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Ardent Prayer

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Everything posted by Ardent Prayer

  1. Halo Mega Bloks are best! I see lots of them and I feel like a Little kids again! I haz alot of them! INCLUDING THE LOCUST
  2. I got lost at one part but I read the rest.
  3. Brownies and Cookies

    1. Lazmarr


      I read that wrong.:/ I thought it said 'Bronies and cookies'. I was like Cupcakes!

    2. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      That works too, bro.

  4. Get the Smite Closed Beta!

  5. Eh. I like the music new or classic. I don't have a problem with it. I would hate if they remade the music in Halo 2.
  6. In Palm Springs. Over 113 today!

  7. Shotgun because what if you got your opponents's shields down but you didn't kill him? You can pull out your Shotgun and get him up close and personal.
  8. TF2 Pony servers take so long to load...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ardent Prayer
    3. Minuette


      Well least you can play TF2! Good thing Gmod has better pony servers ;D

    4. Ardent Prayer
  9. Very interesting find Choot 'em. Kind of freaky at first.
  10. I don't care about CoD. Ill play it's zombies but thats it.
  11. He looks more of an Army Trooper to me than a Marine.
  12. Now, you can tell everyone your WORST move you have ever made in Halo. From Combat Evolved to Halo Reach. Were you mad or were on laughing your butt off? Tell us here. GO My worst move was playing 'Capture the Flag' in Custom Edition on Coldsnap. I grabbed a jet and went straight for the Red Team's flag. Once I got there, I ran in, grabbed it, got back in the jet, and flew away. Now, I started to gain altitude to avoid visual detection by enemy Jets and Longswords. I didn't know how high I was going. (And you know that if you pull the trigger, you drop the flag) I wanted to know where the barrier was and I totally forgot that I had my hands on the flag, I pulled the trigger and there went the flag. It fell out and I saw it so I dove down and tried to grab it. It was falling faster than my jet at full speed. o.O So I bailed out of my jet (Yes I did) and tried to grab it again I didn't get it, at the same time, my teammate was trying to get it in his jet, he ended up flying into me. I got teamkilled by accident. -_____- I got so mad that I quit the game. This happened today.
  13. I don't get what you are trying to tell us here. ?._.
  14. She had somethings to do with it alongside with Colonel James Ackerson.
  15. LOL Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean) in the Olympic Ceremony!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bobo Magroto

      Bobo Magroto

      saw that, that looked really funny :P

    3. Lᴜᴋᴇ


      Yeah so funny. GO LONDON!!!!!

    4. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      LOL He tripped that one guy.

  16. LOL Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean) in the Olympic Ceremony!

  17. Wow, 50 donations. You are one nice guy Bobo. You oaught to be proud of yourself. BTW: Nice Noble Team Shirt
  18. I loved ODST's Firefight. No cheating, No shields, all legit.
  19. Crap okay. Uhh. Ill get that pic up soon. Its being crappy. srry guys. Ya. Ill try to get it up soon. Sry.
  20. This is a more updated picture of me. Im on a Vietnam War Era Huey's 50. Caliber Mchine Gun!
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