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Ardent Prayer

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Everything posted by Ardent Prayer

  1. Welcome home Jester! I hope you got your personal stuff sorted out. Everyone here loves your company and humor! <3
  2. "I've never played such game with Jake... -____-" ---BMO

  3. Ignore the noob. Don't let him effect you gameplay. Just move on. If you do kill him, get him back if you want though.
  4. One word: Live. Something will have to happen in the Reclaimer Trilogy's conclusion. I hope its a happy ending.
  5. I think that 'The Oracle' is the worst level I played
  6. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/12315-new-covenant-faction-named-storm/ Here, this new thread that Choot 'em posted should help you.
  7. Amazing find Choot 'em! I like how they are called 'Storm'
  8. You'll always be our favorite mod, Vita. I hope you come back.
  9. I have a 7 year old Border Collie whose name is T.C. She was ran over as a stray so when we took he in, we named her T.C. Meaning 'Traffic Collision' Haha
  10. I swear to god. My Black Prophecy game has gone though like 60 patches and is still going.

  11. Hey, don't mess with Zohan!
  13. 602 posts! Reaching my way to 1000!

  14. Wow, that should be on Fails of the week
  15. Splazer and Sniper sound amazing! I want my hands on that Sniper!
  16. Im trying to buy Halo 2 for PC, but I only have Custom Edition right now. :/
  17. This is more of a "meets" instead of a "VS". This is really cool though.
  18. Dude, this is going to be amazing. Master Chief in Skyrim would pwn. The vid was wierd I liked it aswell as everybody else haha.
  19. I like the loadouts, its smart. Its as simple as "pick, use, enjoi" I'll enjoy the loadout system throughout the game. Is this going to be in Campaign too?
  20. I like it. They don't look scrawny anymore. They look scary and intimidating. I like how the new Covies look except for the Elites, which they look, you know, not as buff and danngerous.
  21. I personally would not like the Jet Pack to be in Halo 4. I didn't like much. I like the Thruster Pack better. Like Sykowolf said, it would be more of a quick escape than a Combat Tool
  22. My ninja name is: Tushikatotemoto O.o



      My ninja name is: Squating Elephant.

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