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Ardent Prayer

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Everything posted by Ardent Prayer

  1. Probably the Assault Rifle and the Carbine. Something powerful with a precise favorite next to it.
  2. Im listening to the Halo 2 Soundtracks!

  3. Im listening to the Halo 2 Soundtracks!

  4. Really, that would actually add more work for 343 to do. More work means pushing the date back. And we don't want the date pushed back. Everything we've seen looks good. 343 doesn't need to work on more stuff unless they want to. You can understand this right?
  5. I usually don't like CoD threads in the forum, but this made me LMAO because it's all true. Usually if they do stuff like that to me or someone else, I just trash talk them back. lol. I hate CoD fanboys. They're stupid. So are the so-called "clans". "Oh. I quickscoped you n00b! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" "You nubetuber! I'm going to ban you!" "What the hell?! You knifed me and I shot you like 60 times! H4X3R!!!!" (He probably just hip-fired.) Seriously CoD fanboys...shut up.
  6. Member: Spectral Jester Reason: Because he said he was changing his name to red but I want too.
  7. *goes to freezer and checks for some waffles* "Crap...I haz none..."

    1. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      lol. I had 6 this morning. Waffles are so addicting.

    2. Ardent Prayer
    3. DaveAtStateFarm


      *goes to freezer*


      *finds Master Chief taking a space nap...*




  8. *goes to freezer and checks for some waffles* "Crap...I haz none..."

  9. Maybe he doesn't wanna be spammed with invites and stuff. I usually go 'offline' just so it wont happen.
  10. Haha! I only have 1975 shouts total! WOO. Ive been here for almost a year and I almost reached 2000!
  11. There was something like that. I think it was trashed.
  12. Just finished the movie, Spiderman 3 for the first time! Soooo good.

  13. Just finished the movie, Spiderman 3 for the first time! Soooo good.

  14. LOL Why answer if you do not know? XD
  15. I want to put in a mod for Star Wars Battlefront II but I got it off Steam and I have no idea how to add it. Does anyone know how? BTW The Mod is a Custom Mappack
  16. Just saw the news about the Colordo Movie Massacre. =*(

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Azaxx


      That's why you Americans need harsher gun laws. It's happening to often, to many innocent people getting killed, and no laws are put down.

    3. Zuko 'Zarhamee
    4. Smokin Shadowz

      Smokin Shadowz

      One story that you don't know about was the robbery in Florida that got stopped because somebody else was carrying a concealed weapon. Law change but not ban.

  17. Just saw the news about the Colordo Movie Massacre. =*(

  18. Just saw the news about the Colordo Movie Massacre. =*(

  19. Halo will never go to PS3 because Microsoft owns Halo. And always will.
  20. Peanut Butter

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      Penut Butter Jelly Time!

    3. Zaguroth


      Way ya way ya way ya way ya

    4. Dog


      Peanut butter jelly peanut butter jelly

  21. Why a makeover? Twam probably spent alot of time creating this. Its fine how it is. He'll change it if he wants.
  22. I'm trying to get Dead Space 2 and Star Wars Battlefront II since theyre on sale.
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