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Ardent Prayer

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Everything posted by Ardent Prayer

  1. Trixie: Anything you can do, I can do better. Me: WIGGLE YOUR TOES. BEAT HALO 3 ON LEGENDARY

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fire


      Trixie sucks, but i like Gilda.

    3. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Screw Gilda. Its all Fluttershy.

    4. Bobo Magroto
  2. Ardent Prayer


    No. It just popped in my head.
  3. Cool beans Hotdog! :DD 2 DAYS TILL E3
  4. I'm holding a Halo Custom Edition Server! Whoever wants to join, download the maps, Extinction, and Boom Gulch before you can play. My server is "Hehe. All Public Join" Ill make a new one called "Only Members of the 343iCom. Forum" Only 10 players can join at a time.

    1. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Anyone wanna join?

    2. a live dinosaur

      a live dinosaur

      That would be great, I just don't know how to get Halo Custom Edition


    3. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      go on fileplanet and look it up or go to www.halomaps.org and download the english version from there

  5. Ardent Prayer


    I'd rather have a little monitor to the top side of the screen and you would use the D-Pad to scroll to which enemy you want to watch out for. Like you can watch what he is doing while you play.
  6. Xbox: Entertainment Evolved premieres Monday, June 4th. 10 AM Pacific Time and 1 PM East Time. Time for Halo 4 to makes its second E3 debut!

  7. For those who have been waiting for the Circuit armor screenshot to be released, here it is! Remember, you can get this by only preordering Halo 4 at Walmart.
  8. Be sure to find any things to wear with special Solar Filters.
  9. Proof. We need proof. I doubt HW2 will be made.
  10. Uhm? Well I didn't really care about the multiplayer really. I just wanted to see the story redone after 10 years.
  11. Giving Thanks and dedication to those who serve our country. Past and Present. Happy Memorial Day.

  12. Basically, its a rair event that when Venus passes through the sun in which the world can see, just like a Solar Eclipse. ^^ You After this, the other pair won't occur until 2117 and 2125. So enjoi this rare event while you can...just go buy special Eclipse glasses. ^^ Simple. It just won't be seen over the Atlantic Ocean.
  13. I'm pre-ordering at Best Buy so I can get the Venator/Raptor
  14. I don't have any on the UK yet. But when I find it I'll tell you. Then how does anybody know about it?
  15. Im for sure getting Venator Raptor Skin. Halo 4 here I come.

  16. Im for sure getting Venator Raptor Skin. Halo 4 here I come.

  17. Here are what stores have what things you want: Pre-order bonuses: Many pre-order bonuses for Halo 4 were revealed on May 25th, 2012. This is the first time that Microsoft Studios has introduced retailer-specific bonus items for a Halo game; preorder bonuses were offered for ODST, Reach, and Combat Evolved Anniversary, however, not on the scale of Halo 4. Helmets and armor skins and emblems are completely customizable for use in multiplayer to match the style of the individual player. Each bonus item and their respective retailer are listed below by availability: Amazon: Web Skin, Bulletbroof Emblem, and Spartan Emblem Best Buy: Raptor Skin EB Games: Forest Skin, BR85HD Battle Rifle Arctic Skin Gamestop: Forest Skin Microsoft Store: Forest Skin MightyApe.co.nz: Locus Helmet, Pulse and Raptor Skin, Assasin and Bonebreaker Emblem Play.com: Deadeye helmet
  18. Next Venus Transit to be on June 5/6. Check out my new topic.

  19. The transit or passage of a planet across the face of the Sun is a relatively rare occurrence. As seen from Earth, only transits of Mercury and Venus are possible. On average, there are 13 transits of Mercury each century. In contrast, transits of Venus occur in pairs with more than a century separating each pair. The last Venus transit was in 2004 so the second event of the pair will occur on Wednesday, June 6 (Tuesday, June 5 from the Western Hemisphere). The entire event will be widely visible from the western Pacific, eastern Asia and eastern Australia as shown in Figure 1. Most of North and Central America, and northern South America will witness the beginning of the transit (on June 5) but the Sun will set before the event ends. Similarly, observers in Europe, western and central Asia, eastern Africa and western Australia will see the end of the event since the transit will already be in progress at sunrise from those locations. (Click on above figure for larger PDF file) For Northern Hemisphere locations above latitude ~67° north, all of the transit is visible regardless of the longitude. Northern Canada and all of Alaska will also see the entire event. Residents of Iceland are in a unique wedge-shaped part of the path (Region X in Figure 1). They will see both the start and end of the transit but the Sun will set for a short period around greatest transit. A similarly shaped region exists south of Australia (Region Y in Figure 1), but here, the Sun rises after the transit begins and sets before the event ends. The principal events occurring during a transit are conveniently characterized by contacts, analogous to the contacts of an annular solar eclipse. The transit begins with contact I, the instant the planet's disk is externally tangent to the Sun. Shortly after contact I, the planet can be seen as a small notch along the solar limb. The entire disk of the planet is first seen at contact II when the planet is internally tangent to the Sun. Over the course of several hours, the silhouetted planet slowly traverses the solar disk. At contact III, the planet reaches the opposite limb and once again is internally tangent to the Sun. Finally, the transit ends at contact IV when the planet's limb is externally tangent to the Sun. Contacts I and II define the phase called ingress while contacts III and IV are known as egress. Position angles for Venus at each contact are measured counterclockwise from the north point on the Sun's disk. Table 1 Geocentric Phases of the 2012 Transit of Venus Event Universal Position Time Angle Contact I 22:09:38 41° Contact II 22:27:34 38° Greatest 01:29:36 345° Contact III 04:31:39 293° Contact IV 04:49:35 290° Table 1 gives the geocentric times of major events during the transit. Greatest transit is the instant when Venus passes closest to the Sun's center (i.e. - minimum separation). During the 2012 transit, Venus's minimum separation from the Sun is 554 arc-seconds (During the 2004 transit, the minimum separation was 627 arc-seconds). The position angle is defined as the direction of Venus with respect to the center of the Sun's disk, measured counterclockwise from the celestial north point on the Sun. Figure 2 shows the path of Venus across the Sun's disk and the scale gives the Universal Time of Venus's position at any point during the transit. The celestial coordinates of the Sun and Venus are provided at greatest transit as well as the times of the major contacts. Note that these times are for an observer at Earth's center. The actual contact times for any given observer may differ by up to a±7 minutes. This is due to effects of parallax since Venus's 58 arc-second diameter disk may be shifted up to 30 arc-seconds from its geocentric coordinates depending on the observer's exact position on Earth. Table 2 and Table 3 list predicted contact times and corresponding altitudes of the Sun for locations throughout Canada and the United States, respectively. Table 4 provides similar predictions for a number of cities around the world. (Click on above figure for larger PDF file) Observing the Transit Since the apparent diameter of Venus is nearly 1 arc-minute, it is just possible to see without optical magnification (but using solar filter protection) as it crosses the Sun. Nevertheless, the planet appears to be only 1/32 of the Sun's apparent diameter so a pair of binoculars or a small telescope at modest power will offer a much more satisfying view. All binoculars and telescopes must be suitably equipped with adequate filtration to ensure safe solar viewing. The visual and photographic requirements for observing a transit are identical to those for solar viewing. Amateurs can make a scientific contribution by timing the four contacts at ingress and egress. Observing techniques and equipment are similar to those used for lunar occultations. Poor seeing often increases the uncertainty in contact timings, so an estimate of the possible error associated with each timing should be included. Transit timings and geographic coordinates of the observing site (measured with a topographic map or GPS receiver) should be sent to: ALPO Transit Section, c/o Dr. John E Westfall, P.O. Box 2447, Antioch, CA 94531-2447, USA. White light observations of contacts I and IV are not technically possible since Venus is only visible after contact I and before contact IV. However, if Hydrogen-alpha filtration is available, the planet will be visible against either prominences or the chromosphere before and after contacts I and IV, respectively. Observations of contacts II and III also require amplification. They are defined as the two instants when the planet appears internally tangent to the Sun. However, just before contact II, the so-called black drop effect is seen. At that time, the transiting planet seems to be attached to the Sun's limb by a thin column or thread. When the thread breaks and the planet is completely surrounded by sunlight, this marks the true instant of contact II. Contact III occurs in exactly the reverse order. Atmospheric seeing often makes it difficult to measure contact timings with a precision better than several seconds (see "black drop" effect below). Frequency of Transits The orbit of Venus is inclined 3.4° with respect to Earth's orbit. It intersects the ecliptic at two points or nodes that cross the Sun each year during early June and December. If Venus happens to pass through inferior conjunction at that time, a transit will occur. Although Venus's orbital period is only 224.7 days, its synodic period (conjunction to conjunction) is 583.9 days. Due to its inclination, most inferior conjunctions of Venus do not result in a transit because the planet passes too far above or below the ecliptic and does not cross the face of the Sun. Venus transits currently recur at intervals of 8, 105.5, 8 and 121.5 years. Since the invention of the telescope (1610), there have only been seven transits as listed in Table 5. Table 5 Transits of Venus: 1601-2200 Date Universal Separation Time 1631 Dec 07 05:19 939 " 1639 Dec 04 18:26 524 " 1761 Jun 06 05:19 570 " 1769 Jun 03 22:25 609 " 1874 Dec 09 04:07 830 " 1882 Dec 06 17:06 637 " 2004 Jun 08 08:20 627 " 2012 Jun 06 01:28 553 " 2117 Dec 11 02:48 724 " 2125 Dec 08 16:01 733 " The 2004 and 2012 transits form a contemporary pair separated by 8 years. More than a century will elapse before the next pair of transits in 2117 and 2125. All info from www.NASA.gov. This not my Info. Give all credit to NASA The transit of Venus is better than the transit of Uranus...(see what I did there?)
  20. I'm dedicated!

    1. Zaguroth


      I am too... just that I haven't made 500 posts :D

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