10. Awwww, I'm not on the list. But Congrats to everyone who got top 15.
  11. I'm going to watch it...at my house...in my room...on my bed...on youtube..and/or Waypoint.
  12. I like Exodus and Long Night of Solace. I hated Tip of the Spear though. Those Wraiths were a pain in the a$$! The rest of the campaign was okay though.
  13. Halo 4 section hit 0? Is that what Jester was mumbling about?! NOOOOOOO

  14. I'd say, get an indoor cat, small dog, or like Minuette said, Bunnies.
  15. I start school on September 4th. I'm entering my 9th Grade Freshman year and is starting Football. So with Homework, Projects, Essays, Football Practice, I won't be on as much as I used too. I hate school! Why can't we be born with everything we need to know?! Well, school is how you make friends so haha.
  16. Neon Green and regular green. Just so I can blend in with nature as camo.
  17. Man I know I have lots of them but I forgot them. I know they are from Morgan Freeman though
  18. I have to say...Coffee, Soda, and Monster.
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