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Ardent Prayer

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Everything posted by Ardent Prayer

  1. Im going to another Airshow today! Yesterday, I got my hands on a 50. Cal MG and man were those F-16's LOUD.

  2. Im going to an Air Show in Moreno Valley today!!!1

  3. Im going to an Air Show in Moreno Valley today!!!1

  4. We'll miss having a truly great member on this site. Bot just a member, but a friend. You have always helped us keep the trolls away and made us smile everytime you came. You taught me lots of stuff on this site that I couldn't do right. You helped me turn wrong to right. Without you here, it's like a trail that has disappeared. I understand what you mean. Spend time with your family, make then smile, and tell them that I said Hi! . It was great to have you lead everyone to humor (espeacially when you kept changing our names LOL). This has been a truly great time we have spent with you and you have spent with us. I'm looking foward to playing Halo 4 with you! Otherwise, see you on the other side of the galaxy. -----DJ Pony/ xRaP1d ReApeRx/ Ardent Prayer (all me)
  5. Mirror's Edge is such a good game. Especially the music!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ardent Prayer
    3. CandiBunni


      Mhm. It's one of my favourite games this generation.

    4. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      I can agree with you.

  6. Why do I feel like i'm being watched?

    1. Azaxx


      Because ..i am watching you......

    2. DaveAtStateFarm


      Because Twam sees all...

      And so do I...



      wann pet my 3rd eye?

  7. Why do I feel like i'm being watched?

  8. That Warthog looks like a very big toy with a big Master Chief! I wonder what stunt it is and if it is in a combat scene.
  9. Though I do have doubts that It will be the SMG. It sounds like more of a rifle than a Sub Machine Gun. I don't know. We'll find out.
  10. I am taking my time on becoming a dedicated member. I don't wanna spam...I learned that the hard way..

  11. Anyone got a Steam? I'll add you.

  12. Anyone got a Steam? I'll add you.

  13. When I get my Xbox fixed then Ill check them out.
  14. He does deserve this. Ever since I met him back in August, he was a friendly, kind helping member who would treat everyone well. And now he is a mod. He deserves this for keeping everything from trouble and helping every member on this Forum. Thanks for your company Marcus!
  15. Soooooo....

    1. Fire


      I really like you name... /end sweetie belle

    2. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Thx. Ardent--->DJ Pony

    3. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Thx. Ardent--->DJ Pony

  16. That happened to me. It worked eventually. I don't know. Try to check if its local or System Link
  17. Well I read Halo Primordium and they mention War Shpynxes so I think that it will be possible that the War Sphynx will maken appearnce in Halo 4.
  18. "I wasn't just born yesterday! Nu-uh! My birthday isn't for another 75 days!"---Pinkie Pie

    1. Azaxx


      What about the after party for Gummy?

    2. Ardent Prayer

      Ardent Prayer

      Still on. Pinkie told me. Its tommorrow.

  19. "I wasn't just born yesterday! Nu-uh! My birthday isn't for another 75 days!"---Pinkie Pie

  20. Yes! I would like to see the RETURN OF THE SMG
  21. Anything that can destroy a tank in a few shots that's not a Rocket Launcher.
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