What do you do when you have the best fps of all time on xbl ?
Answer = leave it behind, then remove it ! Opinion
Are these people stupid or what ? Let's take Halo 2 to the 360 and call it Halo 3. Let's remove all of the features that made Halo 2 great i.e clans, superjumps, the maps and Team Snipers. That should really boost the Halo franchise lol
The graphics were better, and there were no blue screeners, wow ! but the heart was removed. CONGRATULATIONS FOR DESTROYING HALO Opinion, you just pulled this out of nowhere for no reason.
Why oh why oh why is the Reach Engine even worse than Halo 3 ? It has become a kids cartoon. The weapons are awfull aswell. Reach was the Halo 3 engine with better Textures. You saying the weapons are bad? All of them have different strength.
You need to speak up people, before Halo is gone forever, because THESE PEOPLE DO NOT REALISE THAT HALO 2 SHOULD HAVE BEEN KEPT ALIVE and given a new lease of life. Halo 2 was shut down because of the shut down of Xbox Live V1. We may get an anniversary edition.
Oh by the way, if you do ever decide to try and save Halo, DO NOT BRING BACK HALO 2 WITHOUT SNIPERS, CLANS, SUPERJUMPS AND THE SAME MAPS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If they are going to bring back Halo 2, they have to change things.
DO NOT USE THE REACH ENGINE, DO NOT CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE, WE'RE SICK OF IT, IT IS JUST GETTING WORSE AND WORSE AND WORSE. ALL WE ASK IS FOR HALO 2 WITH BETTER GRAPHICS AND NO BLUE-SCREENS. If it were to return it has to be at least Halo 4 graphics with the visual changing switch. Personally, blue-screen menus were a hit.
P.S I havn't finished yet :-) no silly jet-packs, rediculous noises, grenades that go way too far, stupidly fast moving characters with silly flames here there and everywhere ! Halo is not the X-Men ! Let's have some realism back please ! These were favors by fans that they asked for, and why ask for realism? ITS A SCI FI SHOOTER