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Ardent Prayer

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Everything posted by Ardent Prayer

  1. I love Installation o4!! Well everyone has their opinions
  2. Good Job Notch!! Protecting Minecraft one step at a time!
  3. Happy Biirthday Choot 'em!!!! Sorry for the lateness

  4. Happy Biirthday Choot 'em!!!! Sorry for the lateness

  5. Happy Biirthday Choot 'em!!!! Sorry for the lateness

  6. I GOT BANNED FROM THE SHOUTBOX??!?!? Absolute.....youi dirty dirty man

  7. Yyyyyyeah....I would like to see it return.
  8. Did you guys ever notice that this tory started because of people saying "Teh Love"?
  9. That was hella fun. But if its the same story we did then people need to be qued. or if its different.....then idfk
  10. Gotta use our usernames and no interupting others
  11. obviously because the arrow on ur assault rifle points at the gas giant on installation 04 on halo ce
  12. fluttershy's collection of bunnies and
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