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Ardent Prayer

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Everything posted by Ardent Prayer

  1. Jeez sorry Marcus... You live closest to me so I thought you would take it in a blink of an eye! And Twam... Gotta enjoy that Turkey right?

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      it's ok, if i ever take your things i'll tell you when i do lol


  2. If Marcus didn't eat my Fun Dip... then.... Headhunter did!!!!!!!

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      for shame headhunter eating ardent's fun dip and blaming me

    2. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      Headhunter would tell you to check Xbox.com.... just sayin.


  3. If Marcus didn't eat my Fun Dip... then.... Headhunter did!!!!!!!

  4. Marcus ate my Fun Dip! :(

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      not ahh i had to go to the dentist so i didnt eat any candy

  5. Marcus ate my Fun Dip! :(

  6. Marcus ate my Fun Dip! :(

  7. Marcus...... WHY DID YOU EAT MAH FUN DIP??!?!?!!?

  8. Marcus...... WHY DID YOU EAT MAH FUN DIP??!?!?!!?

  9. sorry fo the multi posts i dont know wat happened
  10. cortana, shes good but needs to change colors....one more.....
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